The Mindblowing Revelation In The New Cosmology Chart : Grimoire of The Shadowlands

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The new Grimoire of the Shadowlands book features a new cosmology chart in which contradicts that found in World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 1. There are differences in the positions of the cosmological forces and their relationships to each other, and their visual representations. What does it mean, and what can we learn from it? Taliesin goes through all the new features of “The Broker Chart” and reveals one MINDBLOWING revelation which shows that not only are the Shadowlands chart and the Cronicle chart not so different, not only do they not contradict each other, they are quite literally the same chart

+++ Taliesin & Evitel +++

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46 thoughts on “The Mindblowing Revelation In The New Cosmology Chart : Grimoire of The Shadowlands”

  1. As discussed in our last video about the Blizzard lawsuit ( ) this exploration of the Grimoire Cosmology chart was already made and needs to be released for contractual reasons (the sponsorship slot). We know it's not great timing, obviously and we apologise for that. In any case, we are very proud of the video, and hope you enjoy some WoW lore that wasn't touched by certain hands

  2. Fantastic video! I'm glad you put it out even with everything that is going on. It's videos like these that make me watch you guys and why I'll keep watching even if you do decide to move on from wow. Also 'eat my shit and hair' is an incredible battlecry.

  3. Surely you're not serious at the start about the cover? It's boring af. A grimoire should be detailed, eldritch looking and downright cool. Not clean and crisp and heavenly.

  4. I really like how this is talking about two big things in a couple disciplines of the social sciences. Something that collegiate level histories constantly talk about is how all documents have a level bias, even those a neutral tone. You don't dismiss all of them because of that, you just seek multiple sources to give a broader view.

    In geography, especially cartography, there is always an issue with how placement and relative size of landmasses are distorted when going from a 3d, to 2d. The Mercator projection of the world is a classic example, where Greenland and the entire continent of Africa is similar in size on the projection, but in reality Africa is much, much bigger. A core thing in the map-making class I took at university was that you chose the projection to fit your needs. If your map focuses on the trans-Atlantic, then you use a projection with the least distortion over that area.

    It's just really cool to see these concepts showing up in the lore.

  5. This is exactly what I was trying to explain to a friend the other day and I'm so pleased you explained it much better than I did! Its such a simple concept which people ignore because they blindly want to rage at Blizzard and ignore perspective. Taliesin is canon, again!

  6. Idris Elba auditioning for David Xanatos in that last picture.
    Seriously it took 17 min to get to that point. 1 minute in I wondered what this looked like in 3D. I'm curious about the elements. How do not just fit spatially but interact with the larger aspects. And do some players belong in there elements if they were corrupted or conned. Like how unhealthy is separate from the Great Cycle and not an aberration of it.

  7. Can we please stop thinking that Youtubers should get first access to everything. Seems every youtuber these days thinks they are the special egg and deserve everything before the rest of the world. No, release that ego and come down to the level we are all on. Thanks.

  8. “The Great Cycle” or “Reality” and the way it’s depicted on both of these charts REALLY reminds me of the way D&D charts out the Feywild, the Prime Material Plane, and the Shadowfell. Those three are “echoes” of each other in the cosmology of many D&D settings.

    I’ve always likened the Feywild and the Dream, but the way WoW posits the Shadowlands here REALLY feels like the Shadowfell. Feels like an obvious (and amazing) inspiration and I wonder if more can be learned about the relationship of “The Great Cycle” by more comparison.

    For one, it starts to explain how the Shadowlands are an afterlife to Azeroth but are not a part of the Death realm at all. The Raven Queen (who resides in the Shadowfell) in D&D serves the same function as The Arbiter in some settings and although she is the God of Death, I might expect one of the Outer Planes to better connect with Death Magic. Say, The Abyss.

  9. Excellent work. I have spent hours looking over cosmology charts for both d&d and wow, (which are very similar) I have even made a version for my own nerdy setting years ago. While doing so I found reconciling things in two dimensions was always problematic, to the point that I too used a 3rd dimension to create it. Despite that, the idea of viewing 'cosmology' from opposite sides of reality is a new one to me, and an absolutely fascinating concept. Well done sir!

  10. So what does the chart look like from the angle we haven't seen yet: Order and Disorder? Additionally, for all that the charts are more basic than the Chronicle chart, there is a lot of detail included on it in the outer rings that aren't on the Chronicle chart. It'd be cool to get your thoughts on stuff like the Snakes or the intersection of Light and Death and what's going on in the second ring there.

  11. So exhausted by peoples catastrophism and hyper negativity towards everything WoW. The constant gut reaction to the negative. Criticism is important, but so is presenting it in the proper context.

  12. a cosmology map is always created by persons, easy if you are a living bein of course life would be connected to order and light for you, but looking from the perspective of someone thats alway been in the realm of death life seems chaotic and dark….. for me it always was just a point of perspective thing and the fact that both hav the SAME cosmologies in it should be enough evidence but thank you Taliesin for creating this amazin video.

  13. gonna miss pyros content as he plays FF now but man i loved his outlook and theory's on the lore PS everyone is to quick to jump on the forms or wowhead comments to say retcon yes blizz has done tons of retcons but come on give it a chance sometimes.

  14. Gosh…I feel really bad for everyone who dumped all thier chips into WoW reporting and streaming. Trying to save face at such a time, you guys will be reporting to nothing but crickets soon 🙁

  15. Yea in 3d space this makes sense, but it doesn’t at all explain the relationship between the different forces, ie shadow to life to chaos, or order to death to light.
    We have seen fel used for necrotic magic , we have seen light heal wounds, but why would shadow to life to chaos make any sense in this regard

  16. Nice thinking, but hmm…. if there was an easier version. Imagine you actually have 3 space dimension X,Y and Z. Sounds familiar ? Now imagine on each axe you have 2 dots, at same distance from origin, so 6 dots in total. And you can put all on a sphere. Now each dot on the surface of the sphere at any given point will at same distance with 4 other dots, leaving only the dot on same axe further away. So in reality the charts can both be perfectly ok, as long as the "hard" counterparts stays in place, it doesn't matter at all the order in-between, in fact you always have 4 cosmologies at same distance, not 2, not 3. Oh yeah, you can keep "reality" as point of origin.


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