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Get ready for Warbands! Join us for a breakdown of World of Warcraft’s newest feature that brings together your progression, items, and collections across all your characters, factions, and realms, all coming in The War Within.
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10 years to late for this feature
“More than half has more than one character.”
Yea. 100% is more than 50%.
Oh my goodddd this is the best update blizzard have ever done to this game im so hyped
Soooo guilds???
1:04 which set is this and which class?
Great change!
Women with beards are just the best I've seen in the game
Call it the Warbank!
Fantastic feature! This makes me want to play the game more
Player housing for warbands in cities around Azeroth! Choose between all the capital cities and expansion cities. Choosing between Silvermoon, Stormwind, Bel’Ameth, Dalaran will be hard!
Also, with the Azeroth revamps working their way through, flesh out Ironforge. Make it multilevel. More of the dungeon below, level above that connect to the airfield. Connect to the farms above Menethil…
shared bank slots, Everquest has had these forever, WoW gives you many more though. Diablo style intro character screen.
Refusing to use Obvious upgraded graphic engine options, and say well we will give you Queued RBGs, doubling down on small scale content is boring. Get rid of your bloated graphic engine, and then you can have actual MMO content, ya World PVP.. (mind blown)
finally.. after all years
good on papers bad in game
hope not
Warband gear is nothing new, been doing this for years
Does this work with main story questing? So tired of having to do all main story quests on all toons so im not phased ext.especially toon 3 4 and 5 ugh.
I'm glad Blizz learned how players love play alts than one main. Since we wanted fun play many classes
Please reply to the male night elf neck. In the past, male night elves were not hunchbacked. And now it's hunched over and neckless. Please fix him. Other races have been optimized. Only male night elves are vilified.
Please take off the cast for use the 2 different knows of mount ! Just make similar like is now
ain't no better content than quality of life content !