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0:00 Intro
1:03 Early History
2:43 The City of Threads / The Mad Nerubian
8:50 Accepting the “Gift”
11:20 Empowered With No Swag
12:59 We Show Up
15:37 What Now?
16:30 Outro
Script Help – @SixstenWoW
Nerzhul Lich King – Shenimations
#warcraft #warwithin #worldofwacraft
Spider civilization PROs
Hey you there. Leave HotS alone ! The only punishment is blizzard abandoning that game
My dude straight cooked in this video! Hilarious
I will not stand for this Heroes of the Storm slander. lol
Maybe unpopular opinion but warcraft's councils fucking sucks anyways. Fans excuse it as some blizz push for "more characters to get the spotlight" which imo is a load of horseshit as blizz has proven that even if a certain faction/subfaction have a "council", they only ever utilize a single member which is no different than pre-council era for these factions
Just like modern wow, the modern lore is kinda
Great video tho.
Blizzard LOVES councils

omg so true. It'll be the three that are the rebels
I kinda wish they did nerubian expansion after lich king tho…..
by killing off the monarchs and establishing councils, Blizzard are introducing some type of democracy into WoW
smell ya later
Leave Hots alone >:(
Can I note that the inn at the weavers lair has some of the best music I’ve heard in wow yet. Idk what other inns play the same music but I love it. The whole zone has amazing music. When I’m doing stuff in AK I have the music loud af
Huge tangent and I know (some) people are sick of hearing about this but hear me out ok. As a long time give-worgen-tails person, I have to ask…. why, of all things, do the SPIDER people get tails? I can understand why worgen don't get an option for tails even if I don't like it, but the spider people?? Even if I didn't want worgen to have tails! The little spider butt looking thing on some of them makes so much more sense, I really do not understand why some of them have these long lizard tails
Anyway, awesome video as always, thank you platinum
the human rogue was 100% me. the second i saw the widow i was sold.
This new lore is trash bro.
How come the bald man didn't react to that video yet?
Would love to play a Nerubian. They are awesome.
I have question, could have Azj-kahet armies beat lich king if they went help ?
The views in this video can signify that wow is drop so hard that people, including me not interest in wow anymore.
Sponsored video?
Yeah im not considering any of this garbage canon.fuck you blizz
I know this guy!!!
0:57 Noooo, don't hurt my beloved "At max 10 polygons" Kobold, I love them dearly.
I kinda want to see the Ascended become a playable race.
Zaltra is Xal'atath
Xaltra, Zalatath
So spot on with the Skitterlings. I absolutely love when they say the line “Ok bye” very quickly. By far one of the best npcs blizzard has added in the game.
Don't forget all the council fights
What a shit story.
Blizzard is like the Oprah of councils
Assuming Xal'atath becomes a boss during or at the end of the saga, I bet when players kill her, they're gonna "/smell" her feet. And maybe this will be turned into some achievement. The fun would just double.
The living nerubians should have drastically increased in numbers in all those years since WotLK. I mean the insectoid races lay huge amounts of eggs and i thought they had hidden a large amount mentioned in a quest. Maybe we will see more of them in TLT.
Nerubians have 6 eyes and can’t see for shit
>defects from the old gods
>moves deep into the earth
Poor Anub' Arrak the most clapped cheeks in all of warcraft.
I loved Anub in heroes of the storm. He handled mages so well, and he had a lovebug skin