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It’s time for this week’s WoW news recap! Blizzard are iterating on War Within features, a store mount has our lore brains going wild, and a lovely confirmation: more character screen unlocks are coming!
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Hope PvP is actually worked on and we get new shit
What you talking about Bellular? World of Warcraft: Journey to the Flesh Pit needs to be a thing!
holy crap. stop moving your head every 0.003 seconds
The spicey healing in Remix, the one that burns health for haste on your healing targets, could actually make delve healing, kinda fun. Perhaps only for a few specs. But it can only go so far
We won't FORCE you? No one is forced to do anything. People put that crap on themselves and if that is an issue for them they need to unplug and get psychiatric help.
nobody speaks on the groups, they all ignore your questions and comments, warbands will be the same but at least you will have more fun
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
Delves are cool but I really want to just go questing with a party of my alts.
Classic: MOP waiting room
Bag space issues were exacerbated massively by having three "quality" levels of each tradeskill reagent. The bags can't get big enough to hold all this crap.
The issue isn't that healers are too strong so fights are more challenging… It's because of all of the defensives every class has got now due to the class trees. More defensives means they have to make fights more bursty or they will be too easy. This is taking agency away from the healing role. They tried to remedy the issue by overbuffing healers instead of cutting down defensive tools on other roles, further exacerbating the issue. They are at least taking steps to nerf tertiary stats such as Avoidance and Leech to cut back on all the personal survivability that is mucking up the healing role's agency and creating omega bursty designed fights.
I hope warbands do not mean they tune their game towards multiple character and towards a more diabloesque character system with seasonal vibes. The remixes hint at such a directino.
I still want to mainly rock one character with systems that provide a full experience without sacrificing main content to encourage multiple character. Nothing wrong with warbands as of now but if content size is justified by multiple experiences for each class and not as a good amount of content for one character that would be a deteriorating loss in my book.
10:34 you mount trail logic says its NEXT x-pac that the mount is about so Midnight not TWW
And what is 'delve'? And how are players supposed to know this? Another massive problem with these xpacs is content just thrown out there with no explanation and if one doesn't know what it is all about, or that it even exists, well that's their problem. Right?
So blizzard wants 30m arena and rbg matches and no burst to take down healers?????
doesnt sound like fun game play to me.
Launch day is going to be the biggest clusterfuck ever.
Healer hate continues
Honestly, the roots are most likely going to feature in a small zone patch where we might have to deal with confronting aspects of life, and the dream, that were never ordered. I could see them also developing a water & life focused dungeon, or zone, using the underground ocean in Hallowfall and the roots as narrative pathways. I just hope they don't just lock it down behind yet another mega dungeon, because that would carry key lore tidbits that a good chunk of the playerbase will likely miss. I'd much rather have the new zones be expanded upon, with new lore and things to explore, that develop the overall narrative, even if it means going to the dreaded "flesh pits" (which sounds metal, ngl).
So this is the healer pain… Which healer do we main???
Just as long as its not back to Crapacysm where healing felt like trying to sink a battleship with a BB gun.
would like the ability to hide unplayed characters that I don't want to delete
Correction for the healers segment; They made everyone else a lot stronger and a lot more self-sufficient in keeping themselves alive, so they had to hit both fields, making sure DPS get a proper threat and healers at the same time.
Basically pincered themselves into a whack-a-mole playstyle for healers, it's fucked.
If i have a 12 month sub running now, do i get that owl mount?
All I want is free mogs like in remix. It's annoying and UNFUN that max level characters have to spend hundreds of gold to change their outfit 🙄 makes no sense, and just removes a fun element from the game that regular (non-gold farmer) people enjoy
Hello sir sorry to bother you here i didnt know another way to get ahold of you and dont know many people in the streaming world who would possibly have blizzard contact information i came home from being away for 24 hours to get on the game and noticed i was banned the customer support built into the game is absolutely atrocious i have tickets opened appeals and keep getting the same automated answer i wouldnt be reaching out this far if i would have been banned for a reason i literally have done absolutely nothing to break terms of service with blizzard not even grazing the edge im an honest casual player who likes to do raids and mythics i got banned for "hacking" and wouldnt even know where to start to do something like that but if there is any way you know of someone i could contact so 20 years of progress isnt just gone in a flash for no reason i would deeply appreciate it
Why do people care so much about a login screen? I don't understand
If Brann blows his cooldowns at once and is then useless for a while, he'll be much more realistic – like my attempts at healing 😀
Absolutely love the pick what you want to do open world concept.
Hopefully you can totally avoid any group events.
Refunded this piece of shit game already. Done with blizzard permanently
Like a 'woke' philosophy… do as little as possible …but get as much or more than those who work much harder? …? Just saying. I miss the old game… We shall see…
Why, why, why are we giving jewelcrafting to make BAGS?… Like wtf. Thanks Blizz, not like TAILORING needed more things to make it actually viable. Jesus… -_-
5:35 and what i get for not palying mythic??? fuck off blizz
Cannot wait for the complaints video, every single expansion it goes the same.
Fleshpit sounds far more interesting and funny then some Khuresh
your head moves too much, it's so distracting…
One thing I'm pretty sure won't be account wide is all the classic and some tbc wotlk reputations since you can go war with them.
Someone telling them pvp is broken!fix it!
If they make Ethereal patch, they better don't put Seat of the Triumvirate as one of seasonal m+ dungeons…
Why u move your head so much?
idk, i can imagine healers being fun in delves. the nightmare thingy on the nyalotha patch and to some extent thorghast *shivers*… on healers at least, the crazy powers were fun. ill stay curious
DF v2. unfinished, full of bugs, not subbing yet
"We won't force you"
Except now you have to pay for every major update instead of whole expansion. Pathetic.
Thank you I was considering coming back but after hearing this I will save my money and go elsewhere
If you don’t think WoW players want to journey to the flesh pit or are unexcited by it, do you even know your audience?
I just wish they had some creativity and made more/new professions and classes for new expansions. I'm so sick and tiered of having having four of the same class on different races and/or on factions. There's so much to grab from lore-wise and game-wise.
Its impressive how serious you are … Talking about a game that looks like a phone game…