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kind of a bummer this class never took off🐉
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00:00 The Evoker Didn’t Stick with Gamers
02:28 Why Classes Don’t Get Added Often
04:07 What Makes Players Not Play This Class
08:14 The Solution
09:12 Toying Around to Fix this Class
12:14 Final Thoughts
#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #MMORPG
I believe you're getting the evoker confused with the death knight or the Monk
As a day one Evoker I have to disagree with you, I think the main reason people are not playing is because it's new and it's not an "easy" class. Also your idea for Perma Visage form is absolutely silly, if you are a Dragonkin why would you not ever want to be seen as that? This suggestion I ask if that we get more color options for the armor in Scaleform so that we can match it with the gear we can mog. If you want to not relate to a dragon be not a dragon lol
I 100% agree with you, they could add some sort of Glyph like there is for the Priests and Druids, I have hope that they are planning something like that, since Evokers have no glyphs yet.
Thank you so much for your video, It was awesome. <3
People don't play it because it doesn't suit the mmo arpg fantasy they are looking for and the model is not what a lot of people wanted when they think dragon. People would be more incline to play if the dragon was more appealing visually like the guards in the main town and could be more then just an invoker like warrior, mage, hunter and so on.
At least this is why I don't play the class/race it's boring and I don't want to play as essentially a dragon wizard if that what I wanted to do I would just play a mage or shaman.
blizzard loves furries the people dont numbers dont lie
It wouldn't be hard at all, the skeleton of a Dracthyr is just a female Worgen.
I main Evoker in DF. It's a fun class.
I like the evoker as is, stop changing my class
i just want to see my armor on my dragon form
Well, Dragonflight has only been out for a year right now, so give it some time and the evoker class might pick up some steam. Also, you should probably cut your hair.
Now that I've got being a smartass out of the way, some thoughts on the matter:
-After 19+ years, I do feel like with some folks that could have potentially been playing their character since November 2004, the decision to suddenly start on a totally brand new class as a main is more than a little daunting.
-I myself played as a warrior from early 2005, then became a DK main in 2009. For me however, the choice wasn't nearly as hard as I had a bad split in 2009 and had to start fresh again with a new account (original WoW account was shared and in her name), but I'd have likely done it anyway as I enjoyed the concept/lore of DKs.
-The two hero classes and monks all have iconic lore characters that are extremely popular in the fanbase (Arthas, Illidan, Chen), so this gave folks a chance to actually be like their favorite characters. Evokers are entirely brand new lore, ergo there is no pre-existing connection that would encourage some to try the class.
-Lack of transmog for the dracthyr's dragon form has been a major turn off for many since the DF beta, and as the race/class are linked together, that's likely had an adverse effect.
-Two words: furry fandom. There was plenty of complaining in early 2022 when the race/class were announced as the WoW fanbase didn't want another "furry" race. Some of the most cringe people within the WoW playerbase gravitate towards these races for obvious reasons, and a bunch of trolls looking to be annoying on RP servers will pick them as well and play up all the stereotypes. All of the beast races get it to various degrees (worgen, tauren, pandaren, vulpera, dracthyr), and as this falls back to the evoker class being linked with a single race, that'll have an effect as people annoyed by those folks do not wish to be associated in any capacity.
One criticism at 8:35: Pandaren have been in Warcraft since WC3 as Chen Stormstout was introduced in the Horde epilogue "The Founding of Durotar."
The big joke always tossed around was "LOL! Blizzard copied Kung Fu Panda!" when the reality is that Chen and the introduction of the race to Warcraft lore actually PREDATES that film. Behind the scene info on the making of MoP (as well as info from Blizzcon when it was announced) has shown that they wanted to get the race into WoW for several years before MoP, but from a narrative standpoint it didn't make sense until they decided to have an entire expansion themed around Pandaria and fleshing out the lore of a place that had only been mentioned up until that point.-After 19+ years, I do feel like with some folks that could have potentially been playing their character since November 2004, the decision to suddenly start on a totally brand new class as a main is more than a little daunting.
They did it for boomkin with a glyph they should definitely do it 4 evokr
I like the class itself, it's a welcome change to WoW's normality. However, the only thing I want is for the visage form to be able to be picked between all of the races (based on if you're horde or alliance) on character creation, and from then on, you're locked to the barber options of that race/drac'thyr. I see no reason to lock the player into this elf/human hybrid thing. JUST LET ME BE A GNOME DRAGON
I did try an Evoker, classwise it was okay, but the Dracthyr design just wasn't working for me, same with Pandaren and I have zero interest in Vulpera.
I just find the Dracthyr form stupid looking. That's no dragon, that's a bloody lizard. Just too lanky/scrawny for my taste.
Panadrens were a secret joke on warcraft III rexxar campaing. Not a hidden civilization that was not affected by many years of war and disorder in azeroth. MOP lore is stupid.
It is the style of Dracthyr themselves, not so much the class I feel, as the class is locked to Dracthyr. They really REALLY need to overhaul the Dracthyr visually.
Out of all classes added trough the years, evokers are the most disappointing. Even monks werent so hated in MoP…
They just rushed and ruined it.
I think that you are totally wrong. Visage form is the last reason people don't play Evoker.
In my Evoker I have it permanently deactivated, it looks bad and makes no sense.
As expected, there is not one reason but many like only one per server, need to have the expansion and I am not sure if you can have your 1st char to be one.
Evoker is ok but the actual dragon humanoid design is no not that exciting. It looks like a malnutritioned dragon designed by a woke lesbian.
It does not have that bad a$$ feeling. Personally, I think that the dragonkin guardians in Valdrakken look much better, even without wings.
Would 100% play this class if Blizz adds a Glyph to be in Human form 24/7
they look dumb. Like a child's cartoon.
the thing is the dracthyr are ugly af they are smaller than baby dragons like who wants to play a pussy baby dragon ..
I don’t play them cause I don’t like the look. Can’t get past it.
A lot of hot takes here. . Gotta play the game some more, I think you are still very new!
it's not pandarien, it's not panda. it's a pandarEn.
Been maining Evoker since it came out, because I like the abilities and how they interact. I do wish we could see more than our belts, shoulders, tabards, and weapons in dragon form, but its not a deal breaker for me. Plus, we do have the skill that sets Visage form as the default outside of combat, so thats good enough for me.
Nope. They're dragons not Elf/Human. This is no different than Worgen and it needs to remain as it is. Blizz will probably add new armor for them in the future but no they should not stay in visage form to fight anymore than the Worgen should.
Just a guy flying around sounds lame. No one wants that. We want dragon folk that can MOG their armor. That what we want. Not flying people
The pandaren are written well into the lore with the first one being included in Warcraft 3 so I don't think it's fare to say lore went out the window with pandas. But I don't see any issue at all with spells transforming you into a dragon for the duration of the spell and transforming back to the visage form. Would definitely make them more appealing.
Weakest link in Dracthyr Evoker is Dracthyr it self, no matter what you do you still looks like pitiful dragon wanna be at worst and happy skinny Spyro the Dragon at best. Better would be if blizz would add instead of them just Dragonkin that stand guard at many places in DF as playble race
Dracthyr warrior or paladin would be cool