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I’m at a loss for words, from completely wrong Raid ID’s, bricked lockouts, bugged fights, incorrect tuning, PTR vendor’s appearing, Season of Discovery (SoD) has claimed the achievement of having one of the worst raid launches in WoW History. The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, and Ruins if Ahn’Qiraj, AQ40 / AQ20, were NOT giving loot, had wrong health values, and many MANY more issues came about. How does Blizzard fix this?
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00:00 Intro
00:27 AQ40 Incorrect Raid ID’s and Health Values
01:00 Random Bugged Boss Encounters – Bricked Lockouts
01:38 AQ10/20 Issues
02:17 PTR Vendors in the Live Game
02:52 Random Invasion Removals
03:17 How This All Happened
04:32 How To Fix This
06:03 Some Nerfs SHOULD Happen
06:42 Outro – Keep Comments Respectful
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#seasonofdiscovery #worldofwarcraft #wow
Blizzard, you can fix this. I hope y'all come across these videos and consider the changes I proposed. Leave a comment down below on how you think Blizzard can fix this!
it was so dumb to release fresh as sod was ongoing like bro why just why it legit killed sod cant even get a pug going for a zg o nreset day its so ass. aq also one of those raids that people are like meh about. I dont even like getting on cuz no one is playing its just lame tbh
half my raid team left for fresh… so fucked up, might leave too… poe2 and dofus 3 is out
Classic Fresh > SoD
Honestly after the launch and wasting all my time on a dead lockout I think I'm done with sod. It's obviously an afterthought for blizzard at this point and I wouldn't be surprised if Naxx launch is even worse.
Love how you are able to criticize the devs without attacking or disrespecting them. So much of the community needs to learn from you on that.
all these bugs were present in bwl launch and people said i was a drama queen, this is what they get
Changes that need to happen in AQ 40 , Increase item drops per boss to 5 and more items from HM chest this way people can actually get gear that extra 13 pieces from BWL helped alot and we still didnt have guildies full BIS, nerf adds and boss hps in AQ 40, drop each boss health back to original PTR health i thought it was fine the first PTR what the health is at now is way to high casual guilds only doing 1-2k dps not 3-5k full world buffs stop tuning these raids for the more experience players and let people become OP and have fun with the raid, id say first 3 bosses in AQ 40 are in a solid spot the rest should work to be the same slightly harder as of right now frank, huhu are stopping any pugs, and tbh twins and cthun will be impossible for pugs
I'm super bummed about how much potential they wasted in sod. They had a recipe for perfection and then things just kept going wrong😢
I still love the class design in sod. The runes really help to make classes feel viable. But the bad raid launches, the bugs, the lack of promised content… Just makes sod feel like an unloved child…
I guess my only hope is the classic fresh TBC servers. I can use the year pause from wow
This is the kind of shit you'd expect in an Alpha… or from Blizzard if you've been paying attention in the past decade…
I was hoping for a classic+ announcement because I never really liked retail classic with sod, so I was happy with the launch of fresh classic it is better than nothing. If sod had revamped talent trees, and not all the hoopla with the runes for me it'd be a better game. It is so similar to ascension wow and not enough like turtle wow which is what it should aspire to be like.
No one cares about sod not even blizzard, and thats good
We got also 0 loot in our run…
Hey they are cooking man they only need more of our money and us to pay them to test their game for them. And still drop the ball it's not their fault man lmfao typical blizzard you know sod is in a bad place when I quit months ago and people are dm me to comeback cuz they don't have enough raiders for 20 man like sod is a joke and a stain on blizzard resume
Sadly there's a high chance of bugs happening on day 1 of release raids and it's not only the issue that Blizzard suffers. My guild did AQ40 few days after launch and we had 0 issues with the raid, as everything was already fixed pretty fast.
I was lucky enough to get my aq10 run reset (we went for world 1st and got the classic era HP values) by someone who seen my forum post, after getting a ticket response saying there was no way to possibly do that!
They aren’t on the same page as the consumer or each other, which is super frustrating to be a part of.
Our aq40 raid had ouro straight up disappear after our first attempt and never to return. But we were able to continue on to cthun… lol😂
Our 2nd hard mode chest went untradable and soulbound after opening it leaving the master looter stuck with patterns he can’t use (another ticket/bug report/forum post).
Great first week overall I cannot wait to bash my head onto my desk again next lockout!!
People are so weird being critical about something they have literally zero chance of ever doing even if I gave you ten years to do it. Blizzard has several versions of WoW going at once they just dramatically improve their entire server infrastructure to the point where three servers and no lag no que time infinitely a much bigger much more annoying problem to deal with has been solved. This is a new problem on the other hand because other then this year they have never had two versions of the same game running two different patches. The fact things are bleeding into one another is clearly a problem that will get resolved is just a new thing they have to deal with. MIND YOU LITERALLY NONE OF YOU HAVE THE TECHNICAL EXPERTISE TO PULL ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE TO THIS OFF.
after the sexual harassment lawsuits blizzard became very woke and was praised for their dei hires.
I don't understand why you are still playing SoD. I was hyped about SoD, but the amount of changes just went way too far. I'm worried that them releasing Scarlet Monastery and Karazhan Crypts raids with the current lack of resources and with the current (ridiculous) balancing/spells list will just permanently ruin what those raids could have been. At this point I wish they could just shut down SoD and re-use their ideas SM and Kara for a classic+ release in 2029.
why you playin that poop version of classic anyway?
Every launch is the worst launch. And it gets worse with time.
Amateur hour at Blizzard.