The NEW Arbiter Cinematic & Cutscene! | Eternity's End Patch 9.2

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The NEW Arbiter Cinematic & Cutscenes! | Eternity’s End Patch 9.2

#shadowlands #cinematic #wow


24 thoughts on “The NEW Arbiter Cinematic & Cutscene! | Eternity's End Patch 9.2”

  1. they did a great job displaying the emotions of both Kleia and Pelagos, Im impressed. BUT why is Pelagos "wearing" the arbiter when we never see the Jailer looking anything remotely like the arbiter?

  2. Steve really did like the Game of Thrones ending. But out of everything why did he rip off Bran the Broken, I mean Pelagos what was his story, why him out of every one else, why have a character who you only know if you played Kyrian. 10.0 isn't looking good if this is what they're thinking is a good idea.


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