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Hello Community!! Welcome to DibuckTV Channel. You are currently watching The Jailers Fall – Shadowlands Eternitys End Final Cinematic
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Jailer’s Fall. Zooval’s Fall. You can find this cinematic in the WoW Shadowlands Sepulcher of the First Ones raid. After you defeat the Jailer you can watch this final cinematic.
As his campaign to dominate all reality falters, the memory of Zovaal’s banishment echoes through his mind.
This video shows World of Warcraft Shadowlands The Jailers Fall. Jailer is the last boss in Shadowlands expansion and final boss of Eternity’s End content.
You can find here Jailer’s death in this video.
Enjoy this Jailer’s Fall – Shadowlands Eternity’s End Final Cinematic!
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A lame ending cinematic to cap off a lame expansion.
Worst part is with that "what is to come" implies more cosmic level bullshit where we have to fight the first ones or travel to the life lands or deal with whatever the seventh cosmic power is or some crap like that. Never thought I'd see the day that we dealt with cosmic forces that made the Titans and the Burning Legion look like small fry in comparison.
It could have been a better ending… but not the worst in WoW history…
Eh …that was all?
Just like "AlfredCanCook" says: hmmm BULLSHIT!
That was soooooo stupid. Yep Blizzard totally lost it.
I think that the shadowlands had some good things to offer gamers, lets not dismiss it only because of the plot line depended too much on Sylvanas. It's not easy to create a story that will sequel massive successes like WOTLK; if the story is too similar they copied, if too distant they didn't respect the original. Lets at least admit its not that easy, and they made an attempt at it.
As for the cinematic, Zorvaal clearly looks like we players are going to free him in the future. Otherwise they would just kill him, not bind.
Also consider that the arbiter's heart in his chest disintegrates, it doesn't pop out for reuse. So, will our new arbiter still have the power to divert souls? How would that change things?
For the artwork: His armor looked amazing, even as it was disintegrating. Seeing him bathe in Azeroth's blue yellow dust was an interesting throwback to BFA.
His immense frame looks kinda good with the arms extended sideways. Maybe, I'd like to see Zorvaal the character again as just an entity without any title. We work with him to combat the void lords. Maybe we were a pawn to the void gods who were disguised as the archon and winter queen.
I get that many people are disappointed about how unsatisfactory the references were to WOTLK. Lets maybe judge this story on its own merit. We have literally bested the games' equivalent of St Paul who went rogue. We got to see the afterlife and fight a war there.
Lol wut
This is awful. I'm fuming at how fucking bad the story is, Blizz or rather Steve Danuser have no idea how to write a cohesive & interesting story.
What happened to WoW? this was straight trash of an ending, I have played wow since beta and this was such a turn off. I am done with this game.
"that was lame" such words can express what I'm feeling right now
For the love of the Universe, could someone, please, put Magni in the Jailer fight cinematics crying about the blood of Azeroth?
20 years building to this moment, and you blew it just to tell us the next expansion is the void lords and light will battle it out.
Fingers crossed blizz erase the entire shadowlands from the game too. That was a shit ending to a shit expansion
I still don’t understand anything.
I can't wait for Jailer rule 34 where a futa just goes to town on the hole in his chest.
Wait…. that's IT?! I try to defend modern wow but BRO HOW CAN I DEFEND ARTHAS' FATE AND THIS GARBAGE?!
The jailer looks so…hollow.
This is the same thing that happened with Sargeras, he was afraid of "what is to come" and sought to conquer everything before whatever we are facing next would. It seems every villain's approach is to attack us before the (void?) i'm assuming, does.
That's it?