"Have you ever looked at a model in WoW and wondered why it looks so strange?" Yes I have. Why is that? I watched this whole video and came away with no answers. What was the point of this?
The Defias Warchman partially shares its model with the alpha Human Knight and Baron Rivendare model to an extent. You can tell they took that skinny Human model and slapped it on a horse then modified it, but the way they swing their weapon gives it away they have a common origin.
I love all the old p Alpha/beta human models, they all have a neat charm about them.
Goblins are werid. And while nearly all of them got a newer models. Theres a couple that didn't, and one if Peddlefeet. Also, what was funny was when you could changed your language in the game to Chinese. You would get their version of having the skeletons more "fleshed out"
Most of these models come from Warcraft 3, the cannonballs didn't have polygons because PCs in 2005 could not handle them. You will notice that of all things in classic WoW. So the textures were just plain surfaces without any real structure.
"have you ever wondered why these models exist in the World of Warcraft?" I dunno, time constraints, warcraft III, models, and retexturing of existing models since there wasn't any current iteration of High/Blood elf model in existence from 2004.
You can't work with WOW graphics in high level because it will slow the game and create low fps. Don't forget that this game is an MMO after all and it will not be good to have low fps in Boss battles or in BG.
I like the classic highelf models. I prefer unique and pleasing looking art over just more polygons. The highest definition won't change an ugly bulky model from looking ugly and bulky. If they had just added more customization to the classic models, I would still use them if it were an option.
Also, it would be hilarious to see the meltdown in the playerbase if Blizzard added playable highelves, but would use the classic model for them instead of the bloodelf one. I'd actually prefer them that way. We also need more slim, realistic models, for player characters AND weapons. That defias rogue is a good example. Some classes just need a slim, agile model to not look ridiculous.
0:18 they should add for all characters a weight personalization, doesn't seem realistic that all slim people are bloodelves and all fat ones kultirian
I am glad they updated the female worgen models. The perma-snarl didn't do it for me.
"Have you ever looked at a model in WoW and wondered why it looks so strange?"
Yes I have. Why is that? I watched this whole video and came away with no answers. What was the point of this?
I seem like you’re speaking with Ebonics
thumbnail: I'm Skyler White, yo.
Holy shit its Vaulty!!
The original high elves. Yeah, they were…. weird.
The Defias Warchman partially shares its model with the alpha Human Knight and Baron Rivendare model to an extent. You can tell they took that skinny Human model and slapped it on a horse then modified it, but the way they swing their weapon gives it away they have a common origin.
I love all the old p
Alpha/beta human models, they all have a neat charm about them.
The baby with the eyebrows is a dwarf baby. 😂
The white night elves are how high elves look before they took on the moonwell for energy.
Goblins are werid. And while nearly all of them got a newer models. Theres a couple that didn't, and one if Peddlefeet.
Also, what was funny was when you could changed your language in the game to Chinese. You would get their version of having the skeletons more "fleshed out"
those people are devs and nerds. they probably havent seen or thought about a child since they themselves were one
Most of these models come from Warcraft 3, the cannonballs didn't have polygons because PCs in 2005 could not handle them. You will notice that of all things in classic WoW. So the textures were just plain surfaces without any real structure.
A lot of these older models were straight lifted from Warcraft 3. Early WoW was really just a revamped Warcraft 3 made into an MMO.
00:18 There she is, boys . Your future wife.
bro is back
funny but the goblin children looks like you
Wtf did the cannonballs do to you?!
High Elves/early Blood Elves were literally retextured Night Elf models with modified ears. Kinda cool.
They're copypasting since 1840
"have you ever wondered why these models exist in the World of Warcraft?"
I dunno, time constraints, warcraft III, models, and retexturing of existing models since there wasn't any current iteration of High/Blood elf model in existence from 2004.
Sorry.. what was the point of this video?
dawg, you're Aesthetics Waiting
LMAO, I didn't even know you had this channel
Vaulty is still a thing? What year is this?
you are copying asmongold, sorry, we need to put out a hitpiece on you now
The blood elf's are hot though
Bro do you plan on exposing asmongold again ?
You need to keep yourself safe vaulty .
What if The human baby, instead of crying it, just spammed “how are you” and “good day to you” 😂
What's the music in the background? Driving me mad that I can't place.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEUH the undead model at 3:16 – 3:21 is TERRIFYING.
The Canon balls are literally just one color, it's all handled through the engine's shadow
Hey man, good to see you. 🙂 I hope you are doing well!
You can't work with WOW graphics in high level because it will slow the game and create low fps. Don't forget that this game is an MMO after all and it will not be good to have low fps in Boss battles or in BG.
Looking at this video it almost feels like the skinny defias watchmen had the bodytype of the undead.
I like the classic highelf models. I prefer unique and pleasing looking art over just more polygons. The highest definition won't change an ugly bulky model from looking ugly and bulky. If they had just added more customization to the classic models, I would still use them if it were an option.
Also, it would be hilarious to see the meltdown in the playerbase if Blizzard added playable highelves, but would use the classic model for them instead of the bloodelf one. I'd actually prefer them that way.
We also need more slim, realistic models, for player characters AND weapons. That defias rogue is a good example. Some classes just need a slim, agile model to not look ridiculous.
I believe the High Elf models from vanilla are just Night Elf models with the colors swapped, which is why they look so odd.
A lot of thesis are reused bata models
its a old game – made for older systems.
and i guess blizzard dont wanna update every single thing in their game
this is such a dumb video ffs.
I love it. When the graphics card in my laptop died I could still play WoW.:D
0:18 they should add for all characters a weight personalization, doesn't seem realistic that all slim people are bloodelves and all fat ones kultirian
1:14 lol
Everything that did right on warcraft3 they FUCKED UP on wow