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Death’s Rising is the pre-event for the Shadowlands showing the world what it means to no longe rhave a Lich King on the throne. Sylvanas and her Maw allies have kidnapped some of our leaders while Nathanos Blightcaller is just chilling at his home, taunting us to come for him. The expansion is almost upon us, ahhhh can not wait! I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^
Sylvanas strikes 0:00 – 2:18
Alliance 2:19 – 7:46
Horde 7:47 – 11:27
No Lich King 11:28 – 18:52
Nathanos 18:53 – 24:00
To the Shadowlands! 24:01 – 24:39
Want More Lore?!
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Story of “The Pantheon of Death:
The Story of Sylvanas Windrunner:
The Story of The Fourth War:
Intro screen made by Pakulia:
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW
I want Sylvanas to corrupt Liam Greymane’s soul to fight against Genn. It would be truly evil and really cool story wise.
Favorite part of this Pre-patch was Professor Putricide because he says his lines.
First time he spawned on my server everyone in chat was sitting there waiting & all talking about how we hoped he used his lines or the patch would be ruined.
As soon as he did it there was a spam of happiness.
I wonder if the jailer is hitting that tight slizz. 😁
All those "Bad, bad things"
Yes Daddy.
Anyone else notice how dummy thicc Calia Menethil has become?
Shaw just saying Bolvar in front of Taelia is so fucking hilarious, dude isn't he the head of secrecy intelligence? LOL
Will always love your content but this pre-patch event was quite boring
Taelia: "What's the plan, Genn?"
Genn: "Yes"
Me every day Nobbel releases a video : "Today is a good day ! "
The jailer just has a crush on Azeroth and wants to hit that titanic ass
It's interesting that the Jailer wants Azeroth the Titan dead, as if Titan souls end up in the Shadowlands just like ours do. Makes me wonder what became of the unnamed corrupted Titan that Sargeras annihilated…
I wonder what Sylvanas smells like? Would it be dead 💀 rotting flowers 💐?
I wonder if Nathanos and Sylvanas had sex at one time or another? Yeah the stuff that goes through my head.
I love Talia so much.
What a shit event. Pathetic compared to Wrath.
We either die a chad or live long enough to see ourselves become a simp, Nathanos lol
when a pre-event is somewhat lame to get only 25 minutes worth of nobbel content then the expansion is either frikkin good or godawefully bad
Still wanna know how she fired that arrow without a Bow
Bah this is the second time a leader of the horde has turned on us. When will we see an alliance leader turn against us? I would like to see Jaina or Tyranda turn evil.
where dafuq is stormrage at?
It's good to see that somewhere out there was a group of people that understood that during the Nathanos encounter you should drop the green pools outside of the melee area.
if this game turns to be making love and kids and that kinda crap i cancle my pre order wtf i dont want to play that boomer game then
So…How did Anduin Fall?
Game: YOINK!
Players: *Double Face Palm
Y'know it kind of bums me out everyone hates Nathanos, I always thought he had a cool backstory being the only human to ever become a ranger lord and there was a lot of cool story laid out with him and Sylvannas in TBC with the ghostlands being opened up.(nobody said anything about not liking him back then and he was just as much of an asshole) Sure he's a simp but almost every NPC in WoW just gobbles the player characters knob but not Nathanos. Hail champion, Savior of Azeroth, Hero of the Alliance, Chosen Warrior of the Horde blah blah blah it's so boring and one dimensional all the time.
the herald's voice actor is spot on…
Rember this all started because 1 elf pissed off the lifch king
Did Malfurion get captured too?
Alliance mains: Ahh, interesting
Me and potentially other Horde mains: Wait, Mathias is gay?
7:37 uhhh… Shaw and Valeera were flirting with each other (outside of the Stormwind embassy)… And Flynn has a thing for Taelia (alliance Freehold quests)….
Plz don't tell me they are ret-con'n those two to be gay…
This is a comment.
I keep forgetting priests can wear plate now.
"Anduin! Use Shackle Undead!"
i only have to wait 16 hours, i am sooooo excited!!!!
I'm excited for shadowlands. It would have been nice to have a shadowlands related prepatch tho, and not the same event for the 3rd time.
It also makes political sense for Greymane to stay away from the throne. There are no doubt those among the nobles who don't trust the Worgen. Him taking control of Stormwind could easily be seen as an attempt at a coup and cause needless infighting.
Hey I’m a WoW lore noob so excuse me for asking a potentially dumb question but… Where is Malfurion?
Are Jaina, Thrall, and Baine still trap in shadowlands or did they got out.
I didn't catch those voicelines ANYWHERE. I am devastated.
Man i just love how the VA of nathanos just oozes with despise in bis Voice.
The tyrande-nathanos ingame cinematic is one of the best ive ever seen