THE MAW! Full End-Game Zone Overview/Guide | Shadowlands

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37 thoughts on “THE MAW! Full End-Game Zone Overview/Guide | Shadowlands”

  1. So while the Abductor is flying you into the air, if you play a mage couldn't you just cast slowfall on yourself while on the way up? And if you're a paladin couldn't you just use your invulnerability on the way down? And if you're an engineer couldn't you just activate your parachute?

  2. Did anyone else suddenly have the Edwin Starr song 'War' tagline in their head??? But, uh, replace "war" with "the maw"…
    "The Maw. Huh, good god ya'a'll, What is it good for?"
    No one? yeah, I'm either showing my age, or that I listen to a strange variety of music.

  3. “It’s a reputation grind and a currency grind – probably thinking okay that’s fine.” I don’t think it’s fine at all, honestly. Idk about everyone else, but I am so sick of these “explorative zones” that have no content. For example, in Mechagon I literally did the daily quest and left. It was boring and also annoying, since it had to be a daily thing. Keep in mind, a rep grind is not fun content – unless it is incorporated correctly. A good example of an end game zone would be Suramar. Suramar did have rep grind, as well as currency, but in an effort to complete the campaign. There doesn’t seem to be much of a story line ongoing here, which is unfortunate. Also, not being able to mount is going to turn many people away. Overall, seems like an inconvenient, underwhelming, and annoying zone. Hopefully I’m wrong.

  4. Why would it be a bug for the Worgen to be able to use Running Wild or the Druids to use Travel Form? When you try to mount, it says 'your mount ignores your call within the Maw'. You aren't able to summon your mounts, likely for lore-specific reasons and them being living creatures that wouldn't do well in the Maw at all. But for Worgen and Travel Form, your mount is yourself. There's nothing to ignore you.

    It's not that the Maw is blocking you from being able to mount anything, but rather your mounts literally refusing to go into the Maw.


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