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Few weeks into the expansion and we have been raiding and running tons of mythic plus. It’s becoming increasingly clear how rare loot is in Shadowlands with more mythic plus awarding 1 maybe 2 pieces of loot. Even in a raid setting with 20 people in raid you may get between 1-3 items and in a 15 man team you’ll usually get 0-2 pieces. This I would normally say is perfectly okay, however because of the trade system players are exploiting that to buy carries and funnel themselves gear. Where normally it would take you several weeks to get all the items you may want for heroic raids they are pretty much doing it in their first week. In previous expansions we had mythic plus to help us if we wanted to put the work in and gear that way but now in the shadowlands on top of the loot being scarce, you will not be able to get items anywhere near heroic/mythic raid items. That not only devalues Mythic plus but also overall hurts casual players. Eventually leading players to feel like they have been strongly left behind they are more likely to end up quitting. There is already a gearing problem because of loot scarcity and every week the LFG/LFR systems are gonna want players higher and higher ilvls. The Weekly Vault system is great but if you’re going to give us that many potential options you might as well let us pick what we want at some point, maybe when we unlock all 9.
30:27 Anyone want to do this with me😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
Arenas are looking real bad atm.
looks like shadowlands is slowly turning into Bfa…
30 min arenas is becoming a thing again. it's really sad to see.
Shit video.
Yep 8 bosses at normal CN and zero drop!
i think its fine, it keeps people coming back because vault should always have something for you
I don’t think it’s a problem at all on the contrary if you do every content available for you to do , you can gear your character. Yes, it could get frustrating but I don’t think it’s a big deal people shouldn’t get to max ilvl doing just 1 form of content in my opinion anyway.
You are talking about getting a couple items from M+ and Couple from raid. What… I literally have done 14 M+ dungeons with no useable gear. I got 2 pieces of gear, but for 2 things I already had better versions of. So no items there. Then I did some normal raid and got nothing. Then My vault had a trinket for me which was technically an upgrade but it was literally 1 item level higher.
So a couple of items is an extreme exaggeration. You are getting shit.
The rarest thing is you playing fury warrior lol
No, what's worse is having 2 or more pieces of gear that you've been hunting all week and having to pick one. The Vault is evil af.
The loot is shit. Seen one weapon token drop in total from the raid since its release and raiding on 2.5 chars (up to council heroic and 3 full clears normal). M+ the moment you start getting moderately geared the RNG of getting a useable piece starts getting ridiculous. Also, your point about casuals getting cut out of content is 100% correct. They could be great players but don’t have the time to stay ahead of the gear curve and will constantly keep getting cut it of content.