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The login screen’s wall has been taken down! And with it, a new full login song has been added!
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World of Warcraft: The War Within
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About me: I have been a World of Warcraft player since 2006 and I have played in every aspect of the game. Nowadays I am very casual, but the love and care for the game is still there 🙂
301 days alone on Hunter 🙂
I am regularly making content from World of Warcraft and other games and will continue to do so in the next expansion, The War Within!
World of Warcraft
The War Within Beta
Marksmanship Hunter
The War Within
Jaina Proudmoore
Alleria Windrunner
Anduin Wrynn
This login screen already looks much better than the original one
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It's the old vanilla music changed slightly
Feels like it has some FF14 influence woven into some classic Warcraft. I really like it!
Preferred the first version of the log in screen. But apparently I'm in the minority, and really what does it matter since you see it for 2 seconds.
This is the real one, or just an edit?
Warframe vibes this start…