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I wanted to make this video talking to you guys about what’s going on in my head right now about the game! I’d love to hear your ideas/thoughts on this down in the comments below 😀
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#goldmaking #guide #shadowlands
you have a lot of alts right? so, you can play all classes i guess… you can do guides for new players for all classes/specs, something like ¨fire mages for dummies¨.
Lets make 2×4 with stream or try to make a champ like new player and make from 0 to 1 token or 1 mil. But its realy good to make guides like pve gold old stuff or lets say toys stuff like this 😊
Hello there Zanzarful , you know , the power point of your videos that I personally enjoy is the preciseness of your analysis when you talk to us about an idea or a way to make more golds , now the thing is , according to this thing , you can focus on analyzing the next expansion news about all sort of goldmaking related things , like crafting and gathering and the new progression system through them , and actually the impact they have on goldmaking. I mean use that preciseness ! cause you know we gonna have WOTLK (which you can work on too ) , then 9.2.5 which makes more opportunities for new ideas and more videos .
it was always like this according to my experience , when the last patch comes out , some ppl come back to the game for all sort of things .
so :
1st-making videos about news about dragon flight
2nd-wow classic gold making ways
3rd-be optimistic , cause 9.2.5 will be here and we'll enjoy more opportunities together for making gold.
Hi Zan,
I really liked that you ask about ideas from viewers.
My opinion is that I got into goldmaking with "1copper to 1mill gold" type of videos, and I think nowdays nobody doing it any more. I think it would be a good content, from time to time. You also suspended your last challenge and I just waiting and waiting… 🙂
Let's try to make some spins on these kind of videos! Like making 100K gold with just Ore flipping or with just different leather farming/flipping. What about making 100K with materials just from Easter Plaguelands? A lot of type of challenge could be generated like this and I think its interesting enough to new and for experienced players also. Maybe for you as a side activity beside the normal goldmaking it's also a good way to keep WoW and content fresh. (just darkmoon items? just item between lvl10-30? just pets (long term series:)? etc.etc.)
love listening to ur vids, i would be thrilled to watch some general guides from you on the game like:
how to get x mount
Achivement guides
more leveling guides
I actually started watching your channel when you started new world videos. And now of course continue to watch for Wow related videos as well. So in general I like your videos because of the seriousness you take with your content.
So as far as a new type of content besides your normal gold making an idea would be to show us different loot from “x” many runs for transmog.
I really enjoy your content. Most of the youtube wow related material I'm able to watch daily is partially split into you and some other spanish speakers youtubers. The main thing I love is being able to do live farms and chatting with them, as golf farm become a little more entertaining than doing at all at your own.
I trully hope you bring us more feedback and interaction as is a key factor for keeping your community growing. As I said, aprreciate and love your content fella!
Are you burnt out on the alt leveling, or giving up on that plan? I don't stream personally but I know a lot of people who do and when the content starts to stale the numbers start to dip, if that's what you're experiencing. Maybe a series on just how much gold you can squeeze out of old world mats, maybe a series on what you can take and flip right off of a vendor, or a series on just how much you can profit through crafted gear. I will continue to catch your streams because I enjoy the atmosphere, but hope you find something that you can drill in on … Spurt out!
Investing in the pets in Shadowlands… Global theme is – the best investment for gold making in 10.0.
Next step: I want to learn how to do better and more effective making gold.
Not farm mats and sell it (but i heard from a streamer about dude who made 30kk+ in 9.2 just on farm new leggo's mats in 5 windows multibox…).
Buy on X server materials/pets and sell at a good profit on Y server.
Really good flips.
A new approach to making gold. Scaling and smart gold making.
When buy things, all is important: time of day, day, month, when patch was releasing, events, long investments, scaling and then sell things with a huge profit. It's really cool.
Smart using of time: what i should do now and what i shouldn't for saving my time and do scheme – 20% of my cases do 80% of result.
Good TSM profiles for gold making
KEKW Gold making in WoW tags: 12/10
Now im wait Wrath of the Lich King addon for gold making there…
Fantastic work bro as always! An idea that would be kind of interesting is to guide a random person through the "goblin" ways (tips: good and bad within goldfarming ) and kind of present (with videos) the progress of that person. Almost like an intern !
4:35 Great idea.