The Lost Vault of Kalimdor (Deep Dive & Lore Theory) | World of Warcraft

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Happy Friday, everyone! Welcome back to another deep dive/lore theory combo, this time centered around Desolace and the hidden caverns of Maraudon! Is this just a big centaur temple, or is there more than first meets the eye?

0:00 – Intro
0:49 – Part I: History
3:40 – Part II: Containment
4:50 – Part III: Thesis
9:38 – Part IV: Culmination

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Some images retrieved from Google Images and WoWpedia

Background Music:
– “Barrens” and “Burning Steppes” from the WoW OST
– “Caverns of Time” from the WoW TBC OST
– “The Tears of Elune (Unofficial WoW Music)” by Rene Pedersen

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #seasonofdiscovery

Jediwarlock 2024


26 thoughts on “The Lost Vault of Kalimdor (Deep Dive & Lore Theory) | World of Warcraft”

  1. Amazing video! Love watching your vids and learning about WoW. You do such a professional job keeping it intelligent and interesting. Great quality thanks for sharing all the fascinating facts, keep up your great work!💫

  2. Just wanted to say, love your vids man! You never see people talk about the smaller details in the game, and it really brings light to how great the world of the game is.

  3. I knew something was off about the entrance to Maraudon! The entrance leading up to Maraudon was one of my favourite memories from vanilla WoW. It just looked so cool and ancient the closer you got to the dungeon, I wanted to know more about those ruins. When I came back many years later I wondered why it was so empty and if what I remembered was just my imagination but now I know why.

  4. This was a great deep dive. I think it's fair to allow the devs to recon things from very early Classic lore, but I always prefer it when they find a way to explain some of the janky old lore. So many good YouTube lore speculation videos end up being moot because for the devs/writers, it's easier to just scrub it.

  5. Hi. First of all, thank you for keeping up with lore theory. This kind of content is common on Zelda, Elden Ring, Star Wars or The Witcher, is rare for WoW. Moreover, a lot of WoW-lore content creators just repeat themselves (sometimes it is a litteral translation for laguage A to B lol), sometimes wish to make false hype (so I automatically despice them). Moreover, the amount of retcon in WoW is unbearable and some tries to give a sense to that. I remember well about the morally-fushia Sylvanas comment storm in all social media.

    It is too rare to see a content creator of WoW that make its own theories and I wish to bring credit and appreciation for that, especially because you verify your own sources. I really enjoy your content.

    About retcons : my thought is that they are too convenient. It is not a simple correction on two NCP relationship or on a NPC name, retcons are impactful and the writers should explain them. As for me, I accept no retcon on WoW lore so in my view Maraudon should have stayed connected to Elven ruins or to the Titans.

    Thank you for your video !

  6. I love your deep dives into the lore of the world, they're always so interesting.
    This kind of mystery is so interesting because we're most likely never gonna get an answer to our questions.
    Thank you for the great work Jedi!

  7. This is awesome. I recently started casually leveling and exploring in Classic Vanilla because of these videos, and a renewed appreciation and nostalgia for when I first played the game back in 05. I had not noticed these changes. Thanks, and keep 'em coming!

  8. Ive always hated questing in Kalimdor. Ive been an EK guy through and through. Needing to go to Kalimdor was always an annoyance to me. I especially hated the barrens, Tanaris, Thousand Needles, and Desolace.

    But a while back on a private server, i made a troll hunter. Id played EK to death and knew too mamy quests by heart. I knew i needed a change, a new experience to keep me engaged.
    When i got to desolace, i was just there for a new scorpion. But i stuck around to skin the packs of hyenas. Eventually i made my way to the kodo graveyard, and found i could skin the kodos there.

    I stayed in Desolace from the entry level for the zone, until almost everything there was gray to me.

    Collecting leather from the kodos, kodo meat, and a rare feather drop from thr vultures. Leather for my craft, and the kodo meat and feathers for the AH.
    I made literally hundreds of gold there. My more autistic guildmate who farmed spots for gold asked me about it one day as i was going off in the guild chat. Desolace became his golden goose. Bro farmed kodo meat. Bro farmed those feathers, bro farmed the lobster traps and sold the rare fishing rods. Bro froze his exp to farm gold and by the time he was ready to start leveling again, he was the richest among us.
    … Rokkaido man, you were a real one.

    Desolace went from a zone i absolutely hated, to a zone i couldnt stop going to lol

  9. If I remember well, the removal of these structures was linked to them not being mapped for flying (i.e. you could fly through and fall off the world). given these structures don't show up a lot, I suppose they couldn't be bothered, which kind of shows given how little attention the south west of Kalimdor got during Cataclysm.


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