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Prepatch is almost here! Watch today’s video to learn everything that’s coming as we get ready for The War Within! Get early ad-free content, Lorewalking Podcast & support our team at
00:00 Prepatch is soon
01:03 The MANY Warband features!
07:53 Skyriding
09:51 Levelling changes
11:05 Radiant echoes
12:00 Talents & classes
12:47 UI & quality of life
12:23 Everything else!
15:33 What’s Not Coming
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200 million gold for one of the warband tabs? Yeah. Blizzard is gonna make a LOT of money off wow tokens.
July 23rd …. true its less than a month away but its two weeks away to be more accurate.
What is that Quest window @5:36 ?
Account wide transmog 😭
Is the "Steady Flying Toggle" available immediately, or is it locked behind a grind? This will literally determine whether or not I actually buy the expansion.
Are Cross Realm / Cross Faction Guilds coming in Prepatch or The War Within launch? Nevermind, I rewatched the video and got the information I was looking for . Thanks.
Let's see if it can break a record related to bugs. xD
Warband Character Selection Animations are Straight out of Diablo II and I'm ALL FOR IT. This is dope!!!
6:00 wow that gear is nice looking and has a cool effect. Is that from the upcoming expansion?
Would be nice if gear is account wide too 😂
Lvled 12 chars 10-70 in pandaria remix, got most of the mounts and tmoggs, then left pandaria remix 😂
the changes include copying the player menu from lost ark, what a fkn joke
Are Timeless Coins from Timeless Isle in Pandaria able to be transferred as well?
It would be really nice if you could pay gold partially when unlocking banks, like paying a loan. Not every player can collect 500 000 or 2.5 mil. But I would totally try to pay small amount of gold on weekly basis.
So with the warband transmog stuff, what classes should we have in the warband to get all transmogs?
Algorithm feeding comment
Amazing amounts of QOL some of which I have actively been advocating for since I started playing retail a few years ago. Unfortunately for them I since stopped playing retail and whilst most of these changes (I actually quite liked hunting down the flying glyphs, a bit like aether currents, but to be honest I don't really care much either way) are positive they don't make me want to come back.
About the new transmog unlocks, do you also get the class specific ones from the old raids that gave direct setpieces instead of tokens?
This guy just won't stop throwing news out of his mouth ! I've learned so much about the pre patch I feel like I know it better than I know my own parents !
The game looks great in your videos. What graphics configuration are you using?
Oh looks like Blizzard devs are playing Ascension wow. Finally they take inspiration from others! This might be the savior of wow overall
So when is this prepatch? 23rd of July?
3:40 So, for example, if I unlock the Ensemble: Winterborn from Night Fae with my main (lock), the corresponding appearance will become available for my alt (druid)? Is that correct?
i hope blizz continue copying good qol features into their long outdated game
i dont know why people are so hyped about warbands. it is just and advertised name for account wide. WOW after almost 20 years we get account wide. that should have been there 10 years ago.
Thank god I've just retired relatively young and have plenty of time to sink into this.
So blizz killd alts .game is gone