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The Mythic Dungeon International Global Finals start March 8. Watch the top dungeoneers from Dragonflight Season 3 compete with $200,000 USD on the line.
Watch every Dungeon live March 8-10 starting at 10am PT / 7pm CET.
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► MDI 2024 Global Finals Bracket on Raider.IO:
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#MDI #WorldofWarcraft #Dragonflight
Lets go Echo
Too much effort that could have been used elsewhere
Really hyped to see what team will get windmill dunked in the finals against echo
When will you fix your broken game for Radeon owners that has been broken for 440+ days and compensate users rather then being empty husk of the greedy company you used to be and probably still are ?
Cannot wait for the finalss, its gonna be so amazing! Lets gooooo
Xtrawdktra orc
Oh my got no season 4 ańnoucment
What's the music name?
That dreadlord is Malganis?
Give us pvp balance patch 😭
Who cares
yawn. content drought. check warcraft logs, over 5x the population of players are logging on classic SoD instead of retail and thats not including the boomers who refuse to log their classic raids. game is in shambles, atleast the classic team is thriving and delivering real mmo content.
Blizzard entertainment developers, ion hazzastas and Bubbagnome-doomhammer are criminals with authentication mobile and lock, banned and Bubbagnome-doomhammer's bullying!
Bots in ZC
Fix Warriors in SoD
dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest dh warock mage priest
wow so interesting