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Race to World First is not just about playing World of Warcraft really really fast – it’s SO much more. Our team is full of managers and analysts that help make sure our guild is ready and prepared to do their best. It takes science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and more! Here is how STEM is important in WoW, and what we do to prepare for the event.
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I love seeing this behind the scenes
I want to know what’s in the THD box
"women and gender minorities"….. oykie doykie…
Imagine wow on nfts
of course the girl takes care of all the food lmfao
This sounds too woke. Stick to the game. Good luck this season!
This comes off as 3 people desperately trying to justify their jobs
This was such a cool look behind the scenes, i love seeing what makes things work and getting a glimpse at an organisational level is pretty cool considering how the race has grown. Thanks 🙂
all this just to lose!
Science is a lie
I’d be getting better analysis lol.
Some really cringe energy in some of the comments here. How dare they give visibility and credit to a part of the team that we never see!? These guys obviously perform tasks that help and alleviate stress from the raiders. Cool to see this being highlighted, great job!
Amazing insides
Go go Bubbadub!
Its insane to see the length and scope that a world 1st guild has to go to be competitive.
Bubbadub was a legendary league player. I loved watching him and RobertxLee play botlane. His Janna was amazing. Good ol times.
Best video that has been put out so far! Love seeing the other things that it takes, and the people who are involved besides the raiders.
Guide on how to get 2nd place
"This event has ended or not started" when i click on check-in link of liquid+
i'm sure buying consumables for the raid is very tough work lol
Gender Minorities, LFMAO
"women needs to be equal in MMOs" … .. Also "women get the food ready for the male raiders"
Lol, literally at the moment she talks about her education and her skills being transferable she’s glueing sticks together. Just a funny moment. Love these videos and the insight into the support and logistics involved. Great job!
and then… they lose.
This video try pretend there is something "more" but in reality they talk about game for children.