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Fishing has been around since WoWs initial release back in 2004, and through the years, while the minigame itself hasn’t changed much the things you can do with fishing has ranged widely.
Videos used in video:
-How to Win the Stranglethorn Fishing Tournament | World of Warcraft
-Kalu’ak Fishing Derby
Video Script by Selty
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I noticed from playing classic that a lot of people didnt know that fishing was hands down the best proff in the game for farming. During Vanilla it was possible to fish for leather working, alchemy, tailoring AND enchanting mats very efficiently from floating debris pools.
Literally no one understood how I was level 35 with max enchanting and tailoring on my first character.
I actually remembered the fish icon.
I'm so sad I skipped Legion <:c
All those magic spells and he’s just fishin
I just finished the entire fishing achievement tab this weekend
15:31 bro that´s literally All Blue, it really does exist
Wait Nat Pagles a real world reference?
Fuck…… Bye Nat :'(
Man i alwaysed really liked fishing in wow. Almost completed the achivment for the Salty titel to getting the artifact rod in legion and leveling that it was just amazing. Really hope they will bring great meaning to the professions again in a new expansion.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them*
Don't worry the next fishing thing to do will be to level it all back up after they reset fishing back to zero and you lose 200 skill points
and must level them back up to get what you used to be able to do.
i remember getting my water strider from the anglers about a month before they added mount gear
Hey Horus at 13:53 what is that green tendril on your back?
I have pretty much zero context for anything you're saying cuz I've never played WoW but I still watch all your videos. Cheers
Bind cast to a mouse button, turn down all wow volume but ambient?, kick up your feet, turn on netflix, make money. Once you get your system going you only have to look at your screen to readjust your curser to the new bobber location. I've made quite a bit of gold at the start of BfA and Shadowlands till fish prices eventually tank.
Fishing is still even today my favorite profession.
I think a few of the fish even had a higher chance to catch one or the other depending on if it was night or day… and then if it was the summer half of the year or the winter half.
If someone were to make a pure fishing alt for Wrath, to mostly just play late at night when you're too tired or drunk to raid what race/class/spec would you go? =D
Why do you keep calling Arcanite fishing pole as the best? In WotLK there was an epic Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, that gave the same +30 fishing skill AND infinite underwater breathing.
I'm surprised he forgot the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole-kaluak-fishing-pole from the Kalu'ak in dragonblight when exalted
I am surprised you did not say anything about the +10 hord only fishing pole
I played back in the MoP days and a bit before that and LOVED fishing. it made sense to level cooking at the same time. The Artisan fishing quest from Nat Pagle was so much fun and it was a real sense of accomplishment completing it. Seeing this vid sure brought back memories.
Favorite profession and it was never revamped? Its a joke compared to new world fishing which is the lvl it should atleast have.
I got old crafty just by doing the fishing daily in org for the crocodile and some how got it, went to wow head and saw that it had a super low drop rate. lol
can I play wow now as a newbie as in a I never plaed wow before, and maximize the fishing profession? (without serious leveling like maxing)
It's crazy to think how much time I spent fishing in WoW.
Why do people fish? Is it the achievements?
How do you do cinematic movement of camera like the first shot ?
That wowhead guide in turn hooked me on fishing, and now that's what I do. Forget raids and mythic dungeons and pvp, gimme dat rare stupid thing to fish for and I'm happy.
I wonder when well get an MMO that can rival wow. 😢😢😢
The history of most elements of WoW is one of simplification and removal.
"Worm Supreme" definitely has to be a reference to Vermin Supreme, right?
Randomly – I just got the "Salty" title last night….. returning to WoW since Legion!
Proud to be Salty