The Horde Really Live Here? #thewarwithin #warcraft #wordofwarcraft

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32 thoughts on “The Horde Really Live Here? #thewarwithin #warcraft #wordofwarcraft”

  1. Atoning in the barrens is just the dumbest fucking idea ever.

    Because Azshara was right there, the only disadvantage would be to the trolls, but they could easily move and have Tauren made an embassy right on the cusp of Ashenvale forest.

    It was definitely one of the most disappointing hallmarks in Thrall’s Warchief reign.

  2. Thrall did chose Durotar for atonement but the Orcs already atoned for help defeating the Burning Legion during the 3rd war, so bad idea there. Though to be fair Durotar wasn't a wasteland until Daelin Proudmore deforested the land and restarted the cycle of hatred between the factions. To which Thrall wasn't aggresive enough, Thrall was filled too much with Orc guilt that he was too passive and his people paid the price for it.

  3. Garrosh became a tyrant because Thrall had good intentions.
    Unfortunately Thrall failed to warn him of repeating history.
    Garrosh repeated history, twice.
    He went on this conquering crusade, like those who went to Azeroth initially, then went back in time and did the real thing, only to change his fathers fate and the Draenor in another timeline.

  4. Remember garrosh, if not because of the night elf, human, orcs, dwarves, gnomes, high elf, tauren, and trolls works together. There won't be a place called azeroth and so that's why we don't stay in ashenvale.

  5. Crazy enough, the one thing both Garrosh and Jaina have in common, is the fact they are both war criminals of the worst kind.

    Jaina committed the even worse war crimes 😂. While Garrosh got his comeuppance, Jaina almost did, but she still gets trodded around like she is some grand hero.

  6. I used this as a reply down in the other comments but gonna oaste it here too

    There's a lack of understanding here so let's pick things up:
    1) u can't have the orcs settle in Mulgore. It's fertile but not that great. It is still not that great. It's a grassland. Remember the tauren practice both druidism and shamanism a combo that means they learn to make due with the exact bare minimum r even less so they can live in harmony with the earth mother. Canonically the horde numbers are very large compared to just the Tauren of Mulgore nevermind at the point it only included the Bloodhoof tribe.
    2) In warcraft 3 there's a now likely non cannon line where thrall let's out that the Barrens remind him of where the orcs originally came from. Though thrall never saw Draenor he had heard tales of it. And all parts of Draneor had some adversity r other.
    3) the other options were not at all suitable the nearby theramore isles were too small to hold the horde. Ashenvale was contested. And also protected by a demigod in Cenarius. The only guy who killed him ever in Grommash was dead and mannoroth was too. So there was never any holding of Ashenvale to gain and use resources as long as that was the case. For reference with his "great plan" Garrosh couldn't hold out at Ashenvale. He struggled to etch out territory from the night elves and was beaten back after a very small alliance reinforcement including Varian dropped by in the wolf heart book. If anyone wants to summarize the wolf heart book it's Varian and Genn become bros and thrash Garrosh mercilessly.
    4) Thrall saw the potential of the barrens as a shaman. The land didn't have everything but they had enough. More than enough the elements provided the horde with all they would need. There was abundunt wild life to hunt. There was actual vegetation here m (refer thunder ridge which was so good that the kul tiras set up a lumber camp there). Most importantly there was water (There is a river in dutator. Garrosh gives adjacent land to his goblins who then pollute the water making it un-drinkable. But that hasn't happened yet. Also Gazzlowe has found water underground already innthe rexxar campaign). Why is this important?? The entire point of orcish heritage as shaman is to live in peace with land and the elements. Even the more savage clans knew better than to question a shaman after all they were the first to rally the horde. And thrall is the greatest shaman that ever lived. And before u say this doesn't matter this was the only reason Garrosh was selected as an advisor in the first place r his selection as warchief later, that he was an corrputed orc who knew abt their shamistic past
    5) somehow blizzard forgot they wrote all this sensible stuff and changed the entire thing to be cause apparentally thrall felt sorry for something?? I really don't know wth they were thinking as thrall clearly tells Admiral Proudmore they had already paid with their blood at Hyjal. There was nothing left to be sorry abt.
    6) These arguments only changed in the cataclysm and remember the entire world was shattered. There were no resources to give and even trade became difficult due to bad publicity and also the fact that garrosh was attacking Ashenvale and loosing miserably.

  7. Actually this is explained in wc3 frozen Thron. Thrall specifically choose this patch of land as a punishment for the acts of the former horde. Definitely questionable but I can see where he's coming from

  8. Thrall value peace my s.
    He's a hypocrite. On 1 hand he be like my people are tough and barren wasteland suits them.
    On the other hand, he be like let me close my eyes and pretend i didnt know my guys are stealing wood and killing night elves in ashenvale.

  9. Thrall chose that land as a punishment and atonement for what the Horde had done. And considering all the horrible shit they'd done even up to this point, it wasn't much of an atonement.


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