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Do you remember Fall of the Lich King Ending Cinematic you seen before. 6:45
Have you seen Warcraft 3 Cinematics where all started? Check that out.
oh Devos, such a wasted story
the question you asked earlier, "what if they don't?" is the entire theme of the conflict in Bastion
So Uther was a Holy Paladin…. betrayed by his student Arthas who later become the Lich King. When Arthas died… Bolvar the fiery Lich King that you saw in the cinematic took over.
Aw sweet!, I was waiting for you 😎👓👌😃.
pls warcraft 3 cinematics reaction)
Watch warcraft 3 to see the lich king before his death
Now for some background: "Uther The Lightbringer Once The Mighty Paladin Of The Silver Hand Of Lordaeron Empire", died at the hands of "Self-proclaimed King Of Lordaeron Empire Arthas Menethil The Death Knight Champion Of The Lich King Ner'zhul", arthas kills uther during the undead campaign of the scourge warcraft III reign of chaos to frozen throne, arthas needed his father's urn to revive his friend Kel'thuzad and turn him to a elder lich (a lower ranking of a lich) as you can see arthas kills uther and half of uther's soul got sucked in in his sword named "Frostmourn" a mighty mournblade that is the extension of themselves, The Power Of The Lich King And Death Knight Champion Arthas Menethil, so after uther's death as you can see, the light pretty much save only half of his soul and his other half pretty much suffered in the sword, cuz if the sword kills someone it needs some soul to power itself everytime, to become the most dangerous sword of all, and the first soul it ever consumed is non other than Crowned Prince Arthas Menethil Of Lordaeron Empire after he pull it out from the pedestal during the human campaign of warcraft III reign of chaos, and you already watched the lich king cinematics last month, you should've recognized the sword, anyways that's all I know awesome reaction as always, still waiting for warcraft III cinematic reaction though but hey, keep up the good vids of wow cinematics.
Edit: that last part where you see arthas on the floor, yeah they didn't kill him it's the lich king expansion, the games at its highest peak back in the days, Tirion Fordring managed to escaped arthas's ice prison during the raid of the fall of the lich king and the lich king almost won that time if only the sword frostmourn didn't shattered to half and pieces, the line what arthas's said "I see, only darkness before me" he said that while his ghost father held him one last time before (maybe) Devos and vengeful uther took him and dropped him at the center of the maw, now the half of uther's sould is pretty much MIA maybe his other half is wondering at the world of azeroth or it stayed at Northrend Icecrown Citadel, or maybe they got fuse together again, anyways the other half, the one's who's trapped in the sword now freed somewhere out there of the world, Uther's good half soul forgave Arthas's atrocities to the world and to the kingdom of lordaeron (empire) anyways bye.
dude i like your reactions,just one thing,watch more warcraft videos and react,there are some specials that you will definetly like, like warbringers, lords of war, harbingers and etc..
That sword is the runeblade, Frostmourne, forged by the Jailer with Domination magic that was never seen on Azeroth before, and sent there to steal souls. Arthas Menethil took it up in the events of Warcraft 3 to avenge his people on the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis who had turned them into the undead, but in doing so, his soul was taken by the blade, and he became a Death Knight in service to the Lich King, Ner'zhul.
Upon Arthas' return to Lordaeron, he was tasked by his new master to gather up the remains of the necromancer, Kel'thuzad, that he had killed previously when he was still a Paladin of the Light. The remains were badly decomposed, however, and a special urn was needed to contain them and keep them whole for the trip to the Sunwell to reanimate the mage. Arthas discovered that this urn was being guarded by three of the Paladins of the Silver Hand, his former order, and led his forces to vanquish them and claim the urn. The final paladin he faced was none other than Uther the Lightbringer, his former mentor and near enough to a second father, a man who had taught him everything he knew, and who had watched him throw it all away for vengeance. He told Arthas that the urn held his father's ashes, his father who he had murdered in cold blood in the throne room of Capitol City itself. Arthas just laughed, brushed aside the significance of this statement, and fought with Uther, striking him down with Frostmourne and separating his soul from his body, the runeblade devouring it.
Uther's soul, however, was split, with part of it going on to Bastion, the Kyrian stronghold where the souls of the worthy are ferried to by the Ascended. It is here where this cinematic picks up.
This is the best one
you are right, blizzard uses 3 main styles for their videos:
cinematic's those used to be mainly the trailers, nowadays they also use them as a way to progress the story in an ongoing expansion
cutscenes which are played in game, using the ingame engine/models they tend to be played after certain milestones storywise
and this almost cartoonish animation style which is sofar always used to give some background information on certain characters, they are also released on a weekly basis leading up to a new expansion