The Forgotten Builds of World of Warcraft

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0:00 Intro
2:55 Warrior
6:15 Paladin
8:22 Death Knight
11:48 Shaman
14:21 Hunter
17:47 Rogue
20:31 Druid
25:31 Warlock
28:34 Priest
31:42 Mage


42 thoughts on “The Forgotten Builds of World of Warcraft”

  1. Seeing this video just made me realize how SICK of this meta culture I am. People aren't allowed to play the game how THEY want because a bunch of out of touch developers have taught these players for decades to play the game only 1 way. And if the players see you doing something that just slightly suboptimal, you're not allowed to play the game unless you do the same cookie cutter trash everyone else is doing.

    I know it's different if you're trying to do the hardest content on offer, but jeez, all you meta & parse chasers need to get over yourselves. It's a video game.

  2. frost tank
    i did it the entire wotlk back in the day, and did it for 90% of wotlk classic
    its just better then blood, more fun, better aoe threat, better cooldowns, better agro, lower cd on your dnd, less damage taken
    you didnt heal yourself anywhere near as much, and did a bit less single target damage, but everything else was better
    hell back in og wotlk not classic wotlk, i distinctly remember frost being THE tank spec, and blood was outright a dps spec
    no one tanked blood spec until icc, it being a "meme" or forgotten spec is outright wrong
    for the entire expansion frost was the tank, blood was a dps, it flipped with one of the later talent changes (either icc or ruby sanctum, think icc) but even then frost tank was still on par

    i miss frost tank
    imo dk is the biggest missmade class, frost should have been tank, blood dps, and unholy should have been what disc priest would later become, a healer that dealt damage to heal, would fit with WC3 dk a lot more as well, as dks in WC3 were support/healer heros

    also, PoM pyroblast i loved that spec
    a had a number of duels with my budies where i would just insta 1 shot them with a pyro crit
    it also wasnt actually worse then standard fire in raids, maybe lik 1-2% less damage, but i mathed it out HARD and found it really didnt drop far behind, and in really short fights it pulled ahead actually cos of the big spike from the 2 cds

  3. I remember in an early Patch of WotLK Prot Pala had a talent that gave Spellpower for Stamina (was later changed to Spellpower for Strength) on top of giving a 30 bonus to critical heals. And what kind of gear has lots of Stamina? Right! PvP Gear! PvP Holy Palas were going deep prot, picking up stuff like the avengers shield silence on the way, gemming full stamina and had like 30k hp and 3k spellpower while a regular holy pala had like 20k hp and 2k spellpower.

  4. During Vanilla I had a pretty obscure build where I was sort of a DPS/Healing Hybrid build with a Holy Paladin and a 2h mace and it worked really well. I used to kill entire groups of Horde players in AV, till they started fleeing on sight from me. Because of my 2h mace, I assume everyone thought i was Ret, but I still healed like a Holy Paladin and it would really throw off my enemies. Too bad i could no longer do that with burning crusade.

  5. My favorite weird thing I'm currently doing in WoW is a level 30 locked DH where I'm just stacking Mastery and using full shadowlands gems. I currently move at ~160% with no buffs. Almost as fast as using glide for movespeed.

  6. I still remember tanking Ulduar and ToGC with Blood and Frost DK hybrid, and also random fight with Paladin tank from opposite faction in Tanaris in this spec.. the 15min duel. That was fun 😀

  7. There was also the rogue combat hemo spec that pumped pretty hard and gave your raid/group a nice melee dps buff. It was a decently popular rogue spec during late p1/early p2 tbc.

  8. "Rogues can tank… if every person in the raid respects threat".
    Well no shit lol. ANY class can tank if everyone respects threat.

    Also farming Gnomer wasn't that bad as a Druid main, we didn't have to do other excessive stuff every other class needed to go through to get there bis. Not to mention the leveling is a breeze lol.

  9. i remember when for a very short time, they released the lvl 70 BC talents to vanilla wow before realizing BC, there was some crazy specs then. obviously because the talent trees weren't really intended for lvl 60

  10. Melee weaving as hunter in TBC is my all time favorite mmo class design, I played hunter in both original tbc and classic re-release and only gained appreciation for it. I've played every single class throughout the various versions of wow and never has anything come close to how fun tbc hunter melee weaving was. That mixed with the fact that hunter gear looked incredible in tbc it just felt like the ultimate wow experience to me.

  11. There was a point in TBC where rogues had a sub talent that gave a combo when ever someone else crit. Including 25man raid…. full combo bar immediately when used. Double the next highest DPS every raid. With loowwww gear… like kata gear toping bt raid.

  12. During MoP, smite priest was possible.

    A holy priest geared for haste and crit with as little spirit as possible, certain talents and glyphs and Chakra: Chastise. At certain gear levels it could actually out-DPS a shadow priest.

    The problem was that you could run low on mana pretty easily if you tried to weave in heals or the fight went on too long. Using shadow word: pain or mind sear too much would destroy your mana and you’d go OOM, but it worked really well, especially during SoO.

    I was a healing priest and farmed a set of gear specifically for this and used it in pugs for fun. Add in light well and divine hymn, it had some really good backup healing.

  13. The most fun ive ever had in wow – was when i was messing with my Pala Heal and came up with an Exoczism build.
    woth shit gear i never died and was able to burst people in no time.


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