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Mannnnn, lack of key binds has been a problem for me for several expansions now :/ I’m a big fan of passive talents Lol
What about traits, essence power?
Hey Xaryu, do you ever run ice form to atop yourself from getting stunned? I feel like it really shines against rogues if you can preemptively stop his opener stun, also alot of warriors have been charging in and storm bolt and ice form just stops it. Anyway just wonderd if you took that into consideration at all
frost busted. end of story

Just imagine crying about mages when enhancement exists. Pathetic.
This was amazing. Could you do a video diving deep into the rotation? Thanks!
If they make Chilled to the Bone viable, people will just tunnel your pet. WOD affliction warlock vs turbo cleave vibez…not fun imo. Also, welly has a 30 sec cd…
I'm running Ice Form with Lonely Winter and Rune of Power, hitting 8k+ shatters with frostbolt.
Run thermal void, 45 sec Cd that lasts 22 seconds+. You almost have it up all the time, so in theory Frostbolt shatters for 235%. Ice lance and flurry hitting 55% harder too. BG stomps for sure.
After a bit more testing, I'm thinking Ice Nova will be the pick over Bone Chilling when playing Rogue/Mage & when playing in a situation where the pet could be vulnerable or into wizard mirrors Lonely Winter could still be the pick
chilled to the bone really needs the changes he mentions i thought it was like that already lol its really makes 0 sense how it is right now
guide for arcane please!
<3 The Zar!
Can you specify next time wether it’s for pvp or pve?
Me: Trying to learn about Frost Mages
Xaryu: "So I made a 30 minute guide on Bone Chilling and why you should take Ice Nova instead."
When did Xaryu become so condescending? I remember him as a positive dude when I left the game early in BfA.
Back to frost!
23:30 the Rdruid / hunt example is invalid, MM now also has purge on 10 sec CD which even gives 10 focus back at r2
I would just like to type a question or two;
Is this PRE PATCH?
Will things CHANGE?
lol, yep, ya gotta drill it on home with human beings, I know that.
Hey Xar! I have to thank you! Recently i swapped to mage since seeing you playing it make it look funny af and it was indeed. But i have a few questions.
1- so i still dont get wich 1st talent should i play, it seems like ice nova is good but i don't know if the dr will affect it. also what is the combo? throw a frostbolt and before it lands nova your target?
2- what should i spend my winter's chill on? 2fb? or ice lands?
3-should i use icelands only on fingers of frost? or everytime that i have 5 Icicles?
4- what's the burst rotation?
I know these are a lot of questions but i'll be glad if anyone could help me.
Thank you all
and Congratz Xar on the community you are building here. I'm glad to be part of it
could you do an arcane one?
Why is it that all the mage youtubers look like frat boys?
cast frost bolt. Hope something happens. < This entire spec
Asterick sounds like something from Rick and Morty