Yep, Tanks only think about their own lifepool and like to ignore that they are not the only ones taking damage and that the others need a healer with mana
I spent weeks leveling up a healer because i got tired of listening to the healer complain about healing. Then i realized i wasted my time because my friends tank is a blood death knight.
More like "We're dying because you've pulled half the trash between bosses and don't have aggro, and you're still on your way to pulling the rest of the trash"
"Oh, hey there healer, I didn't even notice you came along. Well, hurry on up, or don't. I'm pulling the other half of the dungeon now. See ya at the end"
I just switched to blood for tww. It's so much fun. I thought tanking was going to be an undertaking. But the hardest part is dealing with dumb as shit dps (I am one of them when I dps)
I wanna say a year ago I was soloing everything up to like 20 or 30 levels lower than my DK 😅 sucks it changed again and I lost 2 AoEs that really made it easy to keep agro on a group. Time to relearn 😢😅😂
DH tanks, you'll never keep up, drinking or no.
This is my healer when I link a route with 3 gatekeepers in necrotic wake before nerfs as bdk
Yep, Tanks only think about their own lifepool and like to ignore that they are not the only ones taking damage and that the others need a healer with mana
imagine needing a healer rofl
Playing Lightsmith Avenging Crusader I sometimes forget I even have a mana bar
they should have kept frost the tanking speck
as a blood dk i feel like the healers just there for decoration
blood dk's one of the worst tanks around. 7/10 gets one shot.
BDK be like: Your not here to heal me, your here to see how their screams heal me.
BLOOD DK is like ur here to heal the party not me.
I am not healing you, you goober tank. I need mana to heal the other three goober trying to keep up with you while everyone stands in garbage
One button tank.
Man..i miss wow like an ex addict.
You heal is drinking dk pulls bc he is a god and cant die but the 3dps still die bc they don't interrupt etc…. Classic 😂
Me as DPS: Tank please stop, TANK…I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!
Dk:" Look at me I'm the healer now"
I spent weeks leveling up a healer because i got tired of listening to the healer complain about healing. Then i realized i wasted my time because my friends tank is a blood death knight.
Blood dk just dominates 😂😂 "whats a healer?" Ahh vibes
and still dies
Healers aren’t there to heal me, theyre there to heal the tagalongs that keep standing in fire
Man vengeance DH never gets love
insert walt white meme: god dam right
Does the Blood DK have runic power?
Yes: no healer needed, ever
No: all the healers in the world aren’t enough
More like "We're dying because you've pulled half the trash between bosses and don't have aggro, and you're still on your way to pulling the rest of the trash"
It’s wild to see how quick a shammy does deplete mana
Ahh so Blood DK is like FF14 warrior?
"Look at me. I'm the healer now."
Prot tanks: still same reaction
Until they somehow run out of runic power and drop dead instantly
Me on BM Monk healing 750k HPS with only Vivify procs and life orbs
Im pally healer and warrior tank i can relate on the second…cause things
"Oh, hey there healer, I didn't even notice you came along. Well, hurry on up, or don't. I'm pulling the other half of the dungeon now. See ya at the end"
Totally relatable
ever see a brewmaster? those things dont ever need to be healed either.
I just switched to blood for tww. It's so much fun. I thought tanking was going to be an undertaking. But the hardest part is dealing with dumb as shit dps (I am one of them when I dps)
I wanna say a year ago I was soloing everything up to like 20 or 30 levels lower than my DK 😅 sucks it changed again and I lost 2 AoEs that really made it easy to keep agro on a group. Time to relearn 😢😅😂