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The War Within expansion is almost here, which means weโre almost out of time to complete our end of expansion bucket list. But fear not, weโve put together a list of the most important things to do before the war within releases, and what might not be worth your time.
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00:00 โ Everything to do before The War Within
00:36 โ Raid deadlines
02:42 โ Spend your bullions
04:52 โ Mythic+ deadlines
05:56 โ PvP deadlines
06:16 โ MoP Remix deadlines
08:15 โ Special BMAH vendor
09:08 โ Level your alts
11:19 โ Make sure you create your evokers
12:11 โ Pick your professions
13:42 โ Should you gear up??
14:36 โ Find the right guild for you
16:00 โ Clean out your bags!
16:27 โ And dont forget the bank!
16:46 โ That quest log looks messy too!
17:34 โ More storage coming soon
18:57 โ But its expensive!!
20:01 โ Go through your addons
10:47 โ But most importantlyโฆ
FTC disclaimer this video is sponsored by #OnceHuman
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War Within Prepatch Event preview –
Big Class Changes & Crest Farming Nerfed –
Big Dungeon Changes –
After watching this video having just started playing wow again since early shadowlands I feel stressed.
Dont give a damn about Blizz or WoW anymore, but came to support Kelani.
What to do:
Play something else
Take a nap
Make some food
Do literally anything else because expansion will negate everything you do especially at the end of the last one.
Blablabla bla bla bla bla… Noone cares.
What in the world is he talking about with awakened and the raids ??? Been out of the game for a while
The most efficient way to play this game is to not play this game.
can MoP Remix chars be played on the normal server or will they be deleted after the event???
I know i'm part of the problem with the overall design of the original game, but life happens and I've been playing for 18 years now. I dedicated 10 years to some pretty hard core events. I still like the game so being able to consume all these updates and still have fun playing is pretty great for me. No guild, I just log on and do 'my' thing. Thanks for the constant good content.
The teleport is so dumb.
That should be available to everyone, or at least raid officers so they can summon people.
arghh so much mythic shit.. seem to be a pve only channel.. no sub
I still have black temple attunement quest in my log that I will never complete or get rid of ๐
Kelani do you have a video on how to level Alts in two hours in remix?
I got 8 classes in addition to my main to 70 and farmed out LFR with them – it was especially fun with the Bronze drops, and now Iโll be able to get at least 9 new tmog items weekly until the release of the expansion using Bronze. I got other classes to 70 using MOP. So Iโll have each class ready to go as Warbands come into effect. Once they do during the pre patch, Iโll start farming the old raids with them and I should be able to get practically every set through at least BFA. Some of SL is also soloable now.
Where u did get this tmog for Kelani mage?
Thanks for quickly going over a bunch of things! As a new player before expansion it seems daunting of what I should be focusing on! ๐
Is the extra special abilities like the jump dive in remix gonna be the system for War Within?
Level 10 warforged evoker incoming
They are keep the awful horrific professions sytems omg
Dungeon leveling on live is faster than MOP. Nobody is getting level 70 in 2hrs. Nice try, blizzard peon accepting paychecks to peddle false info.
Marry a WoW player and have an active guild 24/7!
No one ever mentions it, but you can get the proving grounds titles in remix, so if you missed those gogogo
Ok I didn't know that there is a black market.
Evoker are Boring for me to play… But from Level 10 like an ALlied Race I think is MUCH better than directly with 58.
DF had TO MUCH to do! I have nearly no space for anything! >< And I hate removing things I have memories on!
I'm bad in making Gold…
The cost of the warband bank tabs is ridiculous.
im ok with the same crafting system but I wish there were more crafting rewards. For example when I maxed out my crafting profession i was disappointed that nothing happened, no achievement :/ although its not required it just would have been something extra.
How much gold should you start with?
on bags and remix timewalkers: make sure to go to the bank and buy bags to fill up your bank, they're 36 slot and only cost 20 bronze
16:28 Ive had wool cloth in my bank for years
Idn i saw a fury and as one youtuber said a class says a lot about you(cringe).
Nice video tho
Evoker could start at Max level fully decked in BiS and I still wouldnt make one of those dumb lizards
even lfr and normal raid groups are so full of deeply toxic players who leave you behind, speed run, and vote you out before loot drops that many regular sub player have abandoned the content just like pvp and there isn't much they can do to stop that if they aren't going to address the actual problem they created. This really does apply to dungeons now too.
If they would remove end of season lock outs for at least appearances and de-incentivized elitism them maybe it would be a step in the right direction. but, they are too focused on neck bears crying "It mAkeS me SpecIal" to actually listen to the people paying the money that keeps the servers runnning
The obligatory "level up your ALTs" and get transmogs.
I ABSOLUTELY hate having to clean out my bank/bags at the beginning of new expansions.
Which addon are you using for damage numbers? The onde I use only seem to show damage, not healing…
Great video! ๐
The garbage within
Thank you very much for timestamping chapters!
For me it's just ignore all that classic shot you've been doing since 2019 and go visit all your retail toons, maybe clear up some banks, and then figure out what toons you want to play for WW.
This was a VERY helpful and insightful video Kelani!! I also watch bc of the accent ๐ โฆ your videos are top notch and easy to follow! Keep it up!
Man playing female character? opinion discarded
I really like the account-wide bank ๐
the UI and size of the world has messed with my anxiety and gave me a panic attack
Getting the mounts and skins feel like a waste as they aren't really that special when everyone has one so i will pass
That ex Reagent bank is def going to come in handy, I'm constantly have to free up slots in my existing one. Being able to just move that to another bank is going to be a godsend when I'm working on my alt's profs. I'm kinda a hoarder when it comes to my reg bank too as I've got junk from Wrath still in there and a bunch of stuff I thought they might turn into toys later on down the road and ex pets I keep telling myself will be worth something someday, not to mention gear tokens that I told myself I'd send to my alts but never did and on and on :D. I really need get in there someday and bite the bullet and just clean it out. As for the expac itself I'm in no hurry to get it. I plan to wait till closer to the holiday's when, hopefully, they'll have some of the inevitable launch-bugs worked out and at least maybe the first few wings of lfr are avail. Then I'll buy a 6mos sub and give a go. Till then I'm checking out Wuthering Waves, Tarisland, and Bleach: Brave Souls. ๐
I am assuming if i have done pre req quest chain "Harbinger" on my main then i wont have to drag all my alts through it ?
tl dr nothing ๐ so ill just start when its out