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Check the Shadowlands Vengeance DH Guide to learn all about talents, gear, states, covenants, the vengeance dh legendary options and last but not least, the shadowlands vengeance dh rotation! It’s no secret that vengeance demon hunter is absolutely blasting mythic+ with high sustain and high dps and all though this is more than a vengeance dh guide m+, we still focus on the basics so you can handle yourself in both raids and dungeons. With kyrian as the main vengeance demon hunter shadowlands covenant and a couple of awesome conduits and builds, you can be sure to learn how to play vengeance dh in no time 🙂 Stick to MarcelianOnline for all of your class guides coming up!
00:00 Intro
02:05 Talents
07:40 Stats & Consumables
10:12 Soulbinds & Conduits
11:27 Gear & Legendaries
13:07 Rotation
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Thank you for these awesome guides!
shoutout to Rad´s WA!
yeah finaly
8:10 I need this skin for my guardian druid!! 🤤
What are those weakauras?
Amazing intro.
Thank you!
P.S. Marcelian has a glorious accent 🙂
I didn't know you needed a guide to play an op champ and press 3 buttons.
Finaly a tank
I'm just waiting on my surv to get some love, love the videos!
Wtf is with you guys? I JUST started tanking more often on my DH. Like literally 2 weeks ago.
You’re watching me, aren’t you?
Seriously tho, thanks for this
Talents: Charred flesh is really good for raids actually. You can have high uptime of fiery brand with combined with the legendary.
Used it the other day and felt really stable. Just worth mentioning.
Let’s get a wind walker guid!!!! Plz
The mobility of Vengeance is top notch. Elysian Decree is disgusting with the amount of damage it does. Is it any wonder why this is currently the most played tank in a lot of content? Can Blizzard change the other tanks to keep up with this one? We shall see!
I actually have a DH tank on the back burner…This encourages me to perhaps roll this next! Still waiting on the Holy Priest vid though 😛
Vrengeance dremon danter 0:52
So… Holy Paly?
Where did you get your V DH weak aura Marcelian? I WANT IT.
Funny that he tried to talk like pilav
And i almost tought it was pilav
Love the guide but I love prot paladins a bit more 😉
I love you guys, Windwalker or Brewmaster next!
I'm confused now
I like the video
but I hate Vengeance, damm braindead spec, 80% representation?! come on, you can't tank anything when that beast comes around, it's so annoying x_x
So do I give it a like or dislike?
What about windwalker monk soon? I bet you guys wanna show us some martial arts in the action. And again, thanks for the content 😀
Love you guys 💕
My sir my sir I love your guys' content but I think to administer a rotation for a tank would be irresponsible, using fel devastation just in the rotation is a waste of being able to take a big punch to the lips, if you're running the fiery brand build then yes open with it, but between demon spikes and fel deer, I have all those waiting, I don't burn them just because, I sue them when im about to get punched out
I didnt know Marcellian spoke russian