The Story of The Jailer aka Zovaal [Lore]

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Sat down and tried to figure out the best way to catch you up on the major story of the Shadowlands and it’s ending. Ultimately came to the ocnclussion that one of the best ways to do it would be to talk about everyones favorite new character…Zovaal aka The Jailer. Where did he come from? What did he want? Where did he go? Lets find out! I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want More Lore?!
The Story of Warcraft – Full Version 2.0
The Story of Deathwing
The Story of Garrosh Hellscream:
The Story of Jaina Proudmoore

Intro screen made by Pakulia:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


29 thoughts on “The Story of The Jailer aka Zovaal [Lore]”

  1. You're telling me you didn't want to include a copy and paste of Arthas, Nerzule, Sylvanas, half of Northrend, Death Knights, Drust, and lore involving ANYTHING to do with the Dreadlords?!?!? Herecy to Blizzard! XD

  2. I really wish they'd have switched the aestetic of Zovaal and the Primus. Imagine sylvanas being tricked into helping this poor, old, neglected, misunderstood former leader of the shadow lands. The former arbiter who "valued the souls of the dead". Who was over thrown by a pantheon that now "takes away your choice" and "forces you into eternal servitudes of their design"! and then for Zovaal to be the aspect of Maldraxxus: simple, strong, walking frostmourne. Much better deathknight fantasy, and a bigger reason for Sylvanas to be against Maldraxxus (in addition to the other zones) because it would remind her so much of Arthas.

  3. When going back through great and terrible villains of video game history , the jailer will be an example of a terrible villain , of how not to write a compelling character. If nothing else blizzard has truly hit rock bottom with the jailer so I am hoping the only direction blizzard can go is up.

  4. I do like Shadowlands, it is cool we got to traverse the afterlife, and it makes sense there isn't a ton to talk about with the eternals, I think the higher you get with supreme beings they lead simpler lives than mortals. Watch the Jailer and Sargeras team up in a future expansion and us become buddies with them, that will be lame.

  5. I have watched and loved your content for such a long time. I remember being glued to the Arthas lore video and many others. You are a master of your craft and it really depresses me that this is the state of WoW and this is the content that you have to cover. Seems like a waste of talent to me. Here's to praying that one day you actually are invested and enjoy the content that you cover. Don't change.

  6. The problem with lore in MMOs is there always needs to be continuity in order to drive sales/profit. At some point the passion turns into a product and loses that certain quality about it.

    Lorewatch will probably disagree, but The Jailer was essentially Sargeras 2.0. Everyone felt it and knew it. Sure there weren't night elves in WC1 or WC2, but having The Jailer explicitly tied to Denathrius being behind the Dreadlords directly links him as behind a lot of the poignant moments in the story, so it just felt like a retcon for many people for a villian we knew nothing about at all and never ever heard of until that expansion. At MOST in Legion with Voljin they mightve been thinking about Jailers character, but please don't try convincing us this has been planned since WC3, we heard hints at Sargeras since WC2, that's why Legion was sooo satisfying. Wish we got illidan and malfurion and tryande. But at least we finally saw the big bad. Jailer has never ever been hinted at prior.

    Some things just need to end. Lest they become some Frankenstein monstrosity of its predecessor.

  7. I would argue that a fiery darkness and a burning shadow is basically the same (Burning Shadow is only used in the context of the Legion (earliest reference to them as it seems to be the Reign of Chaos opening cinematic, so Thrall's dream).
    But yeah, the Jailer is just one of many piss stream against the lore that SL brought.

  8. Watching these cutscenes again and.. my lord this dialogue is terrible. Nobody talks like real people here, which has been a thing in WoW for a while not gonna lie, the only language the peoples of Azeroth know is not common, is GRANDIOSE. But the context was fun, and epic, and made more sense so it kinda worked. This type of dialogue in a completely hollow context and storyline is just incredibly cringe. I just cannot listen to another line.

  9. I want a second shadowlands xpac with different zones. One zone of nothing but murlocks. Call it Mmmrrrggglll, every mob is on a one second respawn timer and they love to zerg you. And most of it is underwater.

  10. Iiiiiiitsss happening! Glad you are back at this. But of course understand how you are feeling about things with WOW! I’m sure it is echoed by many, myself included. So thank you for doing this, so I don’t have to go though it myself.

  11. the Main issue with Zovaal is that he was literally just a Death Magic Sargeras.
    There story is basically the same.
    Except the latter always felt like a threat, while the other is a copy paste let's change a few things Homework project.
    then ramp up by fangirl belief level of writing.

    Steven basically went to War on Twitter to try and convince the world that Zovaal was cool x-D

  12. imma give my like just because of what you are to many of us lore nerds of wow. Your vids are so well made and easy to follow. But to be honest Nipple guy Zoval is not worth of your time, passion adn dedication to the universe of wow or lore nerds of wow. The only two good things that BFAIL and SYSTEMLANDS kinda brought was Bwamsandi and the Drust. The rest are as lame as the selfie cam patch. I wish they retcon the last two expansion out of the lore.Thanks for your work and there is no shame in looking into greener pastures for quality content.


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