The Mage Tower RETURNS in Patch 9.1.5 – Everything You Need to Know | Shadowlands

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44 thoughts on “The Mage Tower RETURNS in Patch 9.1.5 – Everything You Need to Know | Shadowlands”

  1. I do feel like everyone should get a recoloured artifact model, like guardian druids. Just because it will give us more to do. Just one reward per class instead of one per spec means only a third as much stuff to earn. And means you can just ignore 2 of the challenges per class.

  2. I’m a little excited but then again it’s old content. People have been asking for a new version since legion and all we got was a no . So I guess more “new” old content that is considered giving players things I’ll take for now I guess.

  3. Smh, they didn't care about diminishing my pathfinder accomplishments. Just gave flying to everyone for free. Just gave my 100 reputations mount as a drop in SL. Nonsense. We should get recolors of the artifacts

  4. I loved the mage tower sooooooooo much!!!! I did almost every single one of them but one i didnt managed to get was the tank challenge for my Druid. Im so so so excited to get it this time and complete my Druid mage tower collection!<3 But I wish i could share my joy with all the people who didnt made the mage tower back in legion for the weapons.

  5. I'm one of the mentally-warped folks who did every challenge for every spec of every class. It was brutal but fun.
    I'm glad they're bringing this all back, it was too cool to cut.
    That said, if they added a way to earn all the old appearances again, it would just make me happy, not feel jilted.

  6. I would have liked to see recolours for all artefacts, so am really disappointed with the rewards, I started playing wow at the end of legion so I missed the opportunity to get mage tower rewards, looking back on what I missed out on, has left me feeling gutted.

  7. is it locked behind the xpac? thats all i care about im not into SL i didnt even get geared past heroic for the first raid it felt like shit and 9.1.5 wont change enough for me personally so id like to attempt it in the next xpac

  8. bringing the bear back but not recolor of the weapons lmao just bring them all back fuck it dude fuck the braggers you did it 2 xpacs ago it doesnt dwindle your achievement because you could careless for it right now

  9. Like many have said, I’d like the appearances to make a return as well. I didn’t get a chance to complete all of them as I was raiding in the expansion. I hope Blizz reconsiders the appearances to come back. I won’t be salty about it.

  10. Yeah I was hoping for the skins of the weapons to come back. So don't really care for it. Reason being is I finished it on my proto pally and reset happen right as I finished it and I didn't get the skin…so I'm a bit salty because that.

  11. I was so hyped to learn about the Mage Tower datamining, but seeing it isn't the artifact appearances we are getting, my excitement went from a 10 down to a 1. 😅 Oh well… Better to have the dream crushed completely, than to continue to hope we get another opportunity.

  12. i dont understand why they are putting so much effort in something that will be available every 6 months or so… like why isnt this timewalking (M+, mage tower etc) available 2 weeks per month atleast?

  13. I'm glad they didn't return the old appearances, even though I don't have all the ones I want. I do however wish that they'd gone in the direction of creating new artifact appearances for this, usually when games have higly exclusive timed content the way they band-aid that for newer players is to keep doing events with new rewards, something they've completely failed to do. Seems like missed opportunity.

  14. How disappointing, at least from my point of view! I really like those Artifact Weapons appearances from the Mage Tower, especially the Druid Bear and Cat forms! Unless Blizzard brings them back, the Mage Tower is useless!

    Edit: And that Fel Werebear form is hideous compared to those previous bear forms!

  15. I could never get the artifact appearances I wanted because my server was dead except for groups ran by inclusive dickheads and never finding any gear upgrades from raids. So I could never get what I wanted. Was bullshit, honestly.

  16. "Alot of people worked very hard for those appearnces"
    Then why are old mythic raid sets still available to farm for transmog?

    Why does one accomplishment matter more than the other when mythic raiding is way harder?

  17. I'm literally getting a highmountain druid to 60 and all that just to get that bear form, since i started in bfa with my friend just so he can play as a fat guy.
    I heard you needed to complete your class campaign back in the day to access the mage tower, is that still a thing i gotta do? (If it was an actual requirement)

  18. "A lot of people worked very hard for those appearances"
    So? A lot of people worked very hard for nearly everything in World of Warcraft's history.
    A lot of people worked really hard for the Paladin set in Black Wing Lair, but I farmed that out in BFA because I thought it looked cool and I wanted to wear in. It was easy to do.
    Now we have the Mage Tower being tune very specifically to be a challenge, but we're being denied its original rewards because Blizzard arbitrarily locked it away 4 years ago.

  19. Honestly one of my biggest regrets is not working toward getting the feral glow-cat :'C I'm very sad to find out it is still out of reach for me </3
    I literally don't even play feral druid but I'd pick it up if it meant I'd get to be a glow-cat.

  20. Outside of the mount and the Druid skin I have no desire to do this, now I must side with Everyone” who has said award recolored legion artifact skins and oh hell yeah, then I’d be doing them nonstop till I got them all

    So hopefully blizzard will actually do that with the Druid form being the test or hell with it being time walking, have the time walking vender sell them for something related to the tower, just saying

  21. Adding this to timewalking is great. Wish they did similar things for timewalking across all expacs. My main got all MT versions unlocked and as long as the challenge is equally hard in timewalking, I would support it if the rewards were the same as in legion. Additional rewards such as those we are getting is also great and adds spice. However IF that happens, I'd become increasingly salty about missing out the druid and pala set from mop. They should bring those challenges back aswell.

  22. Shame, I was really looking forward to trying this challenge again on my frost mage since I was not able to complete it during legion to get the artifact appearance. Now with only the set reward, I'm sure I will skip it entirely.


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