The Real Problem With WoW Shadowlands

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Today I’m tackling what I consider to be the real problem with Shadowlands and what caused a lot of players to leave the game, and interestingly enough, imho it’s not the quality of the content.

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16 thoughts on “The Real Problem With WoW Shadowlands”

  1. For me, the most fundamental issue with Shadowlands. It’s due to the fact, that there are to quote Velen, “Worlds without number.” And in those world without numbers, there are endless religions, trillions of species, gods, demigods, wild gods, elementals, all this crazy crap. And for almost everyone, there are five different sects of the afterlife? Really? The afterlife of wow, particularly the Shadowlands, should remain mysterious. Don’t elaborate. Only hint.

  2. Pelagos failing upward to Arbiter really fit the feel of Shadowlands storytelling. It was totally unearned and didn’t make any sense but if you don’t think about it at all it was a thing that happened and wasn’t immediately nonsensical. Other hits served up: Thrall and Jaina’s ERP remake of Warcraft 3’s final campaign as his defenses to her secret love falter and even Horde players are bizarrely guided to constantly ping pong between them as they regroup in the worst raid fight Blizz has made since Cata. The Night Warrior resorting to Jerry Springer show levels of absurd in her showdowns with Sylvanas, choking that wench out at one point. Sylvanas "never missing her mark" as she repeatedly misses her mark both literally and in any intelligible level of motivation for her character. And the Jailer killed everyone to unite everyone because that’s how things work if you also don’t think about it.

  3. "Why do you constantly insist on fucking with your playerbase"
    Because people like you will always go back.
    at this point "i have to because im a content creator" isnt even valid anymore
    no… you dont have to. you dont have to be a wow content creator, you dont.

  4. Think I've rewatchd this about 5 times now. I feel like I want to say something because this video is saying all the things I want to say with a bit of paraphrasing. Instead I have nothing to add because I think I've given up on wow.

  5. Shadowlands was straight shit and if they had half a brain they would try and figure out how to make it a dream or nightmare and that it didn't happen. Good idea blizz, lets take the most loved character in your lore and turn him into anima, but lets give the Uber Tool Uther a storyline. Oh, everything that happened in the past was the jailers plan, but he turns into a puppet when he dies, what now, it wasn't him, there is an even bigger bad guy that was doing everything. The lore and story are awful, I wish them luck in Dragonflight.

  6. yeah one thing FFXIV does nicely is the new player experience and its lore to WoW i notice everytime i come back i still don't know what is the main plot of the lore lol i havn't read the warcraft books or even remember much of the older warcraft games so for the lore and story i am still kind of like hey what is going on…however i do love the combat in WoW it feels so much more nicer than FFXIV also i do like the gear progression compared to ffxiv and i like that u get more loot and gear compared to FFXIV and also i like the transmog compared to teh glam system in FFXIV. WoW does a lot of good and so does FFXIV , but they both have their flaws.

  7. I didn’t start liking Shadowlands until 9.2 and am glad they at least got a chance to make Zereth Mortis before it was over. I think it’s one of the best, most interesting zones they’ve made in a long while and I really like many of the ideas/systems they explored there. I’m hopeful those lessons have been carried forward to Dragonflight. Regarding narrative, I’ve always found Blizzard’s storytelling to be cheesy and on the nose, even as far back as the Warcraft/StarCraft RTS and Diablo games. It was videogamey fun though and we forgave such things in our youth.

  8. It should have been a Patch, not an Expansion. A Patch of the Shadowlands would allow it to remain mysterious. As an Expansion, it failed itself and the players.

  9. WoW is like 90% garbage, with M+ and the fact that my old friends who play it won't play any other games making it comfortable to go back to. I had the itch yesterday to do some M+ again, and I reinstalled the game. But I still haven't brought myself to actually start my sub. I'm really not looking forward to it at all, but I have 6-7 friends who are excited about it, and they keep trying to hype it up. I just don't get it. If FF14 or any other MMO could make a comparable version of M+, WoW would truly be dead to me. Really wish the industry would catch up on this.


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