The Problem With Damage In Shadowlands (AND HOW TO FIX IT!)

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39 thoughts on “The Problem With Damage In Shadowlands (AND HOW TO FIX IT!)”

  1. The longer I live, the more I recognize the goodness of God in my life. Things that I thought were a coincidence, people that I thought were just deciding to be good to me, I realize now that it was the Source. Doors that opened that you couldn’t open, somebody deciding to give you a good break, being at the right place at the right time, meeting that person and falling in love, that wasn’t a coincidence. That was the Source. That person that put in a good word for you and you got a promotion; you weren’t lucky. God spoke to them and told them to be good to you. Every good thing comes from your Father.

    Thanks for reading this comment, I hope you are blessed and uplifted by it. We are a new and growing channel, your support and blessings is much appreciated. Thanks and God bless you. Amen

  2. I think I would like to see a flat nerf to damage and healing of some kind. Basically flat nerf the damage so the burst isn’t so high. This would make the reaction window longer. Since kill windows would be longer with same cc duration, they would probably need to buff consistent damage, or nerf healing more than damage. That way you get a longer window to react, but if you don’t react, you fall behind.

  3. Shadowlands has been been ridiculous with high burst cooldowns, especially being able to use them on top of each other. But I do feel that defensives and healing is too high overall until that burst moment. Nothing ever dies between that burst damage. We need higher overall damage, cc to matter during non bursting cooldowns, nerf the amount of burst cooldowns all characters have but maybe 2 dps cooldowns and 2 defensive cooldowns. And so matches don't go stale until deep dampening I really feel that dps cooldowns should be 45sec (small burst) and 1.5min (big burst) and defensive should be 1min (small defensive) and 2 min (big defensive). That way on your 2nd go you have a higher chance for an open window to get a kill.

  4. So true, Shadowlands is horrible as healer. U have to react well and in 0.5s some time. We want more consistant damage, more CC/kick and more dmg on healer. Some time, even on DEF CD, u die from dmg …. ! Playing 40 yards Rdruid is boring boring boring, I miss catform. Same for MW, I miss crane! They added convoc and mindgame on dragonflight :'( !

  5. Seriously, I agree with what you said at the start. The game is way too cooldown reliant and it feels really really awful. It would be really nice if damage outside of burst mattered. I'll use destro setup as an example since it's currently one of the ones that actually feels right. As a destro lock, you can kill without darksoul or burst cooldowns, why? Because believe it or not, it's actually got a pleasant balance, when you get the setup and you can get chaos bolts off, it matters, whether you have darksoul active or not you can kill someone with those 2 bolts + a Shadowburn. But see like you take a rogue for example, if he kidneys you and dumps some eviscerates into you without cooldowns, he simply can never kill you, even if you don't trade. Same goes for ret paladins, if they don't have wings up, they don't have any chance of killing you in a hoj unless you're really low health. I personally would like it a lot more if classes were balanced in a way where burst abilities weren't everything and you could play around that, because the gameplay would be worlds smoother. You wouldn't have people constantly dying through every defensive CDs just because a rogue used vendetta Sepsis or a ret used wings you feel what I'm saying? When you build your resources and have them and get your setup, you should be able to do some nice DMG, like destro lock does, and be able to get a cooldown with it. Offensive CDs shouldn't be this broken like they are right now, it breeds super toxic and very unhealthy gameplay

    Let me expand on this a little bit. Your spender abilities (envenom, chaos bolt, final verdict) they should all do really good DMG on their own without a lot of DMG modifiers, those need to be cut back on btw, too many DMG mods in the game. If it's like that, you end up in a game where you don't really die to a gimmicky one shot from broken cooldowns however if you disrespect the setup, you either die or end up having to commit more than you would originally have to, then you'd be behind in the game. The gameplay would be less toxic, games would be more fluent AND they wouldn't last an eternity either. Then there's the matter of burst abilities like wings or voidform. These abilities shouldn't be broken but they shouldn't be bad either, if you disrespect them and don't trade, you die. Simple as that, unless you're good at avoiding their setup and avoiding their burst. You see where my heads at???

  6. i dont think they can lower the value of cds until wod (everyone has same gear)system in 10.0 arrives; otherwise gear will have a much bigger impact since cd timing will have less impact

  7. This was really well explained. SL pvp meta is probably the most front-load dmg heavy expansion in the games history. 1700 rating and below is essentially blowing all your cds and someone doesn’t react fast enough and flops. I’d love for a shift in the Meta to include increased baseline dmg, and be much less burst dependent.

  8. Strongly agree with your point, i prefer managing damage and healing with a very little cc and debuffs over these timed situations where also addons become a subject.

  9. Could be wrong since i dont consistently play every expansion but I feel like its been like this since legion right? Might be even earlier but I don't really recall the pvp metas pre legion.

  10. I feel like the game needs to be more fast paced. Meaning your base damage capabilities are more than what they are now, and if you pop cd's it's even more.
    That's how it felt in MoP basically every class I played (had 4 alts) had that poggers feel but even without cd's you were relevant.
    Because the cds vs consistent damage complaints were there in Legion (or bfa?) too I believe and they tried to fix it but games felt stale and healing was too strong games went on for 20 mins and it was world of dampening.
    I'm not going to lie, I like the anticipation of knowing you're gonna go hard popping your cooldowns and in MoP we had that good balance I felt like (yes there was dampening with LSD but that was the specific strat for that comp).

  11. This doesn't even look fun anymore. I'm glad I skipped this exp in favor of tbc classic. They need to go back to the mindset of Mists with pvp. I hate the wait for CDs then press your buttons and hopefully they die, if not wait another 2-5 minutes.

  12. I feel the worst thing they introduced is the cdr on some classes.
    Rogues having vendetta up before your trinket, outlaws getting cdr on everything and meta being a 1.5min cd is just busted, playing with a holy priest gives u cdr, and i saw some cdr on the new healer spec as well which i really didnt like.
    We have to see how it turns out

  13. PvP has gone downtill since after WoD. MoP and WoD were good imo Legion was okay.. then they just decided to keep increasing borrowed power. I am just glad there is only 1 more season of this crap.


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