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0:36 – Sub rogue
3:57 – Windwalker monk
6:20 – Shadow priest
8:48 – Elemental shaman
10:21 – Disc priest
12:42 – Resto druid
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What do you think are currently the most broken specs in shadowlands?
It’s upsetting that Enhance is just a joke. Like it was the only joke told. How many years do we have to put up with this?
People that play rogue and monk are little bitches irl
Is TSG good in sl?
I havent seen unholy dk in any tops ever and yet i am destrying with it in pvp since wotlk
Put pvp in title.
how can that person play with a Ui so bad??? It's a clusterfuck
Wow the description section for this video is lame as fuck (that block of text that starts with "concepts" at the bottom). Not only is it a pretty ugly practice to drop tags like that for SEO, but you also literally put other streamers' and content creators' names in that. I like your channels content a lot but that's just a cheap trick
you are true, where are the warlocks ? ^^
sub rogue chads rise up!
Dude… I dont care for PvP. Please Edit your video title so ppl can see its a PvP video…
Its about time. Shadow main since vanilla, and i haven't really loved my class since WoD.
what a bait, nothing about "PVP only" in title or thumbnail. stop looking for more subs cuz youre too afraid to put info out for PVE
Guys help me I have 3 classes! I main resto shaman since 2005, made a pala on BFA and a free boost druid (that havent played at all so i dont know shit). I love Resto Shaman but i wanna play something strong now. And i can focus only on one of the three cuz no time! I wanna play Arenas. Which class and spec would you recommend?
113 enhance shammies dislike this video.
How is the charge to tiger palm legendary unique? Ever play diablo 3?? Monk class has the same thing dude.
So this video is outdated? In your newest "best caster video" you say Warlock is one of the best casters…
Looking for pvp arena and RGB players to join to form a core group of mature but also have fun with pvp in shadowlands. We’re a bunch of decent people. Silvermoon alliance search <PeeVeePee> in guild recruitment
Nerf Bat: WW detected…
No one plays hunter in pvp anymore😂
I'm an assassination rogue and I just switched to sub to test and it's really boring to play as sub. The only attractive is this nonsense dmg he can do. So.. if they nerf his dmg, it will be just boring
Assassination getting left in the dust
Sub gonna be nerfed to the ground.
No way it goes like this live.
Broken good or broken bad? Title unclear.
What what happened to mw monks then ? Are they any good anymore ?
this vid proves to you that releasing before game goes live is a waste of time