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I hope you all enjoyed! 🔥ROAD TO 1K!🔥The amount of creativity that this cinematic has is insane!
World of Warcraft

#wow #warbringers #horde #alliance #jaina

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35 thoughts on “THE SINGING! "WARBRINGERS: JAINA" REACTION | World of Warcraft BFA”

  1. Back in the day Jaina vs Sylvanas would have been a decent fight. But Sylvanas from the end of the BFA trailers and Shadowlands would absolutely smoke Jaina. You'll see a taste of just how powerful Sylvanas is when you get to the Shadowlands cinematic. On to some back story. Jaina originally advocated for peace between the Horde and Alliance and fought alongside the Horde to stop an Archdemon named Archimonde from destroying the World Tree (tree of life basically). From what I remember of Warcraft 3 her father was a bit of a racist prick and absolutely hated the Horde. He lead his fleets in a battle against the Horde at a city called Theramore. Jaina tried to convince him the Horde was not his enemy but he refused to listen and was eventually killed in the battle. After that Jaina came to rule Theramore which is very near the Horde capitol of Durotar which at the time was ruled by lead by Thrall. The orc that Saurfang went to recruit to the cause in the Safe Haven cinematic. Thrall and Jaina were/are good friends and so there was a peace between Theramore and Durotar for quite some time. But when Thall stepped down from the Horde and Garrosh took over, Garrosh had no love or friendship for Jaina or any humans and has mentioned in the post below Mana Bombed Theramore and killed pretty much everyone. Jaina became vengeful and believed she should have listened to her father and never helped the Horde. Thats what lead to this video. She has since made peace with the Horde once again after the defeat of Garrosh and Sylvanas. Infact she is the reason the Alliance won the battle from the Battle for Azeroth cinematic, she came in on that giant as boat (which she made fly) and saved the day. Anyways thats a giant wall of text but hope this helps a bit. I just started checking out your reactions and they are some of my favorites on Warcraft. Keep up the great vids and see you for the next one.

  2. Warcraft 3 was and still is one of my favourite games. I never played World of Warcraft but kept up with the lore until recent events, when story became shit. This cinematic is one of my absolute favourites, since it's directly tied to events in Warcraft 3, and of course song and visuals are outstanding.

  3. Jaina's Father was a Grand Admiral of their nation, and was a major racist against the Orcs/Horde, which is pretty justified, as they were violent, alien invaders and corrupted with demon influence. But Jaina was willing to help Thrall, and his new band of Horde, escape across the ocean to Kalimdor. Her Father sailed across the sea after her, but really he seemed more concerned with wiping the Horde out, than saving her, or it was just the higher priority to him. He bit off more than he could handle and died, and she willingly stepped aside to let it happen, because there were things taking place that were too important to let the Grand Admiral get in the way and mess things up. For the rest of the recent History, Jaina has been part of the Alliance, but also a neutral party, not actively fighting the Horde, and always pushing for Peace between the two factions. But "recently" a new Warchief took over the Horde, and this guy was a major A-hole, and pushed towards increasing aggression towards the Alliance, and decided to "Bomb" the Port city that Jaina Ruled, and this pushed her over the edge, and she wanted revenge, and this is the result of that Bombing.

  4. These were made as the lead up to the actual release cinematic of The Battle for Azeroth.

    This was actually something they did before with Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion (before Battle for Azeroth/Warbringers) and Shadowlands (After Battlefore Azeroth/Warbringers).
    I HIGHLY recommend you check out the The Burdens of Shaohao, Lords of War and Harbingers trailers. They are done in the same artistic style, with absolutely amazing storytelling and world building. The Shadowlands Afterlives trailers are the same, though probably not as much enthusiasm for them. As Shadowlands in general was an exceedingly horrible expansion at both story and gameplay, and drove away a LOT of longtime players from the game.

    Mists of Pandaria – The Burdens of Shaohao:
    Prelude The Vision ––GWwca0g
    Part 1 Doubt –
    Part 2 Despair –
    Part 3 Fear –
    Part 4 Anger –
    Part 5 The Sundering –

    Warlords of Draenor – Lords of War:
    Part 1 Kargath –
    Part 2 Grommash –
    Part 3 Durotan –
    Part 4 Kilrogg –
    Part 5 Maraad –

    Legion – Harbingers:
    Gul'dan –
    Illidan –
    Khadgar –

    Shadowlands – Afterlives:
    Ardenweald –
    Bastion –
    Maldraxxus –
    Revendreth –

  5. Jaina was Arthas' love interest, before he purged a city infected with zombie-plague and picked up a cursed sword that turned him into a genocidal madman, and eventually The Lich-King. Jaina fled over the seas to the western continent after that, and got a stable peace-treaty with the orcs settled there. Later, her father shows up looking for her. He knows orcs for their savage greenskin nature, and attacks them unprovoked and with no warning. To preserve the treaty, Jaina literally lets the horde kill him. Her last words to him were "Father, why would you not listen?" These are the events of Warcraft 3.
    Fast forward some years, a new warchief takes control of the Horde, and waste no time sacking Jaina's city of Theramore. So much for that treaty. Jaina fled home, only to find that she is labelled a traitor by her people who revered her father as a decorated war-hero. The Sea-shanty was sung by them to warn of her treachery. Mocked and reviled she return to the ruins of Theramore, where she raise her fathers old flagship from where it was scuttled offshore.
    She paid a steep prize to be ferried to where she is, and for better or worse, she is listening now.

  6. I see you have found more good stuff around World of Warcraft. I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment much in your recent WoW reactions. If you like the Warbringers and their style I have good news for you: there is more!
    The original series of this art style – the Mists of Pandaria "Burdens of Shaohao":
    The Warlords of Draenor "Lords of War":
    The Legion Harbingers:
    The Shadowlands Afterlives:
    I guess this gives you enough content to react to for the rest of the month 😉
    Have fun! I'm looking forward to your videos!

  7. Voice actor for Jaina is Laura Bailey!

    She's playing a big role in Battle For Azeroth expansion.

    But do you want go deeper in the lore like to see what happens in BFA or you think you've done with BFA and move forward?

    I see you have seen some BFA cinematics, and there are some in between them, when Jaina appears and the alliance have a confrontation with Sylvanas.
    and then Horde and Alliance part of BFA then up to Azshara and so on.

  8. Laura Bailey is my favorite voice actress. Not only did she do the voice of Jaina but she also does characters from high tier shows. Like Lust from Full Metal Alchemist as one well-known example. She's also a player in Critical Roll, a D&D series.

  9. To answer your question;

    Who'd beat who's face in?

    Jaina Proudmoore is a Kirin Tor Archmage and the prodigy of the greatest of their kind, ever; Antonidas.

    Jaina would grab Sylvanas like a rag and use her like one.

    There's no competition.

  10. The problem with expålaining Jaina's backstory is that she's one of the longest running characters in the franchise. She was there back in Warcraft 3, the Realtime Strategy game released back in 2002. Trying to explain the things referenced in this video just means explaining more, and then further more to better understand that! She has so much backstory and a cool character arc that it's impossible to really do her justice.
    But in an attempt to give a bit of story, yes. Jaina was a proponent for Peace between the Orcs and the Humans. Orcs came to the Human world from another planet, as part of a warband looking for conquest but also to survive as their own planet was ripped apart by magical forces. The orcs did attack, slaughtering many human families in their way. For obvious reasons, the old Humans were not fond of the Orcs, but Jaina got to know some of the Orcs and realized they were just as complex people as humans, not just some primal creatures like how we'd imagine lions or a stupid gorilla. So she travelled to another continent trying to help save the world after being contacted by a Prophet explaining how the Demons would try to conquer the planet.
    Her father had no idea what had happened to her, so taking his naval fleet he tried to find her and if possible save her from whatever had happened to her. Jaina was not captured but instead working together with some friendly orcs but her father was having none of it. He remembered when they razed their capital city and slaughtered thousands of humans. She tried to stop him from attacking but he wouldn't listen. So in an attempt to maintain peace between Orcs and Humans Jaina stood aside as her father attacked which resulted in him getting killed. This obviously weighed down on her and she battled with herself if this was worth it, if it was the right thing to do. She condemned her own father to death by not stopping him or while not defending him against the orcs.

    Fast forward until later and a particular Orc called Garrosh is now in power of the Horde. Garrosh is very much a Warrior, thinking about Honor, survival of the fittest, power to the strongest, work camps for those who don't agree with him, etc. Not a charming fella. He managed to get his hands on a strong magical artifact and managed to drop it over Jaina's town of Theramore (which is where the clip starts, the ruins of her old town that she ruled). As she realized what had happened something snapped in her and all the hope she had of establishing peace between the Horde and the Alliance was now just gone. It is an amazing book called Tides of War explaining what led up to the dropping of the bomb as well as the aftermath, but lets say there is a passage in there where I did shed quite a lot of tears and it really helped me understand how someone so pro Peace could suddenly just snap and instead go full on Revenge and bloodshed.

    So this song is about her realizing that when her father said that the Orcs could never be trusted, she was maybe a bit naive. "I'm listening to you now, Father". So she raised her fathers old flagship from the bottom of the sea and is now using it as her own.

  11. Janina did nothing wrong in WC3. This song is a lie in game. Her rather was a racist, continuing a old war, even against Trolls that were not even part of this war, he was blinded by hate.

    WoW destroyed all these good stories. In WoW she invaded the Barrens.

  12. Don't forget most people giving you information about the lore mostly only know WoW and are the very view not driven away by Blizzard, including the bad writing.
    So some infos you will get is likley to be biased.

  13. The most tragic thing is that jaina was just a talented student when the war broke out, and whenever you would click her, she would say "… all i ever wanted was to study…", yet she is pulled into all of this

  14. I just wish you had some one here to answer all of your questions.

    This song is told from a biased source, However, she didn't so much stand aside, as she did let the Orcs kill her father. She was negotiating with the Orcs for peace, But her father didn't want peace, he wanted the orcs and the rest of the Horde, Dead. Believing that peace would only be possible if her father died, because her father was continuing to be an aggressor.

    because of this, and another even called the "Bombing of Theramore" Which to my knowledge is not a Cinematic, She became known as the Daughter of the Sea, being disowned by the remainder of her family, and her people.

  15. If we talking baseline Jaina vs Sylvanas, then Jaina would stomp Sylvanas like a bug, but with the deal Sylvanas did with discount Thanos, she became extremely powerful, though it's not really her power, just borrowing.

  16. The real tragedy is that everyone, including her own mother, thought that she let her father be killed by the Horde. It wasn’t until years later that her mother realized just how much she misjudged her own daughter and how much she suffered.

  17. Here are the stories stories about Jaina from the game (I play, love Jaina's story). I'm also giving you a couple of prequel items that are awesome to see in order. If you copy the names I put here, it will take you to the right story.

    The first is: The Story of Jaina Proudmoore – Warcraft Lore (Full Story). This has most of her life in it.
    The second is the entire story in the cut-scenes, including Jaina's story: It's long but it's very good. All Battle for Azeroth Cinematics | WoW BfA Patch 8.0 – 8.3


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