they did a great job displaying the emotions of both Kleia and Pelagos, Im impressed. BUT why is Pelagos "wearing" the arbiter when we never see the Jailer looking anything remotely like the arbiter?
This new cutscene is beautifully done the mouth movement is on point the emotion is coming out in full and everything is amazingly done in an INGAME CUTSCENE.
Steve really did like the Game of Thrones ending. But out of everything why did he rip off Bran the Broken, I mean Pelagos what was his story, why him out of every one else, why have a character who you only know if you played Kyrian. 10.0 isn't looking good if this is what they're thinking is a good idea.
The Jailer Finale Raid Cinematic:
Anduin Finale Cinematic:
Pelagos looks like childish Tyrael
At least pelagos got a proper ending
Pelagos and Kleia are literally the only characters I liked in this expansion
wait doesnt this play in the campaign after we defeat the jailer?
they did a great job displaying the emotions of both Kleia and Pelagos, Im impressed. BUT why is Pelagos "wearing" the arbiter when we never see the Jailer looking anything remotely like the arbiter?
I just wanna see epilogues for each covenant….
Worst story ever soo lazy
Wow isnt a horror story but Pelagos' model is.
Argus: Haha, surprise mf! Behold! EXPOSITION!
So he finally found his place within the shadowlands.
The jailer must be defeated? We already did that.
The pre-cinematic cutscene with them hugging is definitely top-notch quality stuff 10/10.
Loved this whole thing from A to Z ♥♥♥
Omg that was new levels of awful lol
Still hasn’t been explained why this random idiot is arbiter now either
i mean thats not bad, i almost would say this is a good cinematic
A bit like xelnaga Kerrigan
Unfortunately I literally give zero Fs about Pelagos lmao
This new cutscene is beautifully done the mouth movement is on point the emotion is coming out in full and everything is amazingly done in an INGAME CUTSCENE.
Steve really did like the Game of Thrones ending. But out of everything why did he rip off Bran the Broken, I mean Pelagos what was his story, why him out of every one else, why have a character who you only know if you played Kyrian. 10.0 isn't looking good if this is what they're thinking is a good idea.
Arbiter Pelagos looks creepy to me, kinda like those 80/90s seinen manga/anime villains that looks like benevolent but are actually evil monsters
An actually good cutscene? With good lipsync? Dayum.
Wow, first clean cut scrnr where I actually see mouth movement clean animation… this is surprising but I liked it except the new arbiter model.