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#shorts #worldofwarcraft #wow #wowclassic
I'd rather have my funeral get raided than have another one of my favorite YouTubers fall to the darkside of making Shorts.
A great farewell! 👍
This is savage as fuck 😂😂😂
Legends has it they’re still fighting 😔
Wow’s playerbase is 90% incels and 10% are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.
I'm gonna be honest if I die I hope there isn't plans to hold a funeral or candlelight vigil ONLINE especially in a video game. Hopefully they are resting peacefully but damn I'd be embarrassed asf 😕
"How would you feel if someone raided your funeral?"
I'd wonder why I'm a zombie if I'm dead and still feeling something. Can I feel something else? Hate to be semi dead and care about something like an MMO in the somewhat after life.
I would feel honored.
A funeral in a pvp server lol what did you think wouldn’t happen
Old news+ if that happened to me I would love the absolute shit out of it because godDAM if that isn't warcraft idk what is
A community in mourning and a community to come fuck shit up let's gooo
Lmfao WoW!
I play wow everyday for years.. I wud love this to happen … A In game all out war 👏 bis
This is older than most people on the internet
Love your Bionicle shirt!
How has this video surfaced again holy shit
I never understood the saltiness from this, it was a good send off for a wow player who chose to play on a pvp server. What better way to honour them than to have the most famous pvp event in wow history?
yt shorts, cringe
Kinda funny how everyone says horde is bad……what faction was the serenity now guild!?
Alliance are scummy
You're the only loser who made a short in my subscriptions, how do you feel about that? Lol
Old news
wouldn't expect any less from the alliance. it was like the most warcraft thing to happen.
Alexa, play Where Eagles Dare by Misfits.
Jokes on them, he's lookin at this from the grave laughing, all is as intended
ahhh… I remember this. peak WoW moment
It was kind of a given. In the words of Yahtzee
"Hey trolls! Here's a chance to be the most inappropriate you will ever be! Please don't take it!"
you should call your shorts minikudos
"How would you feel if someone raided your funeral?"
Me, watching from thr afterlife: Is my best friend leading the raid? Yup, there he is! And God bless him he's wearing a toga.
AYO! MY BOI HAS THE NIRVANA BIONICLE SHIRT!! But do you also have the Death Grips Bionicle shirt? O:
Like its so bad and so uneedingly mean but at the same time its funny as all hell.
To be fair. Us and the other horde guilds would constantly stomp serenity now trying to do open world raid bosses or just them trying to get into bel/mc so they were probably pretty mad
hits x to doubt
2006** not 2004 m8. Check your facts.
I’d be waiting on mm bestie to revive me
if someone raided my funeral, i'd kill myself.
I thought the show was called Mini scandals you were just saying it dumb
I was a Tauren Warrior (Sader) in the guild with Fayejin. An Orc Warlock (Yanoa) was her boyfriend that posted on the forums about having an in-game funeral for her. Our guild name was Malediction. So glad to be a part of WoW history!
20 years later and its still being discussed. 😅😅
I dunno bro. That's like posting a video on youtube and expecting everyone to be nice in the comments.
If they had such a history with the game, I'm not sure how they didn't see it coming already.
My wife was part of the raid. Still smiles with glee about it…
Red = dead on a PvP server. However, sending the video to the bereaved’s family is going too far.
I wanna know what was the possible benifit it was for them, cuz iremember they didn't just do it to pay they're disrespects
lol stupid wow players