The ULTIMATE Guide To ESCAPING Low CR (Challenger/Rival/Duelist) | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide

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0:00 – Intro
0:37 – Pick a class you enjoy
1:37 – Master the fundamentals
4:05 – Try not to deviate from the meta
5:37 – Find partners with the same goals as you
6:58 – Learn how to communicate
8:14 – Focus on your mindset
9:41 – Study

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25 thoughts on “The ULTIMATE Guide To ESCAPING Low CR (Challenger/Rival/Duelist) | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide”

  1. Hey guys, over the next week we'll be releasing an update on BiS covenants, stats and legendaries for every class along with updated tier lists and a very special guide on the 10 game losing mistakes every player makes in arena. Enjoy!

  2. lol. Right. Typical wow feedback session.
    “Shit I forgot to pop aspect of the turtle”
    “I’m not fucking playing with this nub”

    Next session

    “What happened?”
    “… I’m not sure”. 😂

  3. You win or learn…. Yesterday my mate got hit by rets for 30k dmg in 1 global… And u can't see it coming to use Def CDs befor?? U also don't know what his target is.. U can't just both spam ur Def CDs 0.1 sec after he wings…

    What can I learn from this?
    Ret op and need a dmg nerf 👍 thats what I learned…

  4. Does anyone have a list of everything i can dispell with Purify and mass dispell? Can't find a list anywhere. And also what i should dispell. I am only dispelling the obvious like bubble and iceblock.

  5. Ultimate guide? More like Intro guide. Cmon guys…. nothing said about the importance of LOS’ing, resetting for another go, planning chain CC’s, bursts CDs, identifying opportunities. Just these vague “study your class and practice” which is not really providing an actual guide.

  6. I noticed when you panned to the highest tier comps that Mistweaver Monk were on both teams. Do you see Mistweavers at being viable? There’s some noise on the forums they are the worst class to heal with in PvE and PvP right now. I’m still rolling with mine, but I’m only at 1200 rating for each system atm. Thanks.


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