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This video will depict all of the classes accurately and you won’t even be able to dispute it.
Sorry in advance…
Thanks for watching!
0:00 Intro
0:15 Warrior
0:50 Paladin
1:27 Monk
2:14 Rogue
2:44 Demon Hunter
3:38 Shaman
4:36 Warlock
4:52 Evoker
5:25 Mage
6:07 Druid
6:51 Priest
7:44 Death Knight
8:35 Hunter
Stormwind Soundtrack Remix :
#worldofwarcraft #radicalchad
Just wanted to say massive thanks to people who have been supporting the channel,
this video took a quite the while to make so I really hope you enjoy <3
I've been playing enhancement shaman since cata , you aren't wrong we cry 😢 🎶 😭. (Just offspec resto)
Truly I'm a mage in a shamans body fir enhancement
Good video, had laughed. As warlock player, I think ppl doing right thing by avoiding me irl) ah those scorpions…
As a warrior main… who is not white or a guy… XD I 100% agree with ur assessment of our class. Then again I don't exist as an alt enh shammy either lol.
Main Mage here.. Can confirm that I play since vanilla but apart from that.. Not a man, not playing in mums basement, not studying WoW, not having high GS, not having a massive amount of achievements.. I must have choosen the wrong class. Don't have a need for success though that's true.. xD
Nice vid for a 12 years old
Gr8 1 m8
Funny that this comes out a few weeks after I’m Tsing everyone that what class you play says a lot about you.
As a Survival humter main i agree
I feel like we are overlooking the lesbian druid population
Dont @me and my mage self
I play marksman because i just like sniping things. And because it's more reliable to not be shit on by hotfixes like survival. Im sad we lost our concussive shot spam tho
hey that was pretty good! keep up the content
I need to see the Bald goblin react to this.
Marksman are useless? They are NOT Useless i Play Marksman over many years and i make more dmg to other Bestmaster Hunter so lol … bullshit
I remember smacking cheeks as ww i mop and after that it was never the same lol
Cringe alert
I'm a Death Knight main through and through. Helped a good share of noobs, supplied them not so much in gold but ran them through their dungeons for better gear for the hell of it, occasionally I tutor other newer DK in Blood tanking.
I've mained DK since Cata babies were a thing, finally in Shadowlands I retired from my lvl58 dk shit shows and hit 60, began doing dungeons and once I was geared enough I would speed clear m0-5s as blood (because.. blood) and I made a lot of friends this xpac.
Now in dragon flight I'm making a new account just to be a dick all over again because it's no longer Shadowlands KEKW
My roommate is paladin main and every single day I wonder how he graduated gradeschool. Also he's been playing since vanilla and is constantly getting kicked out of groups for not knowing the dungeon/raid, aggroing bad stuff, not knowing his spells, not knowing how to move around, getting lost in the dungeon, and doing less damage than the tank and healers
I feel personally attacked by the demon hunter one
im zug zug warrior 😀
Demon Hunterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Okay okay what happened to rogues xd
I‘m a warrior and I wish I was skinny…
I'm a mage and can confirm
btw the answer is C
This is a bad video.
Druids are far and away the worst class in the game. Do a hate video on druids. Thanks.
bwahahaha as a main bm hunter the pic of the old lady with cat and gun is SO on point 😂 I'll probably use that as discord profile pic with guild
Subtlety > Outlaw
I just wanna play evoker because I really dig the lore around the dragon flights.
1 min in and as an ex paladin main who would pull aggro straight away or sometimes not yes we are the first to die. Truth hurts 😂😂😂
honestly the Demon Hunter "emo metalhead" description is SPOT ON.
Skinny white dudes with anger issues – nailed it – I guess they need to compensate for something.
I've played Survivalist Hunter since MoP and was flamed and ridiculed for it until I eventually stopped playing in BfA due to Blizzard drama. Are you seriously telling me it's good NOW THAT I'M GONE?!
Imagine thinking DH is a badass class lmao. Buncha whiney emo kids.
As a Rogue main i felt sad for that
I feel personally attacked. Well done
7:30 Min.: I play priest to help outhers and beening the helping hand that i never had but deserped need. But ty for the reasonless insults. Realy friendly ^^