The World of Warcraft Funeral Raid – Mini Scandals

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45 thoughts on “The World of Warcraft Funeral Raid – Mini Scandals”

  1. I'm gonna be honest if I die I hope there isn't plans to hold a funeral or candlelight vigil ONLINE especially in a video game. Hopefully they are resting peacefully but damn I'd be embarrassed asf 😕

  2. "How would you feel if someone raided your funeral?"
    I'd wonder why I'm a zombie if I'm dead and still feeling something. Can I feel something else? Hate to be semi dead and care about something like an MMO in the somewhat after life.

  3. Old news+ if that happened to me I would love the absolute shit out of it because godDAM if that isn't warcraft idk what is

    A community in mourning and a community to come fuck shit up let's gooo

  4. I never understood the saltiness from this, it was a good send off for a wow player who chose to play on a pvp server. What better way to honour them than to have the most famous pvp event in wow history?

  5. To be fair. Us and the other horde guilds would constantly stomp serenity now trying to do open world raid bosses or just them trying to get into bel/mc so they were probably pretty mad

  6. I was a Tauren Warrior (Sader) in the guild with Fayejin. An Orc Warlock (Yanoa) was her boyfriend that posted on the forums about having an in-game funeral for her. Our guild name was Malediction. So glad to be a part of WoW history!


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