The Expansion That Killed World of Warcraft

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The Expansion That Killed World of Warcraft

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13 thoughts on “The Expansion That Killed World of Warcraft”

  1. Imo it wasn't an expansion, was the "features" they added, when they added Raid Finder in Cata for example, that killed raiding, dungeon finder made people lazy, and so on, TBC and WOTLK were good expansions imo.

  2. here is a definitive list of things that killed the game:
    que for battlegrounds from capital cities npcs added in patch 1.12
    random dungeon finder
    any system that automatically teleports you somewhere

  3. LMAO, u think flying kill the game? Nothing to do with the shit RNG for gear and farming Azerite powers to add to your gear. I know is your take but that's the dumbest take in what killed WoW. WoD was pretty bad, Legion gave it a lil hope then BfA came along and it was one of the worst. People were so hopeful for Shadowlands but with all the covenants and rep grind and the shit you had to do forcing people to grind the tower killed the game and you think "FLYING" killed the game? My man I don't know what were you doing in the last 2 expansion before Dragonflight but you are way off.

  4. Horrible takes. WoW isn't dead at all. Classic was a great game for its time and still is – but there are countless of things that retail does better and flying has improved the game. The combat is the best in the genre, end game is superior to classic, countless tmogs and mounts to collect. You are just stuck in the past and still stuck in vanilla wow, classic era or SoD exist so just play that and enjoy your none flight mounts.

  5. The biggest problem in my opinion is that Blizzard is such a large studio, and that makes it hard to change their direction (large changes) after receiving player feedback. Take Legion for example. People loved Legion so Blizzard made the next two expansions like Legion, however, it turns out after 6 years the Legion formula gets stale but we still get BFA and Shadowlands. Dragonflight was the first expansion that shifted away from the Legion formula, because they started designing it AFTER the shitstorm that was BFA, but they were too far into development of Shadowlands.

  6. For me beginning of downhill was wotlk which was also peak at the same time. Things like dungeon finder, heirlooms, faster levelling, less restrictions in order to unlock certain raids or instances(i guess those were attunements in tbc/classic), took away all the journey. Excuse my english. I like retail in terms of graphic, challenge in high end content. But at the same time i disslike homogenization of classes(everyone has everything). Back then every class had its own flavour and use. Shammy was known for big ass chain heals, pally was known for being able to heal 2 tanks at same time etc.. Also i like feeling of being complete sht on classic. Nowdays you lvl up to max in 2-3 days, buy some tokens, get some boosts and you defeated the game. I miss that feeling of 3 months of struggle and journey. Excuse my english lads.


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