The skill gap is getting wider

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11 thoughts on “The skill gap is getting wider”

  1. It's not skill gap, lining up CDs takes little to no thought and less "skill". It just makes raid groups more picky and forces guild members to play certain classes to optimize their raid. Blizzard is not making decisions for the longevity of the game. WoW is becoming soulless and is only focused on arbitrary numbers (raiderio and parses), take those numbers away and majority of players won't keep playing because the game itself is not fun or rewarding anymore

  2. For a world first guild maybe, however mythic bosses just need competence and staying alive. Stacking classes in a mythic raid is actually pretty easy. Two tanks, 4 healers(Resto druid, hpal, MW monk, priest),7 ranged, 7 melee.
    Melee: Warrior, dk, rogue, enh shaman, WW monk, demon hunter, paladin
    ranged: Hunter, mage, priest, evoker, warlock

  3. A high skill ceiling is a good thing though, understanding your class and playing smart should come with a payoff.
    That's not to say that the content need require you to match that high of a skill ceiling to complete content.

  4. Agree it's a problem but not because of skill issue but meta problem. Augs, pi etc benefit bursty specs which is a major headache to balance. They need to back off with these short term buffs and make them longer type buffs that affect ppl for longer and move away for these spikey DPS profiles

  5. Stating facts others wont. Game is hard, it should be 1 button rotation again. This is a big problem for blizzard, how dare they make new content and classes 🙁 And not offer an alternative to where the game is unchanged.

  6. The bigger Problem is that in any key lvl Even in 20-27 keys a lot of people Are dont do stuff Like def cds ore kicks ore ccs right ore Even do it at all. Theo only can do there rotation and thinking the overall dmg kings making them a top player

  7. You could explain all this in details to one of those Older WoW players, who just came back to the game and figured out retail isn’t a cake walk as it use to be and you have to actually put in the work now a days. Some do but the ones who don’t will go to classic or SoD and then every time a retail video pops up on YouTube they shit on retail and all the WA or how fast paced it is, basically anything they don’t like. Even seen some say it’s so easy bc of all of this and it takes no skill bc WA does it all for you lmao I feel bad they’re just not good enough anymore.


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