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The World of Warcraft Trump Rally of Oct. 12, 2024.
this is what MMOs were made for, not the politics, but the RP
lmao the hat right out the gate
honestly, this video is kinda mid
audio sync bothers me a lot
ok this is epic
"Folks, 🫲🫱 I've just logged into World of Warcraft, 👋 and let me tell you, the numbers at our rally are YUGE. 👌 I logged in and I said "WOW thats huge" 👐. Even the orcs and elves are saying, and they agree, ☝️ it's the greatest gathering Azeroth has ever seen. ✋️ Believe me, the loot is tremendous. 👌 Tremendous!"
I mean this is all good and fun and whatnot but fr I would love to see Staysafe's reaction in the unlikely event that Harris wins. Not the "we respect the will of the people" thing, not the serious, "this is what the US citizens want" or event the more "uniting" "we must all support the next President", but the raw unadulterated emotion, the gut reaction. It would be… interesting 😀
frustrating the media is going to try and hide this. great vid staysafe
the glowie, lol
They pretend they care, but after receiving votes, they don't even remember it 😅
The Mahaman is "Make America Healthy Again" because of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
What's pathetic about their attempt, is that neither Harris or Walz even tried playing the game, because at least seeing them fumble around with it would've had a certain value to it: it was just a normal campaign event off to the side of a stream of someone else playing WoW… so even in this blatantly token gesture to try and fake appeal to the youth vote, they couldn't be bothered.
The last thing i need in wow is american politics.
Made it to the thumbnail let's gooooooo
Too bad these guys can't vote from in game it would be landslide for Trump. Get outside and vote fellas
Shoot, I'm so sad I missed this! I need to come back to discord, obviously lol
FUCK Malaysia.
Gotta love when people can support someone and still give humor to their quirks. I'm not a Trumper personally but to each their own, I still make jokes about Kamala too. I come from a middle class family, so I can say this is a bigly video, I've met Staysafe he's very good, the best. Top tier content, not a fan of going into politics but I know a good community and good content when I see it
God bless president Trump God bless stay safe God bless the United States of America but I'll be honest I about died when sniffer Joe came up close to you LOL😅
Laughing my ass off right now. Well done man
You missed Elon
White people in triple xl he is talking about Chris bumstead
This is super fucking gay, politics are for retards.
Crazy. Came back noticed my post was gone plus my like wasn’t showing up on the video but then when I clicked it it went down not up and still showed I didn’t like it I had to click it again and then it went up like some kind of glitch.. gotta love these computers 😂
MAHA = make America healthy again. RFK Jr. Thing since endorsement.
ayo! yall seen Lizzo lately. What a fuckin champion she is. BULLYING WORKS!
If you do something like this again i GOTTA be there
Great WoW content as usual staysafeTV. I was wondering if you and your viewbots will ever react to ziqwo video? I think it will be really great content for your mediocre youtube/stream.