The WORST thing about Warcraft Season of Discovery

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The WORST thing about Warcraft Season of Discovery #worldofwarcraftclassic #gamer #gamingcommunity #twitchclips #gaming #game #gamingvideos #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #openworldgames


31 thoughts on “The WORST thing about Warcraft Season of Discovery”

  1. No one in the history of classic has asked me for pre bis for a dungeon.

    Also, you can’t expect people who farm 12 hours a day to WANT to play with people that have full greens.
    This is why we have guilds. In our guild we help gear each other up and do more activities.
    Don’t ask high end grinders to carry someone in gnomes if they don’t want too. Some will some wont but their reasoning is perfectly legitimate.

  2. The issue is this because u don’t have ur pre bis now I gotta possibly stay in the raid a hour longer because you can’t keep up I’m not saying I won’t take them in my group but it’s annoying because a lot of the pre bis items are massive upgrades

  3. I don't think that you understand their perspectives. If you're not doing your best, then you're disrespecting their time. They don't have to play with you either. They respect your time because they're measuring and ensuring their performance is acceptable. You want to run blind and make it more difficult for everyone else.

    Selfishness vs. responsible player

  4. I think it would be very healthy for wow to completely block the ability to use raid logs including dps meters. If I go back to wow I’d only join a guild that bans the use of such tools.

  5. I agree with you 100%. The Tik Tok generation wants to burn through everything. The ppl like me who like to immerse themselves in the game, story and then raid suffer in the long run.

  6. We are 5 weeks into phase 2, halfway thru, get pre raid bis before running, week 1 and 2 it's OK to not but 5 weeeeeks in???? Your putting the pressure on others who have gotten their pre raid bis, it's classic so start grinding

  7. I pug runs on 4 characters and have yet to be rejected from a group for not having prebis or world buffs or anything. Most of the groups just ask that you bring basic consumes which is a fair ask imo.

  8. Man, I'm not going to lie. I form raids and while i don't look at parses, i may want some moderate logs

    Gnomer is just hard enough for pugs that I'm tired of going 5/6 and spending loads of gold on consumes.

  9. Thats what made me quit.. poeple say: "Yeah but then do your own group". Saying this, as Tank and Healer who does not fit the parsing culture, this sounds dull, because even then its hard to find groups because all the "casual gamer" dps's already left SoD for exactly that reasons IF they want to do those dungeons… They cane back to either Retail to collect their stuff ir to classic just to 'play the game as they want'.

  10. I’ve ALWAYS been a PvP player since classic, but since blizzard shit all over pvp with sod (overpowered, gear, runes, crap pvp events with lag, layer issues, no skill and just a big ** fest battle royals..) I’ve become a toxic pve parser now. Blame blizzard

  11. Been playing since 2005, THIS is why I knew SoD was going to be a shitshow and I refused to roll a character there.

    I'm someone who plays to have fun and learn and work through content as a team, not be given arbitrary standards to meet or I'm effectively not allowed to play the game.

    "Join a guild, start your own raid, etc."

    Tell me which guilds, specifically, are recruiting normal people who don't treat this like an unpaid second job.

    Tell me HONESTLY who's going to join a PuG run by a new player (to specifically SoD) who is not ONLY a DPs instead of a tank or healer but ALSO has never done the content before themselves.

    I'm a follower, not a leader. I promise to do my best but my best probably isn't going to be what you expect due to personal limitations as I get older. I don't parse. I don't run add-ons. I don't min-max because I know that attempting to do so will be a net-loss result to me doing things to my own comfort levels and ability to process information.

    WoW is the only game I really play but it's slowly becoming a single-player experience because of this pervasive idea that exclusion is the norm.

  12. That’s why I made my own guild, casual asf, been clearing gnomer since week 2. Not using meta classes or prebis gear. The game isn’t that hard. play how you want and have a good time doing it.


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