The Most Rewarding Leveling Experience in World of Warcraft…

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Ready for some of the best questing World of Warcraft has to offer? Well then get ready because Wrath of the Lich King has got you covered! From amazing quest chains that tell memorable stories, to beautiful locations to get immersed into, Wrath of the Lich King has gone down in WoW’s history as being a beautiful example of MMO storytelling done right. Everyone remembers their first encounter with the Lich King, Arthas, as well as discovering the double crossing nature of Drakuru. Really, in my opinion – and maybe yours too! – Wrath of the Lich King is the best expansion in terms of quest design and overall enjoyment, seeing as its a combination of what we today consider modern WoW leveling, as well as the old RPG-ish style of Classic WoW.

What do you all think?

0:00 A Warm Welcome
1:35 Make Your Choice
3:11 Straight Lines = Boredom
4:58 Take Your Breath Away
6:38 Undead Puns



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38 thoughts on “The Most Rewarding Leveling Experience in World of Warcraft…”

  1. The story, theme, and location, of WotLK is what i loved about it. I didnt love how they made 5mans a braindead aoe fest. but i loved that they made raids smaller.
    But it was not the most fun i've had in WoW. That would be Classic, regardless of how half the specs/roles of classes were not functional/unfinished, or how racials were so very imbalanced in pvp.
    The most fun i've had after classic was in WoD+MoP. followed by BFA. followed by Legion+Cata.

  2. Gotta dislike this , i don t like you talking for everyone. Its only your opinion which should not be in the name of everyone. I think Vanilla is the best. And where's the "unique" part ?? ah ,yes everyone is xerox printed, everyone is doing same dps. The try hard is the same with the casual …No Lord Kazzak, dailies how much you can carry. Unique items ??? what are those, you don t have that in Wotlk, rare patterns drop? what are those? i can continue till next week typing on how wrong this expansion is. No wonder the drop it had after.

  3. Controversial but – I loved leveling in WoD the most. WoD was the last expansion I actually felt STRONGER as I leveled as opposed to weaker because of the Draenor perks. Coupled with BONUS objectives and zone perks you unlocked while leveling it was a good time to play, even without flying.

  4. From 1 to max? Probably cata, tbh. The early game questing experience was lowkey the best thing that expansion added.

    From previous level cap to level cap? Legion. It just felt like the culmination of everything we'd gone through, driving toward a final conclusion that the game deserved.

    What do you mean WoW got expansions past Legion?

  5. meh. TBC and Classic levelling is better. WoTlk tried too had with all the annoying buggy vehicle quests and they just break constantly and slow you down. WoTLK questing is also a big issue if you like to level with a friend because of all the instanced and phased areas locking you out from playing with eachother. There's also a bunch of ways you can get fucked over by the game and locked out of certain quests if you don't do them in the EXACT order Blizzard designed them in. It's just objectively bad.

  6. 1. WOTLK
    2. Legion
    3. WOD
    4. BFA
    5. Shadowlands
    6. MoP
    7. Cataclysm

    Need to explain 5, 6 and 7 tho

    When it comes to shadowlands I hated most of the zones. I do not like dark zones and the only one that wasnt dark was Bastion but I did not like the aesthetics. Maldraxxus was the only one I actually enjoyed a little bit. In BFA however I liked Zuldazar, Stormsong and Drustvar, yea drustwar was dark but the story was amazing.

    Mop…fck the MOP, the aesthetics were so out of warcraft and I didnt like it, felt like a completely different game to me.

    Cataclysm…well, I simply did not like the world being changed and old gorgeous zones destroyed.

  7. I loved WotLK, I really did. It did a lot of things great, it had a great endgame, it had a just enough side content to keep you entertained, and the instance experience was amazing, HOWEVER! The leveling experience fucking sucked in that xpac. Starting right from Borean Tundra being a complete and utter mess where half the quests were run backs compared to being progressive. Then there was a forced pathing into Sholazar, which threw you into dragonblight, and finally ended somewhere around Zul'Drak where if you were questing properly you would hit 80. And not only the first time, but EVERY TIME. It was a very boring experience.

    For my money I'd take BC leveling over WotLK every time.

  8. Northrend is the best xpac continent by far as far as leveling. 8 Zones. That's not including Wintergrasp and Crystal Song Forest. Its the one expansion I believe that never had an additional zone release….because it didn't need one. We're lucky to get a new land mass opening with 6 zones these days. Dragon Isles only has 4.

  9. Another aspect I think that needs to be mentioned is age. I assume for a lot of people Wrath was probably around their Junior/Senior years of HS or starting college. That's both a much simpler and memorable memory than what we have now.

  10. WotLK! Why? Because you could easily play ALTS, you could easily equip them ready for raiding (especially if your main character was unable to "do it all" – so no druid – and you enjoyed being ranged DPS, healing and tanking! I myself had all classes, except warrior, rogue (hate them!), DK, hunter and warlock (was leveling one at the end of WotLK!) at max level and in raid ready gear!)

  11. I agree about nearly everything, but no: The frozen wastes of Northrend aren't cool themselves, hell it's one of the things I hate about Skyrim (which never klicked for me and I've tried, time and time again – have hundreds of hours in the game, but it never truly klicked!)…white isn't a color I like -.-
    Prefer the differend areas of BC!

  12. Cata Zones and then Legion tends to be my leveling route because I thoroughly enjoy the revamped zones ( and nostalgia) and the legion leveling experience, and also to start working towards those artifact appearances and order hall mount. While I really fondly remember northrend leveling since that is when I got into the game, it still had some of that classic wow wonky quest design where you would go to an outpost or area, do all the quests there, and then thats it, the questline would end without any indication of where to go next. I remember spending so much time during these breaks looking for quests or where to go next, it really killed my momentum.

  13. Having leveled every class to max in every expansion of wow, the leveling experience I found to be the best was… WoD. Yeah, weird right? Worst overall expansion somehow had the most fun leveling experience for me. I missed the rares having massive exp like in MoP, but the treasures having tons of exp made up for that. And beyond that, the leveling path just felt the most smooth and the least number of frustrating stretches of quests. And it was the first time we had bonus EXP areas where you just kind of grind mobs for a bit for a massive chunk of experience.

  14. I think I enjoyed MoP leveling more. World was my favorite expansion, but I think I was too young to know what I was doing. I finally got two level 80s towards the end of wotlk, then my computer broke, then many months later I got a new comp and cat came out and broke my heart.

  15. I loved Cata leveling, in fact Cata is still to this day my favorite expansion ever. Cool zones, only 5 lvl to do, great story telling from quest with voice over, transmog, alt/catch up friendly, classes being fun to play with more depth to them.

  16. I don't think a game being linear is necessarily bad, in fact I feel like linear questing is more accessible for most people who don't know where they are suppose to be going


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