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For me Both asmon and tali are just stuck, in the past, all they say about wow, is bad and if any one disagree they attack
How do I find that Stormwind panflute music at the end of the video?
Chad take
Completely agree with you mate
Seems to me only 1 person on the planet that can save M+ and M RAIDING and that is JOSH LORE ALLEN !
Taliesen is one of these very fake nice influencer people you see too often nowadays. Seems like he has a very lucky good life but just loves to be an angry person.
I think its silly to judge stuff that people say on stream as gospel. Everyone has brain farts every once in a while. But 99% of us are not on camera 7 hours a day. I think its probably likely that Tali is frustrated at asmon, because people like him make complex videos that take a long time to make, then asmon just does a react stream watching it and makes twices as much money for doing nothing.
Asmon was my favourite streamer for years but can’t even force myself to watch the dude anymore he has changed a lot
This is a really beautiful and heartfelt video :)). it makes me so happy to see you. I'm proud of you for how you've grown and just love to see this level of light, introspection, and perspective being given within this community. We're all human beings behind the personas. I know part of the entertainment is in how one persona seems to be doing against another, but really it's all bullshit. Mostly, anyway. Thanks for being positive publically and true to who you are!
Now, I have not liked Pyro for a while but this was a good take.
Don’t really stay up to date on this stuff, but it was interesting hearing your breakdown. You seem like you are in a good place now, promoting good vibes and understanding. Kudos.
actually a good take Pyro😊
I have lost a lot of respect for asmongold with regard to anything even tangentially related to israel/palestine, that said, it is VERY far removed from something that will stop me watching entirely, hes not racist hes just devil's advocate to the extreme, and does not always make clear whether he does or doesnt agree with something, but agreeing with having cops forcably remove protestors from a school zone that has historically held massive protests in that same spot? Its still not a dealbreaker but i cant listen to him on that subjectmatter, and i have no respect for his opinions on wow especially with any even minor regard to lore, i think DF was as good as legion, maybe better, and has done a fantastic job of emotionally and narratively reset warcraft by providing an end to MOST of the shit stories told in some of the past expansions, and im stoked to see what comes. They have and are truly listening to the players, so if they keep doing that, they will rise.
PS: asmon is pandering to an audience of edgy internet teens, and taliesin has the personality to hold grudges on absolutely every topic forever, and its not healthy. Still like both channels but one is unraveling with snark and inability to move on, and the other one is a disconnected guy who has a vested interest in keeping edgelords happy
from one lore master to another it always makes me happy to see your growth and i have to ask are you excited for dawntrail at all
"same sha" haha
Taliesin yet again acting a prick. You would hope that he'd grow up, being a father now n all…
Is Asmongold an idiot, and does he constantly pander to his fanbase of edgy incels? Yes. But the fleeting sense of satisfaction derived from lashing out is rarely worth it in the end.
Asmon has kept his word and stayed in his lane in regards to Tali since 2019. He doesn’t talk about Tali on stream, unless of course to respond to something tali said about him.
Pyro with the talk no jutsu
I don't watch either Asmongold or Taliesin (anymore) because of the drama. On what basis did he even call Asmongold racist?
To be fair to him.. it's more his shitty attempts at humor not landing, less so him actually being deplorable… Also asmon comparing andrew tate to mlk the other day was WILD. Taliesin was right to flip that one about.
I'm still happy to ignore both though.
The only thing I will say about Asmon is that he sure is happy courting a community that has some… questionable beliefs. It's easy views and clicks but … feels very icky.
The recent drama that game with the "censored costumes" has really brought him into the light of incel-like user base who say some (more often than not) sexist and racist stuff. His subreddit when from a pretty fun place for memes to a ton of anti-woman posting. It's been pretty gross to watch tbh.
I'm looking forward to him eventually moving on and realising that userbase isn't one he wants to be mixing with but that needs to be his own decision. In the meanwhile, I stay away from his communities.
And some are just shitty people
Both Tali and Asmon internalized negative traits from their community or they developed them because they sheppard a community. While there was a clear divide between the character of Asmongold and the human Zack in the past, it feels like those two partially blended into an amalgamation (plus all that pretty public trauma). Tali is a more "traditional influencer" in that he likes being center stage and being heard, nothing wrong with that. But theres a clear imbalance of power when a streamer talks to a typing chat, that is also monitored and moderated. Before a chatter even has the chance to formulate a cohessive thought mr I am always right streamer already calls them fat ugly and maidenless for asking a question they already answered last week.
Pyro sometimes guilty of that as well btw 😉
Anyway, twitch drama has that middleschool vibe to it that 30+ yo adult kids should avoid. If you want to make other peoples faults or accomplishments the center of your world, watch cable TV (don't tho)
Tali always smiling and laughing, even when he is clearly not happy, looks like he is some maniac Joker style
I have stopped watching T&E content at least 2 years ago. They started address some political stuff and that was it for me.