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After running through all your suggestions, this is what we got done in just a few hours
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I agree on all points, and I am sad because I love this game.
i think your right …. its just not fun to be in wow anymore
Blizzard's ketchup system
dude, i've just noticed that the kyrian and necrolord campaign have one mission that is exactely the same. this is soooo lame
The Torghast nerfs make me so sad.. I actually had fun in there when I had to be careful and plan my pulls. Now it might as well not exist. What a shame.
I gave up because I refuse to go into the MAW again. Its an absolute ball ache.
the time to recognize this…. was when they removed a decent amount of portals from the game that allowed them to keep doing bullshit like this
Only good story was venthyr.
sits afk in orobous on longboy, watches bellular… yes this game is ment to be played properly while doing something else.
My alts all get 200ilvl within 2 or 3 days by doing the covenant story and upgrading all the gear with anima.. Just dont buy the covenant sanctum upgrades lol
Six months and I never knew I could upgrade my gear to 190….
"It's not fair for guys who have families and have to go to work." I'm sorry, why are we building games that benefit people who don't have time to play them?
They need better game designers.
Legion campaign was really firmly tied to your character – you unlocked cool weapons, and got to do pretty cool things with key class NPCs. One of my favourite moments in the Legion campaign was when my DK followers arrived late to the Exodar because "Nazgrim had stopped to asphyxiate everything on the way." Whereas a lot of covenant campaign quests are shared across campaigns, they're all the same mechanically, and actually you largely pick your covenant based on what's mathematically best rather than because you 'really really want to be a night fae,' or at least that's the reasoning most people I play with have gone for.
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I spent 3 months getting to ilvl 203 using just wq's and the vault and you can somehow do it in 4 hours gametime … feelsbad
lookin like a chia pet
They tried to make the open world challenging with the Maw…… Everyone hated it… Its the players wanting everything for free, im sure the world would be hard if they let it
its honestly why i play with warmode on. without the threat of other players there's nothing scary or even interesting about the open world
they copied ffxiv main story quest path. spend 40+ hours running from point A to point B
2:19 “working…working” that is the current state. The game feels like work and not play.
Abandon World Quest System, go back to Regular Quest Dailies like back in MoP/WoTLK/Cata.
DUMPSTERLANDS this is by far the worst expansion. i liked bfa more then this half ass dogshit i pre purchased
everything in shadowlands is based around selling boosts and carries. SELL TOKENS! and now the game is dead only 4 months after launch
Why you need to play 12 characters though? That blizzard prob or a preach problem? I dunno though I have come to the conclusion that ultimately wow is a boring ass fuckin game and quit. Was addicted for years but all that time to put in when I only enjoy raiding a few hours per week with friends stopped being worth it for me.
SLs is anything but alt friendly.
My mage sucked on the campaign. Died a lot. But I'm not really good at mage lol. The rest of my toons, breezed through campaigns
At the beginning of bfa, the lfr's sucked. Tons of wipes… sl, lfr is so easy. You might wipe of huntsman. But tge second time its cake. Same with sire. Easy.
The problem with Torghast isn't that it isn't difficult. The reason that rogue-like games are fun is that you can create exciting builds and become overpowered. It seems like Blizzard doesn't want us to do that. A BM hunter should be able to summon pet after pet after pet, a sub rogue should be able to teleport between enemies assassinating them, a frost mage should be able to freeze huge packs of enemies and control the fight using that. So many exciting things that you could do to make them feel their "class fantasy" that Blizzard has seemed to forget from Legion.
You can't even die anymore because you accidentally pulled in more than 3 mobs? wtf