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Accolonn discusses why World of Warcraft Shadowlands is failing.
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Wow 2 or burst.
Dude season of mastery is so much fun
Fresh classic is fun regardless of new shit
not just arrogance, also incompetence.
the thing about the audience is that they do know WHAT they want, they don't always know HOW to get it.
you should always listen to the community, you should probably not copy the fanmade patch notes.
I had various characters in vanilla cuz it took me a while to decide what I enjoyed playing most. Most of them were in the mid-20s when I decided to start anew. Some of them still are to this day lol though I think I removed majority of them a few years ago
I feel like Blizzard could do Ascension but they will steal it and tell the developers of Ascension to fuck off.
"You think you do…but you dont"
J Allen Brack and Blizz have been right about this the entire time tho.
I thought i wanted to play WoW, but turns out i really dont😂🤣😂🤣.
I disagree. Even with no changes and the extreme laziness of Blizzard, Season of Mastery is still a fun experience because Vanilla WoW is a fun experience. The only thing that holds it back is some people had enough with years of it the last time and that there are lots of Private Server people who only want the game if it has world buffs at the end to make the clears faster. Classic WoW is a cohesive world unlike any other expansion to the game apart from Mists of Pandaria and to a minor extent – Northrend. Additionally, new servers of WoW are always exciting because of meeting new people while levelling and gearing.
I didn't just step away from wow, I stepped away from the heavily theme park mmo's as a whole. Guild wars 2 has been a really refreshing experience after the annoyance that was wow.
They kinda have a right to be arrogant at this point. People still give them subs, free press, etc. Even when they hate the game. Yet keep playing due to sunken cost fallacy logic.
Players: "Can we have Classic?"
Blizzard: "We have Classic at home."
ehh fresh classic servers are a lot of fun. participating in mmo launches is one of the best experiences they offer. even if the game is the same, getting in on the ground floor of a not yet functioning economy and questing with a ton of new people is a really enjoyable experience.
0:13 plays video "Trainwreckstv that’s true – 10 hours version"
Honestly, I haven't been excited about anything from WoW since SL itself launched and that was a flash in the pan. FF XIV took the best of WoW and improved on it.
What caused this?
Middle Aged Men who can't keep their hands to themselves.
Its the same arrogance they showed at blizzcon.. abut the cell phones!
When I think of the Blizz devs I imagine that South park "smug" episode and all of them smelling their own farts and loving it
What happens right now is that players who were disappointed with the changes in design direction over the years but begrudgingly tolerated them for the sake of the game's other qualities such as art, sheer scale and social aspect, have finally found themselves falling from the treadmill. The Hazzikostas/Danuser/Brack crew thought the playerbase would forever keep bending and adjusting themselves to suit their vision of the game, but turns out everything has a breaking point. At some point the negatives outweigh the positives and it becomes obvious that they're only going to get worse.
The inane story, the fixation on instances to the exclusion of every other form of content, the punishing mechanics that mandate external addon usage and encourage group toxicity, the procrustean timegating on every kind of solo activity, the relentless FOMO and cash store shenanigans, the borrowed power and resulting deterioration of class design. None of this is considered a problem to be addressed, most of it is treated by the devs as an intrinsic part of WoW, and some of it is supposed to be outright features that help sell copies.
What they seem to forget about is that none of this is what we have imagined when signing up back in 2005-2008. The discrepancy between what most people ideally want to see in a MMORPG and Blizzard's seasonal lobby esports boostfest has become irreconcileable.
The payers
I had several alts in vanilla, some (3) even raiding regularly.
I mean everyone on the inside knew Blizzard would be fucced with the moment Activision got their hand on them.
Everyone KNEW what Kotick is. But this is the early games industry s9 everyone was as shitty as him(Gearbox CEO being a pedophile, but gets away with it, Bethesda being an embezzler, Sega being in the Yakuza) It's just. As long as you make games that sell, then no one cares. Because with the right PR team, they can shuffle people's attention from one shitty issue to another.
Hey remember Blitzchung? He's "dead" now but no one care because "Do you not have Phones?!" resonated more.
Now the problem with bilzzard, is that they aren't making good games. So there's nothing for the PR team to do the Carolina Shuffle with and they are hoping someone in there rubs enough brain cells together to make a miracle
Because a slow recovery is SLOW. They might go bankrupt before it get better.
Ion. Steve. Bobby. Prolly more, but basically the management and higher ups. They caused wows death. Wow killed itself. Mystery solved!
Every single video of this guy is crying. What a pity life
They STILL think they're right and the players are wrong, as the game sinks. And 9.2 is not an "improvement" in any way, it's the same old shit, wrapped around the same old bad Danuser story. They are going to do shocked pikachu face when the game goes under 200k subscribers, and they'll say "how can this be, the game is great!" And they had the arrogance to start the 9.2 PTR alongside Endwalker, because they seem to think it can even remotely compare. And noone gives a shit.
Since they announced Classic I was amped up and ready to go…even more so at the possibility that we'd eventually get Wrath Classic. Knowing what I know now, I almost don't want them to touch Wrath – I don't want them to ruin the memories I have of my favorite expansion. D:
Clearly wow is amazing , it’s the YouTubers … clearly , it’s not the quality of the product , it’s the YouTubers , gamers even after they play a game , and it’s good, YouTubers tell them it’s bad so they stop playing ….. yeah …. It’s the influencers
Classic is not some amazing game , but it’s far FAR FAAARRR better then the lawn trash they put out currently
"You had one spell for the majority of your leveling experience." I mean, I effectively had one spell for the majority of the raiding experience too. Frost mage represent. 😛
Insane people are incapable of logic.
Let's just be absolutely 100% clear on why this game has failed so hard lately in the last few expansions. Problem number one people are selling runs gear gold and anything else that they can make any money on it all and it's ruining the economy it's ruining the game play and it's ruining the atmosphere, 2 I don't have 812 hours A-day to sit in front of my computer and play a game but i still would like the opportunity to have some of the best gear in the game as of right now if you're not hardcore every single day playing your butt off mythic rating or mystic dungeoning that you're not getting enough and you don't have the best gear and you can't do well, That lends itself to people falling behind and feeling like they are failing nobody wants to play a game that they fail at. And how about solo Q not random raid when you get a downgraded piece of gear out of the raid a solo queue where you are eligible if you win to pick up the same level gear as other players who form a raid., Players are being punished in many ways here they're being punished for not buying into the system they're being punished for not sitting in front of their pc all day long. Not to mention when you really do try to find a mythic dungeon group or a mythic raid group or for that matter a regular raid group it's impossible for players to get in unless you've already done Or paid for a boost.
WoW should steal from ff14 and let you be every class on ONE character.
Hard disagree on classic leveling being boring. you actually have to use parts of your kit. as a shaman for example, its not uncommon to have to use stoneclaw. then use earthbind to kite and walk away and heal. maybe you specced into imp Gwolf for instant so you can get away quicker. What is doing more damage at this level, Flametongue or Rockbiter?
idk, boring to me is ok i can run through 10000 mobs and have no chance at dying because i can always use my class heal or stun etc. I always have a maxed war and sham on whatever classic server i play.
What's strange is this is what the saying the customer is always right is actually about.
The customer knows what they want, and is the one creating demand. A company's job is to produce the supply. You make the product the CUSTOMER wants in the most sensical fashion. You don't make a totally different product and then tell the customer this is what they actually wanted.
I dont think you played classic tbh. Most people did have 1-2 geared level 60 alts they were playing. However. If you were refering to original vanilla wow then you would be correct. Most people didnt have a geared 60 alt back then.
Project ascension is better
Its crazy how gloriously deluded Blizzard is right now as their company burns down around them and Final Fantasy 14 most likely now permanently replaces WOW as the dominant MMO.
Just an indie Company..
I don't get WoW players, why would you want to play an old version of the game? How do they normalise this in their brain? 🤔