Being forced to run Torghast while it’s unenjoyable to most players is a big problem, but we all need our legendaries… so what’s the solution? Sign up to get our …
Stop splitting it into small runs that don't have the chance to get fun. Make it infinite with more soul ash per floor. Remove weekly cap. Add mounts, transmogs, titles and other cool stuff. Add more unique bosses with mechanics rather than tons of mobs with lots of health and unavoidable damage. There, fixed.
I find it very boring… and very underwhelming .. Im doing normal riads with item lvl 194 holy priest without my legendary healing just fine and usually top on my hps meter compared to some people who have thiers so im thinking in the grand scheme why?! Why waste your time on that hot garbage of whatever the hell tprghast is.. lop
With that said. I think the over all game is still alot better then it was last expansion for sure 👍 just wish some parts were not lacking as much it seems to always be lacking in the 1 major area of the game somewhere and then does pretty good with mostly everything else.
I mean, I've done enough Torghast that I got my two main legendaries at rank 4. I got the achievement for getting Layer 8 on all wings, so I don't have any reason to go back in. And I'm a fucking casual. Unless you're trying to collect multiple legendaries per spec, anyone who has been seriously playing is done with soul ash by now.
Its not that Torgast is bad, but its not something you look forward to. Its far to long for a small reward. Adding a tabard what gives you rep for a faction maybe a few quests in there would do it wonders.
torghast is good, the thing is, there is no incentive to go there once you get your 235 legendary, so my suggestions: Make it choose a reward at the end, need soul ash? sure pick that, need valor? sure pick that, need reputation? need gold? need anima? need stygia? they need to make it a weekly candy for everyone
What if you just make Torghast purely cosmetic (cool ones not boring reskins)? I get they want everyone to try it but at this point in the expansion it should be optional, people know if they like it or hate it. Right now it just like the WQ grind all over again just harder and longer in time…
It would be nice if they removed story quests for torghast on alts I just want the damn soul ash… Also they could make a token(account bound)for legendary that you could buy from venari on your main character for stygia/unspent soul ash.
"when you project your voice for 3 hours straight"…can you please teach the other co-host how to do that? He's STILL hard to understand for me, he tends to mumble, low volume (and leans back a lot), and is heavily accented which is a triple whammy of bad audio.
Torghast sucks for casuals too. In fact, it may suck even more because let's face it: maintaining one legendary really doesn't mean that much to many casual players. And if there is little need for soul ash, there is really no benefit to Torghast.
I wish they would add more puzzles, secrets, etc. to Torghast that aren't specifically tied to legendaries. Hidden rooms that open when completing tasks in the Maw, puzzles that require multiple steps that offer relevant endgame gear or mounts, that kind of stuff. Make it enjoyable for other kinds of players, rather than just a grind for ash. Diverse content in Torghast would solve so many complaints people have.
I'm going to guess that in 9.1 we'll see Soul Ash dropped from all sorts of Maw activities. It will probably be rewarded for boss kills in the raid, that's easy. But I think we might see it for things we do in Korthia. Or maybe offer more quests for our followers mission table. Torghast itself could be improved by giving us a bit of soul ash for ever level we beat, and the ability to leave in the middle of a run and return to it later, instead of having to tackle an entire Twisting Corridor run at once. More variety of things to do than just 'kill everything between the entrance and exit' would be appreciated too.
I honestly don't want them to fix it because that means Torghast remains mandatory forever. I hate the original concept and its very foundations are boring. Unless they make it into a fun mode you can blast in 5-10 min tops, which they won't, just make it completely optional and let Ash drop from dungeons and everything else.
I really enjoyed both the main Torghast and the little bit of the Twisting Corridors that I saw before I put down the game for a while. For me – even though my legendary isn't capped yet – I don't feel much of an incentive to go out and upgrade it since my current gear and talent setup works for me in most situations. I agree with some of the other commentors here: more variety of rewards at the end of your run would definitely incentivize me to play it more, especially if they added even more variety of floors and hidden or secret stashes. I'd really like to see Torghast become something that I can run over and over and over again because I like to play roguelikes and roguelites and adding that to WoW just makes it that much better for me.
I think the blind event they had this week was really fun! Had a blast running through it for once. I think having more interesting anima powers and keeping it easy with fun mechanics is the best way to make it engaging with an audience. If they plan on making them longer I hope they add a pause feature where you can continue till the reset so I can hop into content when I choose rather than setting aside loads of time to complete solo content
Torghast is somewhat based off of the Palace of the Dead endless dungeon in FF14 (150 levels if I recall). While I do think Torghast is better than POTD (Torghast is newer of course) FF14 made POTD better by having it be a leveling tool and you don't need a proper group makeup to do it (you can even do it solo but it's harder).
I found torghast incredibely unsufferable at the beginning, but as they nerfed it and builds came out its so ez to do I almost dont care, but then I dont like having to do it every week to get all of my possible legendary choices because it is boring lol. Twisting corridors on the other hand felt fun, like what torghast was meant to be. The issue with twisting ofc is that it takes way too much time, if they can find a way to keep it interesting but shorten the runs and then tie the usual torghast rewards to that it'd be amazing at least for me.
And ironically the problem with regular torghast is its too short; like just when you are finding out a cool build the run is over already, and with geared toons its so ez you're just running to the exits because you dont even need to get that many powers anyway and you just want to get it done asap.
Account wide soul ash for one I'm not grinding torghast on alts ever and more rewards.
Xmogs,titles, achievements and mounts other wise it's not worth it to run.
I like torghast very much! I dont even do it for the soul ash anymore
How do you ruin the best thing they had about this Xpac…. idiots.
Stop splitting it into small runs that don't have the chance to get fun. Make it infinite with more soul ash per floor. Remove weekly cap. Add mounts, transmogs, titles and other cool stuff. Add more unique bosses with mechanics rather than tons of mobs with lots of health and unavoidable damage.
There, fixed.
I find it very boring… and very underwhelming .. Im doing normal riads with item lvl 194 holy priest without my legendary healing just fine and usually top on my hps meter compared to some people who have thiers so im thinking in the grand scheme why?! Why waste your time on that hot garbage of whatever the hell tprghast is.. lop
With that said. I think the over all game is still alot better then it was last expansion for sure 👍 just wish some parts were not lacking as much it seems to always be lacking in the 1 major area of the game somewhere and then does pretty good with mostly everything else.
I mean, I've done enough Torghast that I got my two main legendaries at rank 4. I got the achievement for getting Layer 8 on all wings, so I don't have any reason to go back in. And I'm a fucking casual. Unless you're trying to collect multiple legendaries per spec, anyone who has been seriously playing is done with soul ash by now.
as is torghast is bad
Its not that Torgast is bad, but its not something you look forward to. Its far to long for a small reward. Adding a tabard what gives you rep for a faction maybe a few quests in there would do it wonders.
torghast is good, the thing is, there is no incentive to go there once you get your 235 legendary, so my suggestions: Make it choose a reward at the end, need soul ash? sure pick that, need valor? sure pick that, need reputation? need gold? need anima? need stygia? they need to make it a weekly candy for everyone
What if you just make Torghast purely cosmetic (cool ones not boring reskins)? I get they want everyone to try it but at this point in the expansion it should be optional, people know if they like it or hate it. Right now it just like the WQ grind all over again just harder and longer in time…
It would be nice if they removed story quests for torghast on alts I just want the damn soul ash…
Also they could make a token(account bound)for legendary that you could buy from venari on your main character for stygia/unspent soul ash.
"when you project your voice for 3 hours straight"…can you please teach the other co-host how to do that? He's STILL hard to understand for me, he tends to mumble, low volume (and leans back a lot), and is heavily accented which is a triple whammy of bad audio.
If they make soul ash come from all content…then why have soul ash as a currency? just simplify it and make it anima
Torghast sucks for casuals too. In fact, it may suck even more because let's face it: maintaining one legendary really doesn't mean that much to many casual players. And if there is little need for soul ash, there is really no benefit to Torghast.
I wish they would add more puzzles, secrets, etc. to Torghast that aren't specifically tied to legendaries. Hidden rooms that open when completing tasks in the Maw, puzzles that require multiple steps that offer relevant endgame gear or mounts, that kind of stuff. Make it enjoyable for other kinds of players, rather than just a grind for ash. Diverse content in Torghast would solve so many complaints people have.
Twisted torghast is fun. Regular, not so much.
I'm going to guess that in 9.1 we'll see Soul Ash dropped from all sorts of Maw activities. It will probably be rewarded for boss kills in the raid, that's easy. But I think we might see it for things we do in Korthia. Or maybe offer more quests for our followers mission table. Torghast itself could be improved by giving us a bit of soul ash for ever level we beat, and the ability to leave in the middle of a run and return to it later, instead of having to tackle an entire Twisting Corridor run at once. More variety of things to do than just 'kill everything between the entrance and exit' would be appreciated too.
Come.. come..its okay.. join FFXIV
I'm casual now and torghast sucks as filler content.
I honestly don't want them to fix it because that means Torghast remains mandatory forever. I hate the original concept and its very foundations are boring. Unless they make it into a fun mode you can blast in 5-10 min tops, which they won't, just make it completely optional and let Ash drop from dungeons and everything else.
I really enjoyed both the main Torghast and the little bit of the Twisting Corridors that I saw before I put down the game for a while. For me – even though my legendary isn't capped yet – I don't feel much of an incentive to go out and upgrade it since my current gear and talent setup works for me in most situations. I agree with some of the other commentors here: more variety of rewards at the end of your run would definitely incentivize me to play it more, especially if they added even more variety of floors and hidden or secret stashes. I'd really like to see Torghast become something that I can run over and over and over again because I like to play roguelikes and roguelites and adding that to WoW just makes it that much better for me.
I think the blind event they had this week was really fun! Had a blast running through it for once. I think having more interesting anima powers and keeping it easy with fun mechanics is the best way to make it engaging with an audience. If they plan on making them longer I hope they add a pause feature where you can continue till the reset so I can hop into content when I choose rather than setting aside loads of time to complete solo content
Torghast is somewhat based off of the Palace of the Dead endless dungeon in FF14 (150 levels if I recall). While I do think Torghast is better than POTD (Torghast is newer of course) FF14 made POTD better by having it be a leveling tool and you don't need a proper group makeup to do it (you can even do it solo but it's harder).
I found torghast incredibely unsufferable at the beginning, but as they nerfed it and builds came out its so ez to do I almost dont care, but then I dont like having to do it every week to get all of my possible legendary choices because it is boring lol. Twisting corridors on the other hand felt fun, like what torghast was meant to be. The issue with twisting ofc is that it takes way too much time, if they can find a way to keep it interesting but shorten the runs and then tie the usual torghast rewards to that it'd be amazing at least for me.
And ironically the problem with regular torghast is its too short; like just when you are finding out a cool build the run is over already, and with geared toons its so ez you're just running to the exits because you dont even need to get that many powers anyway and you just want to get it done asap.
Haven’t don’t torghast in a month
Meanwhile, I want to only do torghast, and Want it to be more rewarding than realistically what is just 1 piece of gear.
As a "casual" I have no reason to run torghast. It needs a massive boost in rewards.
Torghast is just sucks. I see at times how it can be neat but that's about it. But B for effort!
Quick question; why do you continue covering a game you seem to have so many problems with?
Torghast shouldn't be something the "player character" should complete, but instead be a "soul" w/ ilv 200 stats and a random class+spec.