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World of Warcraft was released in 2004, over 18 years ago at this point! And since then expansions have come and gone, with each person pondering on whether or not this one will be the last. To this day the speculation continues on when World of Warcraft will ultimately meet its end – fading away into the state of most MMOs today of being “dead” and inactive. We’ve seen so many MMORPGs come and go over the years, so the question remains: When will it be WoW’s turn and how many expansions does this game have left in it?
In this video, Nixxiom goes into this subject at length, talking about the growth of the game over the years, how things have been recently and possibly where the game is heading in the future. From the good, the bad and the potential possibilities for the future, this video covers everything from Classic WoW to Dragonflight and beyond!
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Make it good and then make it free.
Could use free to play, reboot or gamepass for pc/console.
Just downloaded the free up to level 20 for WoW and seeing how much it’s changed… I couldn’t get into it. I wanted to get a little bit of nostalgia but got a totally unexpected experience.
we want more original lores and characters
I have been playing since 2004 lol People have been saying its dead for so long. I was playing classic last night it was packed to the brim and i was not even on a hard core server. Haters will al was hate that's just the way it is. P.S i do prefer classic all day long 🙂
Things need to be done:
Improve graphic for oldest expansions
Add random events for leveling zones
New solo challenges, but for every expansión (but with difficult levels)
Chrono travel , but permanent. Not asking mythic plus to be for all wow dungeons (not all the time), but for all old legacy raids. That way new players can kill nzoth or Ursoc without the need to high level (players only kills for the mogs, so casuals can't see the storyline in chronological order)
I don't want to make any guesses how long WoW will last. Look at Everquest and Runescape – they are still going and have occasional surges in popularity. So long as the game is supported people will keep playing – even if its a Classic cycle or Era realms.
Classic Classic Vanilla WoW Mobile …or for XBox…or for both…
The spell is broken. The magic is gone.
the main reason is no one can stand playing a game that's running 20 year old graphics look at open world games now there immersive until they re invent the hole game its dead in the water they literately need new missions new everything not just giveing them a rework they need to phase out the old stormwind!!! and make a new stormwind!! that you could get lost inside with a huge platform to spread out in any direction thats the only way i think the game has a future all the i dont think its possible
TBH Blizz should just make an expansion that "ends the storyline," keep all the servers up for people that still want to play (classic included), and let it die out naturally. Then we can all move on to what we wanted all along… World of StarCraft!
calling dflight good is a little brave, i'm only hearing back things from my friends who stayed to play it.
I can name 20 of my friends and all but one have quit the game longer than 1year.
I think you're wrong. Your super wrong. Why would you appeal to new players? How? By dumbing the game down? Sacrifice more RPG (that is practically gone from this game) for the sake of gAmEpLaY, so that the short-attention span new gen can be entertained for 5 minutes? So what that DF is an ok xpac. World is empty cause eveyone sit around main city waiting for quees. The story and dialogs are written by a 5 year old. The dungeons are bland and forgetable so much they brought dungs form other x-pacs. Its a theme park arcade game without a soul. Min-maxers won, you can have the game. The rest – me included will just play Vanilla until we unsub for the last time.
this game is funking bad…
i cant even find a normal mythic dungeons… profession system is very bad,,, they keep with ready bad new systems to the game, pvp is horror demon lock have so many pets hunter many pets i can even target a player, monks 1 button kill bla bla the shit keep going ….
I was 11/12 years old when WoW came out and I played all the way up until the end of Cataclysm. When MOP was announced, I, like many other veteran players, felt it was a joke and that is when I took my first break. I returned for WOD and then started playing each xpac for a month or two then leaving. I did that up until Shadowlands when i never came back to Retail and haven't since. I wont play Shadowlands or Dragonflight and I stopped playing classic last year. I miss it sometimes but the new xpacs look awful and have gone in a direction i dont like.
toxic shite community gate keeping the content is probably the main cause of the decline.
2000 graphics im 2023 i cannot stand behind this milking … games should look like the cinematics from 2003 today
Wow is an alternate reality.
People need something else to quit wow.
And with a real world in the
Turmoil… Well it's a good hiding place.
If you want this game to suceed every furry liberal nutcass that works for blizzard needs to be fired
I'm permanently gone from WoW now, but nothing could tempt me back to the 7th level of Hells LESS than another Cataclysm style expansion. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Blizzard doesn’t care
i'm at a point where i expect wow retail to end really soon to force them to try new things man i mean everyone is playing classic. Retail is garbage since a lot of expansions and will never be what it was in the past.
They need to stop this expansion crap.. and make a new game.. New players dont want to jump on an expansion game. Who wants to watch a movie series, starting at number 10.
I only like vanilla burning crusade and wrath. Im hoping they do something new with the wow IP
I wish it was gone right now. 20 years of same same same. Just when you think there's something better it turns out to be sh.t. They only like dragon flight because the 2 xps before it were exceptionally bad. I prefered BFA to dragon flight, now that is sad.
If you started WoW today, it'd be one giant WTAF is this crap about.
The private server community seems to be the future of wow.. Where as years ago it was people who had very little idea of how to run a server, to actually qualifed devs making amazing custom content.
please god, the money these companies make and just sh*t all over us.
im so sick of playing the same game for ever 10-20 years. why cant they just create something modern like FF
"The LGBTQ propaganda platform known as Dragonflight is a solid expansion". Holy sh1t this guy is such a cuckold lol. Dropped.
The game feels like it's been on maintenance mode since late legion
They need a reset or make WoW 2, the game in the current state is way to overcomplicated and designed to cater to everyone. That why it has become a soulless shell of what i used to be. An MMO shouldn't get you to endgame when you are a casual player, the players who invest the most time should get the biggest reward. Just like in Classic only a modern version. Everyone seems to praise Dragonflight but IMO it is better then the last 2 expansion, but still bad. There is a reason they are not releasing the player numbers, if i would have a guess they are pretty low. 1-2 Mio. world wide maximum.The game is out for 7 months and you could get it in the summer sale for 10 bucks…… The gaming industry has changed a lot, so i think we won't see a WoW 2 because it is too much of a risk for a money hungry company like Blizzard/Activision. They are milking it until the end and will only increase the microtransactions etc.
If there is a future, it’s WoW 2.0, burn it all down and start from scratch
Speaking of improvements, what do you guys think the fix for open world content should be? Meaning, in classic it was cool because there were no spoilers and no flying so people had to bump into eachother, now however people just zoom from rare to rare so it's almost impossible to find people to chase, kill or just interact with.