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The Jailer has been defeated and the Shadowlands have been saved, hoeza! but what happens now? Where or what are characters like Sylvanas, Anduin or Tyrande going to do? LETS FIND OUT! I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^
Pelagos 0:00 – 0:41
Sylvanas 0:42 – 7:55
Anduin 7:56 – 10:37
The Forsaken 10:38 – 18:21
The Night Elves 18:22 – 22:33
Want More Lore?!
The Story of Anduin Wrynn
The Story of Deathwing
The Story of Garrosh Hellscream:
The Story of Jaina Proudmoore
Intro screen made by Pakulia:
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW
So we're completely ignoring Calia's daughter then?
Isn't the whole point of the Arbiter to be impartial? Isn't Pelagos super biased towards Bastion on account of having spent an eternity there?
Oh boy. We just had a faction leader doubt himself out of his birthpower. Now Anduin will have so much doubt he'll turn to shadows for a while? Like Thrall with the Elements when he became a warrior for a while?
you're a very brave and patient man, Nobbel – I don't think I would have the fortitude to discuss this toxic mess without breaking down half way through
It still doesn't feel like they have a cohesive plot or are writing more than one content patch at a time. I'd be surprised if they know how they plan to end this new expansion or what the story of the story of the following expansion will be about. I'll come back to play the new expansion for about a month but I doubt the story or the end game will catch my attention.
the forsaken gives so much cringe now lmao
Slyvanas should have to relive being stabbed, and reanimated by Arthas and the Destruction of Silvermoon OVER AND OVER again, until the end of time, all while being keenly aware of it.
It's so dumb to me, considering sylvanas was essentially used as a weapon/vessel. and the talks of justice vs vengeance, yet it wasn't her doing it technically, not to me anyway and not to the extent tyrande acts like. Just make her a crazy genocidal character, im tired of this whole gray area bs, but yet everyone is 100% against sylvanas like that gray area doesn't exist. And tyrande, what exactly has she done besides whine and moan over it? I probably missed some things bc blizzard is ass at telling stories instead we prance around in the woods in darkshore with freakin malfurion and tyrande when he's the most powerful character on azeroth basically ever? Point is they could have stopped her, sylvanas isn't that damn powerful. Alliance has much more powerful characters than most of the horde it seems but no, we had no way to stop her from destroying a tree. Even with half the horde leaders also against sylvanas. And if you're gonna preach justice it's not justice to punish a vessel being used by the Lord of the literal underworld. I am glad they basically let tyrande be like "nah I'm here for vengeance" in that last cutscene instead of acting holier than thou about it, that's one good point to it.
I'm waiting more of Scourge lore since without the Helm of domination (we could have upgraded) to control them, they run loose once again.
what even is this story lmfao
wait is tyrande's face at 2:44 edited or is that how she actually looked in-game? if that's real then that's hilarious. it's like something out of mass effect andromeda.
I don't like what they are doing with the Horde leadership, too many meaningless councils, just have horde players vote for their new leader.
Honestly wow lore just needs a reset. Illidan containing Sargeras for the Burning legion, whevever the Draongfligh old gods lore brings and 3 villians of the scourge. Just tie in the loose faction ends, the players won't mind too much.
Thank you so much for putting this together, Nobbel! I am ready to move beyond BFA and Shadowlands and hopefully into a better new storyline. This really helps put all those insane threads into a neat ball of yarn that I can tuck away somewhere. Excellent work, as always!
Sooo this video is like 90% content pulled from the game and 10% words that state the obvious from a content creator. This is not valuable…
The last soul she finds…should be Arthas. It would be a nice twist!
"We trusted you! You betrayed us all!" – A well spoken line from the Horde.
another expansion ended and all kept up to speed because of this channel
Im definitely in the minority here but I actually enjoy the concept of the shadowlands a lot. The story at the start of the expansion is one of my favorites in all of warcraft, delving into the realms of death and finding out how the afterlife operates first hand; reuniting with various lore characters (although I wish there were more present, like cmon where did saurfang go??). The only thing that consistently left a sour taste in my mouth was Zovaal's character. Which unfortunately, he was the focus of the story. Such a lazily written and shoehorned character.
The Nathrezim reveal in Korthia is a favorite moment of mine. As a long time Dreadlord fan, finding out their schemes have gone way beyond the Legion is so satisfying. Mysterious cosmic infiltrators born in and 'banished' from the afterlife to take over everything, what isn't cool about that?
I continue to not understand one part. Why are we leaving the souls stay stuck unjustly in the Maw.. continuing to suffer there even longer by leaving Sylvanas alone to seek and send to the Arbiter? We aren't we continuing to work to free them all? Especially with the Jailer threat gone, I'd think we'd have more resources to rescue them at a much faster rate than Sylvanas alone.
Nobbel, I cannot rightly express my thanks for you returning to explaining WoW lore. I fell out of love with WoW during BfA, struggled and failed to rekindle that love during Shadowlands. Still, I cannot give up on WoW. Maybe it is nothing more than the sunk cost fallacy, I cannot say. But as it stands, your lore videos are all that I have to keep the guttering flame of my faded affection for WoW going. I feel hopeful that Dragonflight will bring back that loving feeling if Blizzard will only leave Anduin and Sylvanis in the Maw long enough for the bitter taste of BfA and Shadowlands to fade.
What an absolute state the lore is in. smh
So wait a minute.. does that mean that Bolvar was raised into undeath using necromancy but with fire magic instead of death magic or light magic? The margrave said that necromancy is necromancy no matter what type of magic is used.. did Alexstraza use necromancy?
Lillian Voss is one of THE BEST characters and her story has been so fun to watch ever since she was 1st introduced.
I was expecting Sylvanas and Anduin to kiss.
Why do u talk like that
Dam it, why is it when Nobbel tells the story it doesn't sound gawd awful… to bad it is… and the Great injustice they committed against "The One True King, Arthas!" Carry on Nobbel, it's the only way I'll ever experience this game again.
How about some FF story/lore videos? I always watched the dubbed cutscenes but skipped the dialogues only scenes and would love a proper narration of the stories
At long f…g last.
Welcome back, brosky.
Missed u a ton.
I gotta be honest, Blizzard managed to a least salvage this trainwreck of a story to some degree. Yes the story of Shadowlands was not great, it sucked a lot, but what little we got was pretty good.
Sylvanas regaining her "humanity" and accepting her actions was pretty interesting. Anduin's corruption and eventual doubt in himself had me on egde about what was gonna happen to him. Uther's story was pretty good too, him turning against the Kyrians probably due to him missing a piece of himself after Frostmourne devoured part of his soul, was a nice take. And I think Arthas' fate was pretty fitting for him if you ask me. I wish we'd gotten to see a bit more of him, but I actually liked how he met his end.
That said, I wish they had done more with the story. Explored more zones of the Shadowlands and allowed us to encounter other dead characters we hadn't seen for a while, or had never met in wow at all, like Durotan, Lothar, etc.
So its confirmed we get a timeskip, 3 years? I kinda had hoped for longer. Like a decade or more, give the time to come up with some actually original characters, villians and storylines
oh man i love lilian voss , she feels so real the voice acting and how wise she is after all she went through <3
What was wrong with tyrandes face?
Welcome back nobsie!
Tyrande's face at 2:42 really got me lol
Now, when does my deathlord dk become the LICH KING?! Muahahha
I have to keep pausing to get through the cutscene dialogue… Everyone speaks like they're saying the most profound life changing emotional sentence ever, all the time. It's painful.
I get Sylvanas needed a fitting punishment
But sending 1 person to get everyone out of the Maw is a pretty shit deal for the people stuck there.
goshhh, so happy to hear you again!!!
hey, my priest is a necro, who knew? 😆
Shadowlands had alot of very great climaxes with well made cutsceens but they all end up feeling unearned, so little time too explain charackter motivation and actually showing whats happening. Its like the game we play and the story they show dont actually fit togheter
even the voice actor of Sylvanass started to suck balls at the end of the story, she sounded like she was chewing food while recording
Like before watching!
2:44 Sylnvanas' actions are justified after seeing Tyrande's face