The Science Behind Race to World First in World of Warcraft

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Race to World First is not just about playing World of Warcraft really really fast – it’s SO much more. Our team is full of managers and analysts that help make sure our guild is ready and prepared to do their best. It takes science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and more! Here is how STEM is important in WoW, and what we do to prepare for the event.

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25 thoughts on “The Science Behind Race to World First in World of Warcraft”

  1. Some really cringe energy in some of the comments here. How dare they give visibility and credit to a part of the team that we never see!? These guys obviously perform tasks that help and alleviate stress from the raiders. Cool to see this being highlighted, great job!

  2. Lol, literally at the moment she talks about her education and her skills being transferable she’s glueing sticks together. Just a funny moment. Love these videos and the insight into the support and logistics involved. Great job!


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