The TRUTH About Frostmourne, The Shadowlands Jailer Has Been Planning This For Sometime…

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The World of Warcraft Shadowlands Jailer seemingly made Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination. Two weapons with a major impact on Warcraft lore. Now In WoW Shadowlands we may see his ultimate plans for the WoW Slands come to life. The World of Warcraft story so far. WoW Shadowlands lore is really shaping up now with the Shadowlands Pre Patch already out.

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40 thoughts on “The TRUTH About Frostmourne, The Shadowlands Jailer Has Been Planning This For Sometime…”

  1. I love watchung your videos and listening to your theories! Please don't take offense to this(If you do, I deeply apologize), but you seem like you've lost weight since I've started watching your channel. If so, keep up the good work!

  2. You said somethings about the primus Frost mourn and the jailer that hit me so the primus is supposed to be the ultimate stragist of shadowlands. You said the same thing about frost mourn . And called the jailer a soul carver. What if all that is left of the primus is the rune carver and he doesn't remember anything cause he carvered out the strategist part out of him and created frost mourn. After listening to this I really think this is the most likely conclusion with your speculation. What are your thoughts acco

  3. Is it over is also not the words of man who lost control, they could be the words of shock of him thinking himself so undefeatable that he had to ask if this was death coming to claim him, also love that he technically calls Devos the darkness 😀

  4. dont forget about galawix's cannon and when its about to fire an where its pointed
    also sargeras was looking for the shadowlands during legion hence the sword placement, "keep an eye to the sky an watch the burning flame once it goes out we should worry"

  5. Regarding Heyla, since Odyn actually got the Arbiter's permission to send warrior souls to Halls of Valor, the Arbiter might have been aware that Odyn abused Heyla and turned her into a Valkyr against her will. This shows that the Arbiter is cruel in a sense which might have been the catalyst in starting Heyla's loyalty to Zovaal and the Mawsworn. Also, the Arbiter's deal with Odyn might have angered the Primus of Maldraxxus because he believes that sending strong warrior souls to the Halls of Valor to become a valajar is a waste since Maldraxxus also needs strong warrior souls to defend the Shadowlands from any cosmic threat (Burning Legion & Void Lords). The Mawsworn are made up of people who are victimized by cosmic forces (Sylvanas & Heyla) and those who believe that death should be the dominating cosmic force in the universe (Kel'thuzad & ETC).

  6. 7:33 No. Totally no. Helya created Helheim after sealing Odyn in the Halls of Valor, creating her own army, the Kvaldir. And Odyn's valkyr only pick the worthy souls and ferry them to the Halls, they don't care about the others and they certainly don't bring them to Helheim. There is no sorting, there is only stealing the cream on top. That's also how you as a warrior in Legion get to your order hall: you fight valiantly and you die. Then Odyn's valkyr come and ferry you to the Halls of Valor, your new order hall. – And why is Helya now in the Maw? Well, we killed her… and that could've been her plan all along.

  7. What if the jailer ripped out his own soul to carve and forge it into a weapon, cough frostmourne cough* and the hole in the jailers chest is like a visual representation of that.

  8. Im having a hinch bout sylvanas gonna be neglected after the jailer gets an upperhand and sylvanas gonna b*tch out against TJ /she will just let TJ be beaten by the players and just wander the shadowlands for power or something whatever i dnt care bout her. Blizz didnt kill Sylvanas but can be used for future expansions.

  9. The Primus was a master tactician, was he not? I feel as if the Primus was the one that was forged into Frostmourne. Explains the great betrayal with the Eternal Ones, the missing Primus and the self-direction of Frostmourne in combat.

  10. What if its Sargeras' soul that powers Frostmourne? Part of the Jailer's and his pact?
    Question #2: Where is Helheim in relation to the Shadowlands? Is it an offshoot of the Maw? A "fifth" Shadowlands zone with no Covenant?
    Question/Observation #3: Frostmourne is stupid powerful…meant to be wielded/controlled by gods. How in the world did a blade crafted by a mortal, with piece of Naaru, shatter that blade??

    Great vid, as always, sir!

  11. what if the jailor expected to be as he says it "betryed", and to get to the the "place" that is now, which is "where" he is to be victorious, moving pieces through time and space while he can stand still and await the moment for his victory

  12. I've said this from the start. I think Arthas will help in the downfall of Sylvanas.
    Their fates are constantly intertwined, I also think it would be poetic in a way that their roles are almost completely reversed.

  13. I thought the jailer puts people in jail and the weaponsmith smithing weapons. His name cant be jailer, thats like his job title, i feel like. As far as we know, his name coupd be hans the jailer who puts people in jail because thats usually what jailers do i assume, or at least watches over the jailed.

  14. Frodtmorne was forged with the soul of one of the first titans and in doing so was left corrupted.
    The void titan was too powerful so they sealed it away with the Jailer left to guard the Gate


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