The Sad Truth About WoW Today

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WoW desperately needs a Reset. This is a wake-up call to Blizzard
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38 thoughts on “The Sad Truth About WoW Today”

  1. The game is pussified it's feminized all the women are leaders and all the men are subordinates now. Just like in movies the aging action star is overshadowed by the competent girl boss mary sue and wow is no different. It is a fast paced, sugar rush game, for a generation that has a short attention span and wants to rush rush rush. How the mighty have fallen.

  2. Some people wanna collect their 10 millionth mount as they cleave through mobs while listening to their podcast in the background after a hard day at work. Not knocking it.

    I just wanna hop on a horse and venture into dangerous lands.

    One game can't cater to both.

  3. Also it is not a boomer take to say game is too twitchy and too overdesigned. As new generations seem to be stepping away from those kinds of games nowadays, with more ponderous games becoming more and more popular.

  4. I left wow because most of my friend got bored and left so i got bored. Its harder to get well geared without putting in more effort. And I truly hate the mobs leveling up with character….

  5. Bro, although I agree the leveling experience and story were better, your analysis is weak. Leveling was better because of Game Design focus. The story and theme were better because the authors were passionate about the universe and about making it feel epic. Also the corporative paradigm was completely different. It's not a good idea to blame on the girly boys and not so hot women. We can have them and still make it epic, we just don't need to exclude or forget the big sweaty hairy men. We can have sensitive characters, dramatic stuff as well, it's just Blizzard is doing it the wrong annoying bitchy way. And again we don't need to exclude the epic adventurous amazing stuff, that should always be there. Back to game design, they could make the combat so much better and the world so much more alive with better NPCs.

  6. I'm an environmental scientist and even I hate the environmentalism in the game. Like … Those are earth problems in 2023. Can we not bring earth2023 stuff into my fantasy game that I play to escape IRL? Yeah. Climate is fucked and getting worse. We know. Just let me zug zug.

    Azeroth does not have problems we have when it comes to climate. They have fricken magic. Oh no. The planet's warming? … Malfurion, cast a spell to fix it. Thanks. Let's get back to WAR.
    Oh no. The goblins and orcs cut all the trees down? They take hundreds of years to grow into viable habitat and thousands of years to regenerate full ecosys- Oh. No. We can just use magic to grow them back instantly LETS GET BACK TO THE WAR.

    Blizzard. Wtf. Let me zugzug!

  7. Classic WoW and it's leveling experience are good because they're just like EverQuest before it got ruined.

    It's not nostalgia. People who say it's nostalgia genuinely don't understand what a real MMORPG is. They can't understand why it's better because the things that make an MMORPG good, to them, are bad things, because they just want to 'go go go'.

  8. I think hardcore would be cool if you could use every feature, including soulstones and resses. Imagine just laying there dead until someone raises you. Maybe you get 1 hour timer and if no one makes it then you're deleted. Still high risk but not a total loss and doesn't gimp class features.

  9. it really annoys me when people say "its just nostalgia" when the past games objectively have features that the modern version does not. How can that be "just nostalgia"? If you think people only like classic because of nostalgia, then YOU probably only like retail because of recency bias.

  10. the real problem with games now is that the players dont care to just play the game.
    it dont matter how good a game is once people got the whatever badge they go for then its done. people dont try out does that work or what if i do it like this. people see "trying out" as a waste of time since if they wanna know they look it up.

    just look at the really nice baldur's gate 3. everyone loved it but everyone was also just making guides on classes and hidden things or best way to romance someone or the fastest way to do a quest. its a single/coop game yet people still talk down to others of "you only do that much damage?" its the fact people compete to be the first with the guides and compete to be the "best" in the single player game.

    if the raid boss got only got 2-3 moves then people complain the boss is boring to fight with.
    if the raid boss got alot of moves then its hard to keep track of it all.

    thats the real problem. no matter what people will complain of the games.


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