The Maw: TOTAL OVERHAUL! What's There To Do Now – WoW Shadowlands 9.1

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The Maw as a zone was one of the more controversial pieces of the Shadowlands launch, trashed by critics even after the one month delay promised improvements.
Months later in 9.1, what is the Maw now? Let’s take a closer look.

Korthia feedback
Torghast feedback

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22 thoughts on “The Maw: TOTAL OVERHAUL! What's There To Do Now – WoW Shadowlands 9.1”

  1. The 1st time I went to the maw, I was a little too eager and I plunged in with early gear from the sanctum. That 1st experience was a little harsh and left a bad impression.

    More recently, though, with better gear and more familiarity, I've been enjoying the quests, returning lost souls, and killing bosses that formerly were out of my reach.

  2. Honestly, my two biggest issues with the Maw in 9.0 was that the rewards( conduits and gem sockets) felt lackluster and that the eye left me feeling actively discouraged from being there. With the revamp changing both of these issues, I gotta say I'm cautiously optimistic about 9.1. I'll get to actually complete all the dailies I want to do, hunt down all the rares I want and I'll actually get to chase rewards that feel worth my time. This feels like a big win for the solo/casual player and I'm glad we haven't been totally forgotten like it felt in 9.0.

  3. Will the Korthia quests offer Venari rep or just the ones in the maw? I normally just stick to the weekly quests but if you say she wont be offering them anymore it would still be cool to get those paragon caches.

  4. Wow has lost its creativity and passion, because those who had the creativity and passion have literally been forced out by Activision.

    It's only wow in name, and most of its identity has been lost due to developers and other staff working on wow have no clue what the players want, or just don't care.

    It's become a "maximum profit for minimal effort" game and sad to say it won't ever change now, but that is Activision, they pretty much ruin most things they touch!!

    Bfa is a prime example of their worst xpac in my eyes, even making Wod look more decent than in deserves to be.

    I was hardcore for most of my time on wow (started a few months into original vanilla release) and from bfa decided to go casual, then a few months into that terrible xpac i stopped until Shadowlands, and a few months into shadowlands is quit again.

    I'm sad to say wow is nothing like the fun it used to be, not even close.

    Transitioning to casual I can see that it's become more catered to the minority of wow players (hardcore), and its been blatantly clear since bfa which is insane since casuals are the backbone of wow dueto their sheer numbers, and its like blizzard are alienating the casual side which is a very bad move.

    Without casuals wow will lost vast majority of profit so they need to get rid of ion and get someone in with objective creativity for both hardcore and casuals unless their intention is to slowly kill off wow?

  5. It looks like it's going to be better than it is, so that's a plus. But I'm going to be that guy, you can paint a turd gold but you still have a turd in the end. I'm not sure what their vision for the Maw was. But I don't think it ended up being what they wanted for what ever reasons. But if it ends up being like Mechagon, just ugly I'm fine with it. I mean at this point they're really kind of limited to what they can do to it. I mean I guess they could just not do anything like they did the islands. But they have to much going on it with the raid and other things to do that. Now if they can just something with Torghast, well besides adding a skill tree and timer that is.

  6. Eye of the jailer gone is nice. The maw went from anoying to ok when i got one of the maw mounts through the beast warrens quest(30+ attempts). Still not a place i want to spent a lot of time in. But thats ok, there is enough stuff in other regions im still missing and 9.1 adds more.

  7. Personally I love talking about the Maw. Why? Because the people crying about it like you mentioned are outing themselves as simply being bad players. It's like a filter. Bad players hate it, good players shrug their shoulders cause it's no big deal. Personally I love the maw, it challenges you constantly and it makes you a better player, assuming you survive. Every alt I have has completed the maw questlines simply because I like how it makes me better at the seemingly random classes I play.

    Not sure that I like it being nerfed actually. You are likely to hear me complaining about that then the maw in it's current form.

  8. I never got the hate for the maw, it is just a typical mmorpg grinding zone for a currency that gives you access to gemslots and 226 conduits without touching mythic raids so I will always support anykind of content that lets us get high ilvl rewards without being forced into mythic raids since mythic metaslaves are quite obnoxious to play with.

    It might have been slow for some classes at the start but once you get the mount it is quite fast, though i am slightly biased since i was one of the first blacksmiths to get crafters mark 2 from venari so made like 10 million cuz that armor sold ridiculously fast and for a decent price for months.

  9. I'm one of the few that likes the Maw. The Eye of the Jailer can be a PiA at times, but I do find it interesting dodging assassins and evil angels! That said the new changes look to be fine and will appease many that hate the Maw now.

  10. I actually liked the original maw to some extent of course it could have been better, but the vision was there I liked no mounting and challenging mobs. Also the forced player collision and grouping required and the rare gameplay. It just needed a few more events and a world boss type figure maw and some world quest. I'm very much liking the continued vision of that imo taking away the Stygia death drop is a bummer added a extra layer of danger.


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