The SHADOWLANDS Make their way into Hearthstone! New Expansion Teaser!

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The next hearthstone expansion teased already! Looks like the Shadowlands of the Warcraft universe will be making appearance including a fan favorite Sire Denathrius! Explore what this means with me with this video and if you have any comment leave it down below 🙂
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Hearthstone Expansion Teaser | World of Warcraft Shadowlands | Shadowlands | Sire Denathrius | Castle Nathria | Hearthstone News


5 thoughts on “The SHADOWLANDS Make their way into Hearthstone! New Expansion Teaser!”

  1. 1:20 well Garrosh was sent to Revendreth and not The Maw because although he was "" bad"", his motives were sincere and in his mind, he wanted the best for HIS people as opposed to just power and Domination like Arthas.

  2. 4:40 new card in the game, perhaps Anima based? Keyword for example, corrupted for Old Gods, or Anima here, Anima infused stuff. What else we had in Revendreth that could be a card type are the Anima containers? Like if X minions die, they turn into Anima and boost your Anima canister? They have the avenge mechanic for Battlegrounds, they could rebrand and have basically the same code that fits the thematic of the shadowlands, seems like an easy win. Another thing were the casts of nobles, so maybe you have a royalty system where a card upgrades the more Anima it gets, playing Anima infused or Anima rich cards, then other cards like the devourers that exist in every zone in shadowlands like the endmire in Revendreth could have "consume all the Anima of X minion", and Hungering Destroyer consumes all the anima of the board and does something crazy like the expunge in the raid. There's so much they could do honestly, but seeing how little they did with the bosses of Eternal Palace, I'm kinda sad we ain't gonna have something like so 🙁


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